• One sunny afternoon, the wind was howling through the trees, as she walked by on a little trail which was once close to home. She could smell the water from the coast. Her hair floated with the wind, like expressing her misery after that calamity. She walked down the street alone with a tear streaked face. Her once a beautiful caramel colored hair, looked rusted. Her one beautiful smile now has no expression. The Light green eyes that showed the world were watery and filled with sorrow. She looked around seeing burning houses, she searched for life as she slowly walked bare footed. Her dress tattered, as she spoke in a scared and helpless voice, “why… us…?” She collapsed on the floor as the scenes ran though her head in chronological order. Night soon fell almost as it was a formidable opponent showing her this was no reverie. She laid down where she fell and continued to cry silently. The nocturnal animals soon awoke and came to her. A fox came to her and nudged her, it whimpered as if it understood her misery. She slowly raised her hand and gently pets the fox. Once again she spoke in that same scared and helpless voice” Hello… my name is…”
    She was cut off, soon enough the animals ran. The boisterous explosions went off in the distance, creating a false sun raise many times. Her eyes widened and the thought of revenge arose. A smirk came across her face; she turned to her left and saw a weapon shop. She looked through them; she stopped when she saw a katana. She took the 4 and half foot long sword took a strong string, and suck it through the tiny hole of the metal plate. Pulled it out and tied it around her waist. She walked out and stood on the road trying to pin point where the explosions where coming from. As she thought a little more she remember the river near the park.
    Her aspire became very clear, she needed to kill those men who took her family, friends and everyone who lived in her village. She began to walk towards the river, and she saw an illusion of the one she loves who became a renegade and joined the impertinent Hiro Group. When she finally reached the river, after walking for about twenty minutes. She remembered the mosaic they created. She walked towards some noises but when she heard movement she, swiftly and quietly jumped up on a tree branch. She saw some men of the Hiro Group walking by “Oh hey do remember that girl who ran off and let her family perish under our hands?” “Ha-ha yes, she was so pathetic, I doubt we’ll ever see her again.” Her eyes glowed with fury. She jumped down in front of them and with a smirk said “Who did you doubt you’ll ever see again?” But before they could say a word, she silenced them, permanently. She soon continued on her way with hardly any interference at all. She was finally at their base where they were lighting bombs when it soon began to rain and the sun began to raise. Then a voice rang out “Ah, so you came?”
    At first she thought this was just a fallacy, she couldn’t really be hearing him. That thought though, went away as soon as she turned around. She was speechless; she couldn’t believe who she was looking for just came out of hiding and approached her. Staring at him with a surprised hatred filled face, he just stood there smirking. Finally he spoke again “What’s wrong... Mai?” Still smirking, realizes he finally made her blow a fuse. Her face lost her surprised expression and was just filled with anger and hatred. Almost shouting at him she said “I thought I told you never to call me by my name again, Elliot.” His face showed despondent but his voice was full of exult “Touché” he said quietly.
    “So what are you doing here Mai?” Elliot said with an amused voice. “Humph, why would a traitor like you care?” She said like she was ready to stab him. With a steady smirk “Mai, why don’t you show some compassion to the love of your life?” She began to laugh hysterically. With a malignant look on her face she stated very devilishly “Love of my life? Maybe, but you, Elliot don’t deserve compassion, just like everyone in the village didn’t deserve slaughter.” With a shocked looked on his face and his smirk gone, “Those people Mai, didn’t want us together, they wanted me dead. I couldn’t just stand there and let them do whatever…” Cut off by Mai, “So burning their houses! Killing everyone and worst of all joining the Hiro Group, and hiring them to do all this?”
    Still shocked that she could say all that to him, the one who saved her life. “Mai, you don’t get it I had spared you because I loved you. Now no one can tell us we can’t be together”. Elliot gently smiled and started walk towards her with his arms opened to embrace her. Before he could even get to her, she swiftly unsheathed her katana and pointed at his neck. “Spared me? Don’t make me laugh Elliot! I barely escaped with my life! What I’m wearing now is that beautiful black silk dress you got me.” As Elliot looked at her he couldn’t believe it, he thought she was lying. “Elliot, the Hiro Group doesn’t care who they kill and they don’t care about orders, even if you love me they don’t care”
    As Elliot backed away, the katana tip went down and the expression on Mai’s face went from anger and hatred to sorrow filled. Tears streaked down her face once again but she made no sound. “Mai, I don’t believe that is the black dress I bought you…” With Elliot about to turn away, Mai lifted the left side of her dress to up-most tight and said “Look, the words you had put on it…” Still not believing he turned around and looked anyway, his eyes widened and grew watery he read out loud “The beautiful Mai shall live on…”
    Tears fell and so did Elliot,”You didn’t know, but Elliot my house was first on their list. They killed everyone in front of me and set the house on fire with me in it. When I got out they tried to kill me. But when I thought of you, I ran.” He heard her accentuate you. She put back her katana, walked up to him kneeled on the floor, embraced him and whispered in his ear, “I forgive you only because I love you, but please help me get revenge.” As he embraced her back he also whispered, “Okay but marry me.”
    She pulled away, more tears came streaming down her face as the full moon sat in the sky, the wind blew and her caramel hair floated around her as she replied “Of course.” Sealing it with a passionate kiss, he got up and went to the weaponry room which was just a few steps away and got a scythe and switched weapons with Mai. Then they slowly started walking to the head quarters of the Hiro Group knowing there’s no turning back.
    As they passed the river, Mai stopped, went in and washed herself, also giving introspection. Finding nothing wrong and feeling clean they continue. They finally reach the head quarters when the sun is raising and it’s dyed itself and the sky a deep red; almost a blood related color. With both looking at each other knowing it’s the summer solstice; the longest day of the year, they proceed swiftly and with caution.
    They soon ran into trouble, but they were nothing but wimps. Mai snickered, “I can’t believe this the security of the great Hiro Group.” Elliot shaking about how strangely light the security is, “Um, Mai don’t take them so lightly they probably have better guards further up.” Seeing the quandary in his eyes, she took his word. He turned out to be right, they were faced with elites. Elliot scared but still willing to fight, while Mai was burning with anger when she is so close to reenacting her revenge. As She Charged forward and slid to the left, Elliot came from behind and slid to the right. Both attacking at once against the two Elites, blades clashing, screeching, and then blood spurting everywhere. “NO!”
    Mai soon fell to the floor; she coughed out blood, and laid there. “Ma-Mai…” Elliot said in a helpless voice. He stared at her, in shock. As he looked at her the Elites just laughed at him. When he notices this he got furious. He took her scythe in one hand and the katana in the other and went berserk. The Elites were finished like nothing. As he went to Mai he dressed her wound and saw he was just unconscious. After about three hours of being unconscious she woke up to see Elliot pensive. When he noticed she was awake she was already embracing him tightly.
    She whispered, “I’m so sorry.” Both had silent tears streak their face. He nodded, pulled her off and gave her such a passionate kiss, she almost melted with it. When they pull apart they embraced once more and then continued to Dr. Hiro’s office. Once they got there, Dr. Hiro saw how haggard’ they were and told them to recede. Both Mai and Elliot feeling insulted commented back with an attitude, “Oh, I see you just too scared to face us because it’s two against one.” Both having a smirk, Dr. Hiro shaking his head, draws his sword and Mai takes back her scythe.
    As the three clash in battle Mai still injured at her right side with 3 broken ribs is fighting the pain to reenact her revenge. Dr. Hiro seeing her slow her attacks down when she attacks on her right side goes to slash her there but using this as an advantage Elliot stabs him in the stomach while Mai protects herself with the staff of her scythe. As Dr. Hiro falls to the floor and coughs up blood, he doesn’t move. Elliot and Mai embrace each other, with Elliot’s back to Dr. Hiro. With the last of his strength he picks up his swords and stabs Elliot in the back having his sword pierce through his heart.
    As he pulls out his sword Elliot has blood spurt out and he falls to the ground. Dr. Hiro soon dies; while holding Elliot in her arms she cries and cries. “Ma-Ma-Mai…” He calls her name and reaches up to give her one last kiss, but as their lips almost touch. He dies, he falls back slowly his head landing on her lap. Tears burst out she whispers in his ear one last time even though he can’t hear her “I’ll join you shortly my love…” She lays him down walks to the stair case, lights a match and throws it down. She see the fire starting; she takes Elliot’s sword and pierces her own heart, lays down next to him holding his hand with their fingers intertwined, and dies with her head n his chest. Through the window the moon was painted as red as blood. As the fire creeps up, their bodies were burned together. She died never knowing she was pregnant…