• Chapter 1: Ryu and the Mighty Pikachu.

    " Ryu, are you ready for your pokemon journey?" asked Professor Tokimoto. " The world Pokemon might be very amazing but there are very dangerous pokemon that will attack you. You must have great pride and teamwork with your pokemon." " Don't worry professor when it comes to becoming a great pokemon trainer you have to be great with your pokemon right?" asked Ryu. Prof. Tokimoto nodded. " Right. Now pick your pokemon to start your journey." he said. Ryu picked the pokeball in the middle. " Go! Pikachu!" said Ryu, throwing the pokeball. Pikachu appeared but something was diffrent about it. User Image " Professor, why does this Pikachu has a scarf on it?" asked Ryu. " This Pikachu is a very special one." answered Professor. " You see this Pikachu has a secret potential. Ancient history says that Pikachu with scarves have incredible power also they have the power to evolve without thunderstones. People in the Iroh region don't ever see any Pikachu like these before." Ryu was surprised. For all the people that could have this Pikachu, he had to be the only one. He knew he was destined to have a Pokemon like Pikachu. So put a serious look on his face and picked up Pikachu. "Pika?" said Pikachu. " I'm here for you Pikachu no matter what." said Ryu. He put Pikachu on his shoulder. " I'm ready to go Professor!" " Wait don't forget your pokeballs and your pokedex." said Professor Tokimoto. Ryu put his items inside his pocket. " Goodbye Professor!" said Ryu. He got out of the lab and was about to start on his Pokemon journey.

    End of Chapter 1