• one minute you were there next to me. moonlight shining on your face; angelic you were once. this moment in my heart gave me the reckoning fear of losing you through my own mistake or your own. the sound of drums in my ear in this night. let me kiss you this one time. could you believe it was only eight months? i remembered the time when you opened up to me and it made me become more foolish than any other. i said id protect you. youre still next to me under the moon light. you held my hand quite tight and your palms started sweating. you blushed and the reflection of th light made you shine. theat glimmering image of you is still in my heart. those days when you crept up behind me and you would startle me. those times when we helped each other with work. i know we were still in high school, though you made me want to hold you more tighter to my body. you were always the silent type, though you spoke to me like any other person. you ought to think about that. your heart is thumping and pounding as if you were to be dying. the rose pedals bloom and once again you become more trembled. sweeping away those past sins gave me this thought in mind, do you fear me? i remembered the time when it was your first dance and we both danced together for the first time. im not those kinds of people who danced, though it was hard to understand. we held each others hand long enough to the point where we just wanted to hold it longer; we did not want the night to end. as your mother came, you embraced me hard enough to let me feel your entire embrace from my back. the night went on. you said you loved me in a message and i think it was nothing i could relate to. i wanted to just be with you. staring at the moon together seemed to raise my spirit to finally tell you, but what have i become? the night grows longer and i was weary of sickness. it was that day where ghouls and monsters were to come out and ask for candy. the school was emptying and we were waiting for our parents. i can't believe i held your neck to the point where i made you cry. i am sorry. you deserve more than anything that i could ever give you. i told my parents this and they slapped me in the face. your fragile neck was in my hands. you grew fearful of me. i didn't know why i did that. i am honest. i blamed everyone else but my self. you gave your tender loving care for me and i still forgot about you. you are glorious and let no one take that away from you, especially if it were me. the moonlight's shadow grows darker and it's starting to fade from your face, the light. you gave your love and i held it to the point it burst into nothing. for some reason, you were always there. i ignored you and abandoned you at times, because i was ashamed and afraid of you. you tried to get to me, but it was too late. i was like a marionette now. trying to prevail, i found a way to escape this pain. i was moving on january, two months from now. as the times rolled by, you tried to get me to talk to you. no ignored you and said i still liked you, but never showed it enough anymore. the shame before my departure grew even bigger as the days roll buy. were standing there still, waiting for something to happen. im not ready to tell you, but what to say? the pillars of those buildings are now collapsing and just waiting for those final moments. moon light is fading slowly and as i try to move, all i can think about is the hate i caused. two weeks before the day of departure, we were talking in a restaurant. with your other friend across from us we both pass napkins back and forth to keep talking with out anyone noticing anything. you asked if i still liked you. this was a cute moment. i wrote and you know. the next day i saw them in your binder and it made me feel more ashamed of myself. i was the worse. the person who i hurt still had faith. the night stood still and the moon fluttering dark. it was was that moment where the balcony collapsed. it was just shadow. the day of my departure made me feel relieved and helpless at the same time. those miracles you made for me. you called my name on that final day and i ignored. i never ceased to stop to turned until i heard your crying. i lied about the piano and about the things about me. you knew already and when i lied you hated me, grew un-aware of me. be miracle. the scene now was standing still and free of wind and air. one glimmer of light was left. you, still looking out at the dark horizon. you remained still, breathing. my heart ceased and i said "i hate you", into your ear and you turned. your eyes, now in tears. you stared at me and then you fell from the remnants of a balcony. the scene was over now. i watched you fall down and the deeper you went, the more darker it became. my reflection was in my head now. my dark eyes with hair white as snow. i did not age, but became like a crow. you were my love, my heart, my inspiration, my resting place, my pain, my cries, my fear, my bold, my strong, my tremble, and my stronghold. my everything, my hands, my feet, and my soul. you held them all, but when you fell and forgot about me as i did before, i became this. my name now is utter damp, but crimson and light spreads through my eyes. you fell down, farther and farther. one minute you were next to me. moonlight shining on your face; angelic you were once.