• I lay in bed, not knowing what i did wrong. My heart said I did something bad but my brain said nothing happened. All i remember is coming home and seeing my parents crying. They sent me to my room but nothing was clear for me. What have i done? What happened? I touched my face, beaten up and bruised.

    I must think of memory's. What happened before this? I remember a couple of days ago punching my best friend in the face. I was confused. Why did i do that? I remember people holding me back. I was screaming at my best friend. He lay there on the ground with blood beading down his face. I broke free of the people holding me. I ran as fast as i could out of my school gym. I ran to a dark corner where the cool kids were.

    Another flashback came to me. It was yesterday, the sun was setting behind the hills. I remember being chased by some goons. They said i took something from them. They said I needed to pay them back for what i did. The plastic bag in my hand i guess was something important.

    Everything is blurry right know. I can barely see anything. Where is my mickey mouse clock I've had since third grade? Of course I couldn't see it. I sold it for money. I needed...... well actually i forget. I remember giving the money to this guy and he handed me this bag but I don't remember what was in it.

    Another flashback came to me. I remember a long time ago seeing these guys do ice in a dark corner next to my school gym. My friends and I said we would never do ice because its just stupid.

    I still lay in my bed remembering things. A week ago I remember being the best student ever and going to a party and people handing me-- plastic--bags. I reached for my backpack. I looked inside. I saw tons of plastic bags full of ice. I grabbed one and I realized something; I do ice-- I'm a cool kid.

    No i wasn't and please do not follow my path. I never had a good life after that. I was in jail most of my life. Don't do it, even if it's just once