• Final Kill
    Slowly the helicopter lifted into the air in preparation to fly away from the forest that took the life of my friends and my brother.
    I looked down at the ground finally happy to get away from that horrible place. I sighed in relief as i turned around only to gasp in shock. When I turned around one of the men put hand cuffs around my wrists.
    "What's your name?" the man that put the hand cuffs on me asked.
    "For the last time I don't remember," I said annoyed. It seemed amazing that i had only been here a week and already forgotten my own name. "Please take these hand cuffs off they are hurting my wrists."
    "No I can't do that because you are under arrest for nine counts of murder." the man told me.
    Suddenly I saw something shifted slightly in the corner which was strange because only four people were on the helicopter. The two pilots, the guard, and I. Then I realized that only four people were on the helicopter. Something else far from human got on with us. It had followed me. It was really that desperate to kill me.
    Standing up I walked towards the open door. Looking down I saw that we weren't very far up yet. Turning around I said in an anguished voice, "I'm sorry. I never wished this upon anyone. But you are going to die by the very thing I warned you about." With that I turned and jumped.
    I hit the ground fairly hard, but for the most part was unharmed. As soon as I recovered from my fall I looked up and watched the helicopter. Slowly it turned around searching for me. I stood there watching as it started its descent. Before it got very far the windshield was suddenly covered with blood and little pink objects. As if in slow motion the helicopter fell gaining speed until i crashed into the ground with an explosion that almost blew me off my feet.
    I ran out of the clearing into the woods as soon as i saw the door start to slide open. Slowly the man that put the hand cuffs on my crawled out of the wreckage. Slowly he moved towards the trees in an attempts to get out of the clearing.
    He crawled about ten feet before his head was forced down by an invisible force. Right away I knew what was going to happen, having seen it nine times. First with my brother Joe. Then with kyle, Kelly, Bob, Jerry, Maria, Jaime, Matt, and finally Alice. Though I don't know what happened to Mitch and Nick, I can only assume that the thing got them to. I watched as the pressure from the mans head was released. Slowly he stood up and started walking toward the trees, when he looked at his finger.
    I wanted to look away as his head started to vibrate, but i couldn't. I needed to see if I could destroy it somehow. I watched him grab his head to try and stop it from vibrating. His attempts were futile though, because at that moment his head exploded. Blood splattering across all the trees and my face, just like it did with my brother. Brains of all sizes flew around the clearing. A particularly large piece flew so close to me that it blew my hair back.
    I looked around the clearing for the monster. Looking right next to the mans body minus his head, I saw the thing uncloak itself in its preparation to start its ritual to take the skin of its victim. I haven't yet gotten used to the way it looks. It looked like a human from far away. It had two arm and two legs It is clear though at close proximity that it is not at all human. It had a sickly gray skin color, and wrinkly skin. Yet that isn't what give away the fact that it isn't human. The eyes aren't next to each other. One is on it forehead, the one is on its chin. Its nose is on the side of its face. The worst part is that it has no mouth what so ever. I had decided I had seen enough.
    Slowly I turned around to walk away. I lifted me foot in an attempt to be silent. Despite my best efforts when I put my foot down a twig snapped. "Crap," I thought as I stood there! Slowly I turned my head to see if it had heard me. As soon as I saw it; it saw me. Run! I thought, but I couldn't move my legs. It wasn't until the thing was an arm's length away from me that I could move. Without a second thought I ran as fast as I could.
    "Good thing I ran cross country," I said out loud with a smug look on my face. Despite how fast I was running I was always an arm's length away.
    I ran for what seemed like ten minutes when I realized that it wasn't behind me anymore. Slowing down I chanced a glance behind me and confirmed that it wasn't behind me.
    Suddenly a twig snapped somewhere. My head snapped towards the noise. Seeing nothing I knew that it had followed me I just didn't know where it was. Slowly I stood at full height ready to run when I had to. Slowly I started to back up, when I bumped into something. My head snapped around to see what I ran into, and saw the monster behind me.
    "Ha ha ha ha!" it started to laugh."You fool, you thought you could out run me."
    I was to stunned to speak. It was talking without a mouth. Slowly I started to back up, my eyes bugging from my head.
    The monster said as it raised its arm to p***k my finger, "Time for the final kill."
    I couldn't find my voice to scream as its arm was thrust at my finger.