• It was a winter morning in the month of December. The snow fell gently and silently. It was very cold outside, maybe as cold as I feel. The fact that I don't wear a jacket is pretty much the reason why I'm cold. I reached out and let a snow flake land in the palm of my hand. I brought it close and sighed.
    I guess that my skin is so cold, that the snow flakes are able to stay in their shape. What a pain, really now. I hate wearing jackets, their uncomfortable. I threw the snow flake in the air and walked away.
    It amazes me on how much the World of the Living hasn't changed. I thought it would be somehow different. I've been gone for so long, after all, I've just been expecting something had happened. I walked over to the Kurosaki house and went over to the front door. I paused and walked around to where Ichigo's window was. I looked around and then leaped up, grabbing the windowsill and flying in through the window. It was empty.
    I walked over to the desk and stared at his homework. He had most of the questions wrong. I sighed and began to correct them.
    "Hey! Who are you!? How did you get in here!?" a voice squeaked.
    I spun around and saw two dolls staring at me with wide eyes. Mod souls, definitely. The one doll was a lion looking thing, the other....I guess it was a bird in a dress.
    "Hey! Whats going on in here? Ririn why are you yelling!?" came a familiar voice as the door opened.
    Ichigo stood there with wide eyes, staring at me as if he didn't know who I was. I backed away and leaped out the window. I landed swiftly on my feet and ran away. My zanpaktou bounced against the side of my skirt, my two belts clanging together loudly.
    Then Ichigo appeared, in a soul reaper outfit. I skidded to a halt and nearly slipped on the slick ground. My breath came out as shivering pants. He had a serious face on. Uh oh.
    "Who are you and why were you in my room?" Ichigo demanded.
    "I am Kage Kurosaki, and I am your sister." I said.
    "Kage......Kurosaki?" Ichigo's eyes widened.
    There was a sudden rise in spirit pressure. It was strong, and I felt as if I couldn't breathe. It was like I was choking on air. I fell to my knee's and held my throat with wide eyes. Ichigo ran over and bent down next to me. He looked up suddenly and gasped.
    "Gin Ichimaru." Ichigo muttered.