• The snow was purely white, it blinded me as the sun's rays reflected off the icy blanket, each of my footsteps sinking into the radiant sheet of ice. I was the only one walking through the freezing cold, each breath like clouds escaping from my lips. The streets were abandoned and each window glowed like an ember as the shadows from fire danced across the walls inside each window.
    I sighed tilting my head upward toward the sky, the brightness was just as blinding as the snow on the ground. I walked further hearing the soft crunch of footsteps. As I walked snowflakes had begun to float down gently joining the collection on the ground. The gentle snow fall had soon become a raging snowstorm each flake flying into my face. The snowflakes started to sting my face, I squinted and trudged through the thick coldness.
    The storm had came to a halt but the clouds overhead turned gray and the gentle snowfall continued. I walked and walked through the snow but stopped. A black snowflake floated gently onto the heap of snow in front of me. I picked it up holding it in my trembling bare hand. The snowflake looked like a tiny black crystal that was large enough to see the detailed design of the flake. I stared at it for a long time then looked up, more were coming.
    I continued to walk as each black snowflake drifted through the air. The flakes had multiplied and more were coming down attaching to my coat.The flakes were now coming down in a rapid frenzy and they glued themselves to my clothes. The windows suddenly went black and the snowflakes started piling up on my back. My clothes became heavy and I started to worry, mounds of black snowflakes covered half my body spreading on my arms. I fell forward into the snow and I started to cry. My body then started to float up and I screamed and thrashed my arms but snowflakes filled my open mouth. They tasted sour as they filled my mouth but as I floated now miles away from rooftops I started to choke on the snowflakes. I coughed and coughed but then a feeling of relief washed over my body and I grew sleepy. My eyes slowly shut unwillingly and after that I was enveloped in complete darkness and absolute silence...