• Karima walked in she sighed and noticed no one was here she walked to the fridge taking out a glass of blood as she closed the fridge door she dropped her glass as she shall a man standing there behind the door she knew his face he was hiding somthing behind his back he looked at her and tilted his head and smirked
    karima backed away slowly against the wall "wh-what are...i thought i killed you!!" she said scared he smirked "you did, Alecis brought me back to life to come kill you" he said stepping towards her he was inches from her body he looked at her in the eyes and showed what he was hiding it was a stake he rubbed it down her neck to her thigh
    she wanted to scream but she couldnt
    "i loved you karima..but you killed me" he said cutting her arm
    "you were trying to kill me and my mother!" she said
    he smirked "well now its pay back Karima Shojin" he said moving the stake to her chest he gently pressed it to her she started to cry "pl-please kris please no..." he smiled evily and forced the stake into her heart
    she screamed in pain her eyes went blank she stopped breathing he let go off the stake wich was stuck to the wall threw her he smiled and kissed her cheek "see you in hell Karima" he said disapering out the window