• Many years ago, men and beasts lived in peace. They worked together, side by side, in the fields. But where there is peace, there must be hate. A man and wolf got into a fight, saying that they were each better than the other. A few simple words became the beginning of a war. It raged for years and both sides lost many of their people. Finally the council of Elders met with the oldest and wisest wolves. During the meeting they decided to join there spirits and souls with the most powerful elements that they could. Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, Darkness, Light, Electricity, and Space. As their bodies were being joined, a flash of light overtook them and they could feel extra power and strength flow through them. Together, the elders, combined with the wolves, traveled across the world, bringing peace with them. Even to this day, many people carry the blood of the wolf-people in them.