• a lonely place filled with death and sorrow.... a lone girl wearing all white walks among the graves most people would have thought she's a ghost but she's real and very beautiful. Her radiant skin glows in the pale moonlight and her blond hair shimmers in the pale light of the moon. She looks perfect like a statue perfectly carved from marble. A voice out of the peace of the darkness calls out "Where are you?" he said. All goes quiet until a menacing growl comes from behind him. "I'm Right Here"she said as she spun him around to face her. the wind slowly begins to pick up as they begin to fight among the graves. "You will die just like ur Sister very painfully" he yelled. Her hair began to blow in the wind as the wind began to pick up. She began to float in the air as her hair turn white as snow and her eyes turned icy blue. Lightning began to light up the sky as a sudden storm begins its rein of terror. He starts to back off as he sees her anger begin to grow.... Her soul which was mainly good was slowly turning to the dark side which is what he wanted. The wind begins to howl and wail. The trees begin to bend and break against the fierce wind. The peaceful girl that was once walking among the graves was now at the eye of the storm sealing all exits so he cant escape from her. She slowly begin to lower to the ground and she runs to him so fast u couldn't see her move. She looks at him with a look of pure hatred and love. This was her Husband now taken over by an evil spirit. She walks over to him as he slowly gets up with a look of fear, hatred, and love mixed into one. He slowly started to speak "Erica. You have to finish me off before he returns. Please you have to do this. I Love You" She began to cry as she continued to walk towards him with a small sword made of light. He falls back to the ground unconscious. She Bends over him with the sword of light hovered above his heart. Then out of No where his eyes open and a clawed hand goes through her chest as blood spills out she uses the last of her strength to plunge the sword through his heart. Her last words to him were "I love you too" then she died with a single tear falling. She was truly Zidire the Angel of Life and Death. Then as suddenly as the storm had started it dissipated leaving no sign of the storm. Her love ones gathered around their bodies as they cried and moarned her death. Next to the bodies was a note addressed to her family and the other Unstoppables. Dear All, by the time you read this note i will already be dead. If he was going to die I was going with him. I'm so sorry that I put you through this much pain. Ruina i want u to watch over the kids. Me and him will be back soon but for now we're in a better place.... I Love you all so very much, Erica/Zidire. A while after her family reads the note. Ruina takes her sister's kids and begins to walk away. Then all of a sudden a bright light appears to shine on the two bodies as her Family covers their eyes cause it was so bright. What they didnt realize was that God had compassion for the girl and was very sadden by her death. He sent down an angel to bring the both of them back to life. their wounds were beginning to heal. Ruina sensed something and turned around to find her sister Alive and well. "Ruina..its over with my unselfish act destroyed Ghore completely and he will never be back to hurt any of us." She walks over to her with him by her side she hugs her sister. "We're back and this time nothing will keep any of us apart." she said..... She releases her sister as she looks at her kids who all have tear stained faces. "Don't cry Mommies never gonna leave you like that ever again"