• It was just a tiny normal town called Hope, well, at least it looked normal. This cute little town was located far out in the woods in a remote location next to a tall mountain side lush with forest. This secluded town had a long lasting tradition. A tradition of life and death.

    Sky and Taya had always been friends. They were born within minutes of each other and grew up as neighbors. After growing up together they became extended family to one another. But Sky had come to want it to be more than just that.

    The two we’re in the park watching squirrels play when their day turned for the worst.

    “I can’t wait I’m so excited! We’ll be eighteen in only six days. Isn’t that exciting?” Taya squealed as they talked about the upcoming week.

    “Yeah, I know, you’ve told me how exciting I think it is for the last three weeks now.” Sky laughed in response. A summer breeze swept by and Sky was hit with a familiar smell. The smell of roses. It never failed; everywhere Taya went the air always seemed to smell of roses. It was one of the traits that he loved most about her. “Hey, I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something…..” his voice trailed off as he watched Taya chase after the squirrels trying to catch one, “What are you doing?” he gasped through spurts of laughter. He tumbled off the bench laughing uncontrollably.

    “Trying to catch a squirrel, what does it look like I’m doing, scuba diving?” Taya lost her balance as she started to laugh. She went rolling as she fell and ended up lying next to Sky, her head resting on his shoulder with her arm across his chest. Once she realized where she was she stood up embarrassed.

    “Um, sorry, I didn’t mean to end up there, my bad.” Taya turned bright red as she started to straighten her hair. Sky was still in a daze from what had happened. He started to get up feeling light headed.

    “It’s no big deal, I’m ok. Um, are you ok? You’re not hurt are you?” he started to check her for any bumps or scrapes. That’s so like Sky, always thinking of others before him, Taya thought to herself as Sky made a fuss. She laughed and made him straighten up.

    “Listen I’m fine,” she giggled as she pulled a leaf from Sky’s hair, “lets just head to The Drawing, ok.” she smiled that sweet smile that always made Sky go weak in the knees, but he would never tell her. He smiled as she took his hand and dragged him towards the town square.

    “We’re here for the 486th Drawing, on the 182nd day at high noon. Now like every year we’ve put the name of every person in the town on a piece of paper, excluding the toddlers, and put that paper in this box,” announced the mayor of Hope as he raised a black box about the same size as a shoe box, he said the same speech every year, “and the prizes in this box,” he raised a box of similar size but white with his other hand, “and we draw one from each box to see who our winners are, now will everyone please quiet down as we begin the drawing.” Sky and Taya had made their way to the center of the crowd when the ceremony started. They stood and listened to the mayor along with the rest of the patient masses. The whole town was there, just like last year and the year before that. Some people were fanning themselves as they waited nervously for The Drawing to end.

    “Taya I want to tell you something,” Sky whispered to her as they watched the event. The mayor picked the first card from the white box. The card was as white as the fresh snow.

    “Can’t this wait?” she asked not even looking back at him as the first name was drawn from the black box.

    “I’d like to take care of it now,” the second card drawn from the white box was black as tar, “before I lose my nerve,”

    Taya rolled her eyes. The mayor pulled the second name from the black box as she turned around. “Fine what is it?”

    “Well I’ve been thinking-”

    “And the name of the lucky winner that will join the crusade of His Holiness is……” the mayor roared as he unfolded the first name.

    “That maybe we should start-”

    “Taya Till!” the mayor shouted with gusto. Sky stopped in surprise. A band began to play as the crowd went nuts. Yet for Sky, time slowed down. There was no one else. Nothing else mattered. The roaring populace, the raging band, everything melted away. It was just him and her in celebration. The wind changed and there was that sweet smell again. The smell of home, of friends, the smell of love. Roses. Sky hugged Taya with tears of joy in his eyes. Then time started up again. “And the second name is….” he slowly unfolded the second sheet.

    “Sky Grand!” he said with noticeably less excitement. There was no applause, no band, and no happiness.

    “I’m so sorry Sky, I wish I could help you.” the tears in Taya’s eyes weren’t from excitement. Sky had been dealt the punishment of The Drawing. The black card meant that he would have to work in the graveyard till the next Drawing, the lowest most degrading job in the whole town. Everyone looked down on the grave keeper as though he or she was just dirt on their shoe. While Taya was to become one of the Holly Followers. She was going to leave the town and join the other Followers in the temple in the mountains.

    “It’s ok, I’ll be fine.” he said lightly. Even though he was smiling, on the inside he was dying. The outcome of this Draw meant that Sky would never see Taya again after today. He faked another smile for her sake, “Well I guess we should head home to get ready, come on.” He began to walk away as she reached out and grabbed his arm walking close to him. As they walked laughing arm and arm towards there sad fates they were unaware that they would see each other again, soon.

    A few hours later Taya was standing on Sky’s doorstep. She was dressed in her best clothes ready to leave. Sky had always loved seeing her in the light sky blue sundress she was wearing. It was another thing that he adored, another thing he wouldn’t tell her.

    “I guess this is good bye,” Taya was shifting from one foot to the other in anticipation, “Oh, you were trying to tell me something earlier. What was it?”

    Tell her! Tell her how beautiful she is! Tell her how amazing you think she is! Tell her everything! Tell her you love her! For god’s sake just do it! Tell her now! Before it’s too late, Sky’s heart screamed with passion. He took a deep breath, fighting back tears. “Yeah, never forget me you dork.” he gave a half hearted laugh. Taya reached up and brushed away a tear that had escaped and was running down his cheek. As her hand brushed his skin Sky was hit by a gentle scent. It was the smell of pain, of emptiness, the smell of heart break. The smell of roses. She knew what he wanted to say. She had always known, but never knew how to tell him.

    “Good bye,” she whispered as she turned and walked down the driveway. She didn’t look back not wanting Sky to see her crying.

    As Taya passed through the double doors that lead to the inner halls of the temple she could barely control her excitement. She had been awe struck into silence upon arrival at such an amazing structure, worshiped by her community. As she was lead to the inner tunnels the lights began to dim. The older gentleman with her began to slow his step.

    “You’ll continue from here on your own my dear.” he said barely louder than a whisper. Without waiting for a reply he turned and disappeared into the dark.

    “Wait aren’t you going…… to….. help me?” she sighed in despair. Without any other option she continued down the corridor. She came upon a large room lit dimly with torches along the wall. She was suddenly aware of the smell of blood in the air.

    “Welcome,” said a muffled voice hidden in the dark. Taya was struck with a wave of fear. “I love you, Sky,” she whispered to the wind. The door behind her closed with a slam and with a final scream there was nothing left behind for the next winner to discover.

    “Great now she’ll never know. Good job, idiot,” Sky mumbled to himself for the hundredth time as he dug his first grave. The casket was being dropped off momentarily. His new duties were to start immediately. He dug his shovel back into the dirt as four men caring an unmarked wooden casket approached. There had been no funeral earlier that day. It was an unnamed corpse for an unmarked grave. They left the casket next to the grave and walked away without a word. “Yeah, it was great talking to you guys to.” Sky shouted after them in anger. He stared at the casket momentarily. He suddenly got a familiar gut churning feeling in the pit of his stomach. He turned back to his work with a frown as he thought of Taya again. The trees rustled as the wind picked up. A familiar smell swept by Sky, making him drops his shovel. It was the smell of longing, of happiness, the smell of desire. The smell of roses.