• The sun was beaming through the windows and the wind howling through the trees. I watched my worst nightmare unfold from hiding behind the wall, looking in on them. I watched as they yelled at each other. My two best friends, voted cutest couple three years in a row, fight it out, once more. I watched closely, as she turned and grabbed a pencil and through it across the room, hitting James in the chest. I learned from previous times not to get involved in the fights they have, because I always end up hurt. I watched as James threw the pencil back at Alyssa, and it hit her in the arm, and didn't fall down, I watched her pull it out, blood dripping from the tip. He threw it tip first, a brand new sharpened pencil. That was the last straw, I ran at his back and jumped on him.
    "James, give it a rest, there is no way you guys are going to hurt each other anymore." James whirled around, and a bag of pills fell to the ground, I fell off his back, onto the hard carpet floor. I saw in his eyes, something was wrong. His big brown eyes were dilated. I looked into them, tears in my eyes. Amanda came rushing over to my side. "Bee, are you okay?" I couldn't speak, I was shocked, that one of my best friends was a drug addict. I couldn't take it. Amanda stood up, and ran over to James, pushed him against the wall, and the yelling started once more. James pushed Amanda on the couch, and she didn't get up, just sat there, crying. I stood up, and went to talk to James, hoping I could get the words out.
    "J-J-Jay, wh-wh-why are you being so s-s-stupid?" Was all I could muster. He pushed hard into a glass case, as I hit it, I remember hearing "I am not stupid. You are" Then everything went black. I couldn't see, but I could hear Amanda scream, and James fall to the ground. I felt her cold hands on my face, and wet dripping on my neck.