• It was unfair thought Melaney. She was a slave. She desperately wanted to be freed from her dark, and sickening world. She wanted to be so much like me, like you. Just free! She didn't care if she went hungry, or if she was cold. Anywhere was better than her lonely world. She didn't have any friends, family, no one to care for her. She had just been whipped for bringing her master's tea late. "Stupid!" she thought "Why me!!! Why!!!" All I want is to have a life!! It's all because of these stupid ears and-and tail!!" "why....." Suddenly a light bulb clicked. "that's it!!" she exclaimed! She never dared before, but her escape plan was just brilliant! Brilliant!

    Late at night, just as the moon shone it's fullest, just when the wolves began their eerie chant, Melaney set off. She creeped into the closet, and took as many blankets as she could hold. She took clothes, table cloths, sheets, dovets, and anything else she could find! As silent as a mouse Melaney crept back to her room. She worked for hours tying, pieces of cloth to cloth, bed sheet to bed sheet till finally she had a rope long enough to reach the ground from the thrid floor. She attached the rope to the bed frame and tossed it out the window. She scrambled down the rope faster than any monkey could. "Free!!!" She thought, "FREE!!!"

    Little did she know she would become wanted. Her master endlessly searched for her, holding her whip in hand ready to beat poor Melaney apon finding her, but she seemed to have vanished into thin air! Rumors went around she drowned, others say her master killed Melaney, other even say that she touched ground and turned to dust!

    No one really knows what happened to Melaney. Eventually everyone forgot about her. Now they say she haunts the mansion where she used to live, looking for the escape route to freedom. Who knows. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not. Maybe she really did get set free...