• Pomi

    My name is Pomi. I am a small puppy, with a brown splodge on my back. My owner gave that name to me, and I really love it. Although, somehow I got lost in this strange world full of fluffy, furry and cute monsters. I'm beginning to wonder if my owner would rather have these monsters for pets, instead of me? Has my owner abandoned me? Has she left me to fend for my life in this strange world...?

    No. I'm sure my owner loves me very much. She might even be looking for me right now! I have to help and look for her too. Soon, we will be reunited once again. She'll love me. I'll love her.

    I was stranded on this island, full of jungles and forests. What lies ahead, I have no idea. But I still have to find my owner... And she still has to find me.

    I was lying down on the beach, gasping for air. Apparently I got washed up on the sandy beach with other debree. Wood, shells... And small black creatures? They were fluffy, and had small white dots for eyes. They looked like little chicks that had too much feathers, with their tiny beak, small wings and feet.

    They surrounded me, snuggling against my fur, trying to keep me warm. These creatures... I remember my owner speaking about them before. She said that they were called Thysers... Caring creatures that want to be your friend and help you any way they can... At least, that's what she said.

    I raised my head silently, looking at the Thysers. "Peep peep peep!" They peeped, scampering away quickly. It seemed as though they were afraid of me, even since they helped me.

    One of the Thysers was close. I leaned in and sniffed it once. It had no scent. It peeped nervously. It was obviously frightened. I sniffed it once again. Still no sign of any scent.

    I got up, wobbling on my four paws. I decided that I could no loger stay on the beach, open to any dangers. I started running to the low forests that were ahead, but I heard peeping. "Peep peep!" The little Thyser peeped. It was following me into the dark forest.

    Was it scared that I might hurt it if it didn't come along? Or did it wish to help me?

    Even so, we both went into the dark, murky forest... Together.

    I was not alone on this journey anymore. I was with a new friend... On this journey to...

    Find my owner