• (( OOC: There! ^^ The second chapter... hope you'll enjoy it~ ))

    Chapter 2: Nice is the word

    Luna gave Xenophilius, her dad, a tight hug as she waltz off to Hogwarts express, along with Neville Longbottom. They met up at Diagon Alley and decided to go together.

    After a few minutes, they have arrived. As they got in the train, people were staring and giggling at Luna as she was wearing the spectrespecs she got from the Quibbler.

    "Don't mind them." said Neville, looking at Luna from behind furiously as they walked to find an empty compartment to stay in.

    "I don't." Luna said serenely, carrying her Quibbler.

    As they walked, they noticed a familiar figure in front of them... it was Harry Potter.

    "Hey, Harry!" Neville greeted as he tapped Harry's shoulder.

    "Neville!" Harry replied as he turned around to see the boy.

    “Hello, Harry.” said the dirty blond haired girl behind Neville.

    “Luna… hi, how are you?” he replied smiling at them.

    “Very well, thank you…” uttered Luna as she looked at Potter, still in her spectrespecs.

    Harry noticed the familiar magazine she was carrying and asked her. “Quibbler, still strong then?”

    “Oh, yes… circulation’s been up.” Luna said nodding.

    “Harry, where’s Ron and Hermione?” Neville asked, noticing the golden trio wasn’t together.

    Harry sighed. “I was suppose to meet them outside with the prefects… but I guess I lost them…” Harry said as he remembered the Weasley girl declining him to meet up with Dean.

    “Let’s just sit together then… let’s go find seats.” Neville said as he faced Harry with a smile.

    “Alright, sounds like a great idea.” Harry nodded as he went with the two in an empty coach. They placed their luggage on the luggage rack above them and sat. Harry sat in front of Neville and Luna.

    Neville looked around, noticing people chatting and looking at them strangely. “A lot of people are staring… maybe it’s because we’re with the famous Harry Potter.” he croaked, looking at Harry.

    Harry shook his head. “No, they’re staring because you two were at the Ministry too… our little adventure was all over the Daily Prophet, you must’ve seen it.”

    “Yes, I thought gran would be mad about the publicity… but she bought me a new wand and says that I’m starting to live up my dad’s name at long last.” Neville nodded smiling as he pulled his wand from his pocket in his coat. “Look, Cherry and Unicorn hair… we thought it was – Oy, Trevor!”

    Neville bent down to get his escaped toad from the ground. “Oy, come back here, Trevor!”

    Luna took her spectrespecs off and looked at Harry as she spoke softly. “Harry, are we still having D.A. meeting this year?”

    Harry shook his head and gazed at her eyes full of hope. “No point of having it… we already kicked Umbridge out.”

    Neville moaned in pain as he bumped his head onto his seat. He rose up and sat. “I liked the D.A. I’ve learned a lot from you!”

    “I enjoyed it too… it was like having friends.” Luna said smiling sincerely at Harry.

    Before Harry could respond, he was interrupted by a group of girls. “Hello, Harry… I’m Romilda Vane. I-I was wondering if you could sit with us in our compartment. You don’t have to sit with them.” said Romilda as she batted her eyelashes at the surprised Harry.

    “They’re friends of mine…” Harry responded as he flashed a smile at Neville and Luna. As he smiled, Luna and Neville returned a small smile at him.

    “Oh… I see.” Romilda said almost choking, surprised at what the chosen one said. She and the girls left, murmuring as they slide the door behind them.

    “People expect you to have cooler friends than us.” Luna croaked as she flipped over at the pages of her magazine.

    “You are cool.” Harry said sincerely as he locked his eyes onto her face.

    Luna rose her head up and gave Harry a crooked smile. “That’s a really nice thing to say…” she said as she placed her spectrespecs again as she read the Quibbler.

    After minutes of conversing, Harry noticed Draco Malfoy with Blaise Zabini and Pansy Parkinson, seated at the compartment 3 meters from them, with an open coach. He stood up and said. “I-I’ll be right back…” he said as he pulled something from his luggage and left the compartment.

    “What’s gotten into him?” Neville said as he placed Trevor onto his lap. He yawned and rested his head onto his hand. “Well, Luna… I’ll just nap for a few minutes, alright?”

    Luna gave him a nod as she replied. “Oh, okay…”

    Neville yawned again and closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. Luna sighed as she looked outside of their compartment and found Draco staring at her as he ignored Pansy’s words as she batted her eyelashes at him. Blaise on the other hand, is also disgusted at Pansy’s constant flirting at Draco.

    Luna overhears their conversation as she pretended to read her Quibbler. “Please, Pansy… don’t ever call him that!” Blaise said to Pansy who was beside him.

    “What? Drakie? I think it’s adorable… right, Drakie” Pansy said as she glared at Blaise and turned to Draco with pouted lips.

    “Whatever…” Draco mumbled as he placed his hand under his chin as he noticed Luna reading the Quibbler upside down. “A strange girl she is…” he thought as he studied Luna’s ways. “Hmm... what strange glasses, and her wand… it’s placed over her ear. I see now, she’s Lovegood… the one I saw in the bathroom…”

    “Earth to Drakie!” Pansy growled as she snapped her fingers in front of him making him look a bit furious.

    “Now what?” he roared as he averted his gaze from the odd girl and darted his eyes at Pansy.

    “We’re almost at Hogwarts…” Blaise replied as he pointed his forefinger at the window, showing the school’s blurry silhouette.

    Luna was startled as she felt a presence from outside the compartment. “Strange… was it Nargles?” she asked herself as she shook it off as she saw the figure of Hogwarts coming closer. She gently tapped Neville’s shoulder and said. “Neville, we’re almost at Hogwarts.”

    Neville gave a soft moan and opened his eyes as he stretched his arms up. “Oh… well, it’s time for us to get ready then.” he said as he smiled at Luna.

    After a few more minutes, they have finally arrived. Neville grabbed his luggage and Luna’s from above and began to walk with her off the train. Then, Neville realized and asked Luna. “Where’s Harry?”

    “Now that you mentioned… he’s been gone for a long while now.” Luna said as she carried her luggage. Then she paused from walking and told Neville. “Neville, you go ahead… I’ll catch up. I remembered that I have forgotten something.”

    Neville nodded and replied as he slowly walked. “Alright then, see you at Hogwarts.”

    Luna nodded and waved him goodbye. “I better go back to the train… I remembered a very unusual presence there. Better hope that the train isn’t infested with Nargles…” She thought as she entered the train. As she went in, someone bumped into her, making her lose her balance a bit and dropping her luggage and magazine.

    “You should take those glasses of to watch where you’re going, Lovegood…” The familiar voice said rudely as he picked Luna’s things up.

    “Well, Malfoy… I can see perfectly fine with these.” Luna replied plainly, not looking at him as she retrieved her things from his hands. “These glasses can help me see Nargles.”

    Draco grunted as he walked passed her. “Whatever…”

    Luna ignored the boy and walked in the train. As she opened the door leading to where their compartment was located, she sensed something different in it. She pointed her wand towards the ground and casted a spell. “Finite!” she said in a gradually loud voice than her normal.

    As she performed the spell, the part of the ground hopped away and revealed that it was an invisibility cloak. And the boy lying on the ground was Harry. “Harry, what happened to you?” she asked as she moved closer to where the boy was.

    Luna helped Harry up on his feet as he spoke. “I fell…” he answered as he covered his nose.

    Luna noticed Harry’s fractured nose as she toom of her spectrespecs. “You don’t get fractures from just falling… let me help fixing it.”

    “You ever tried fixing a nose before?”

    “No, but I’ve done several toes…” she answered as she pointed her wand toward Harry’s nose. “Now, Episkey!”

    “Augh!” Harry exclaimed as he rubbed his nose gingerly his that made cracking sound. He faced her as he uncovered his nose. “Well, how do I look?”

    She nodded as she placed her wand over her ear. “Exceptionally ordinary…”


    Harry got his luggage from their compartment and left the train with Luna. Harry noticed that they both missed the carriages to Hogwarts. He looked at her as they walked to the direction of Hogwarts and said in an apologetic tone. “Luna, I’m sorry you had to miss the carriages…”

    Luna shook her head and looked at him as she spoke. “No, I did go to the train to find Nargles… but sadly, there wasn’t any.”

    “I see…” Harry replied.

    “And I like this… it’s like being with a friend.”

    Luna gave Harry an honest smile as did Harry as he responded to what she said. “Oh, I am your friend.”

    “That’s nice.” she said in her same cheery disposition.

    “She’s definitely not Ginny… but there is something about her.” Harry thought as he gazed at her as they walked.

    “Harry, might I ask what you where doing lying on the floor with a fractured nose? Was it Nargles?” she asked as she faced him, making Harry avert his gaze from her.

    Harry sighed. “It was Malfoy…”

    Luna remembered seeing him as she entered the train earlier. “I see.” she said frowning a bit as she thought. “And I thought it was Nargles…”

    “Umm… Luna? Would you believe me if I said that Malfoy’s part of the Death Eaters?” he asked her hesitantly as he looked at her. “I-I mean… Hermione and Ron said it wasn’t possible and what does Voldemort have to do with a brat like him…?”

    Luna went silent for a few moments as the memory of Draco actually crying in the bathroom and talking with Moaning Myrtle flashed in her head. She sighed and answered him calmly. “Well, it is possible… especially if his father is in Azkaban and his father is part of the Death Eaters.”

    “Yeah…” he sighed as he took out his wand from his pocket from his jacket. “It’s getting a bit dark, Lumos!” as he said the spell, a bright flash of light came from his wand.

    Silence consumed them as they kept walking to get to Hogwarts. “Now, what to talk about? This feel’s really awkward.” he thought as he looked at the humming Luna. “S-So, Luna, you hang a lot with Ginny, right?” he asked as he scratched the back of his head. “Oh, bloody hell… what a dumb question!”

    Luna nodded. “Oh, yes… besides you and Neville, she’s the only person who had treated me nicely.” and then she added. “And the only girl who is my friend.”

    “What about Hermione?”

    “I don’t think she likes me very much.”

    “Well… she’s just a little narrow – minded even if she’s really intelligent… don’t worry, she’ll get used to you.”

    “Harry’s really nice… I hope that he and Ginny we’ll be together again.” Luna smiled at him thankfully and pointed out her forefinger toward the school. “Look, we’re here.”

    “Well, let’s get going…” Harry said smiling as they entered the school and joined the Welcoming Feast with their friends.

    ((OOC: Yay~~ I shall continue through the story line of Half – Blood prince~~ xD (And of course, spicing up the events with my own flavor~ wink ))