• It was nighttime. There I was, picking a fight with someone I knew since childhood---Eyuen Moriera. It was no ordinary fight; we were busy lashing it out with one another in a cemetery. Honestly, I was only on my way to plan something when HE showed up. Needless to say, he wanted to take me on. Well, he always wanted to take me on since childhood. I had no clue what the hell was his problem, but I know he’s not going down without a fight.

    Let’s just say that I improved in my survival and combat skills over the years. Even though he has proven himself to be a black belt in judo, he was no match for me since I knew several styles of martial arts in the past. It wasn’t long before he finally went down. I wanted to kill him at that point since I had a M9 Beretta handgun in my back pocket, but I decided against it. I stood back and watched him stand up, thinking that he doesn’t have enough.

    He stood up. “You may be tough for right now,” he growled, “but I will not be defeated again if we meet next time.” And with that, he ran off and disappeared into the darkness, leaving me staring with bewilderment. I guess that was an easy fight for me---at least. Now back to what I was doing…

    Let’s just say that there was a new dictator in town, and he wasn’t a friendly one. That dictator was actually a tyrant I knew many years earlier. I have no idea what he’s planning for the town, but I knew I wasn’t going to let him ruin everything for my own sake. That’s why I hatched an assassination plan for myself. With a planned murder in mind, I was simply on my way out of this cemetery---at least till something stopped me.

    Some person then tackled me to the ground, but I was able to get up and shove that person off. I happened to pull out my flashlight and there was someone else that I recognized---someone who I once knew that was a serious child abuser who used to date my mom. Well, I wonder what’s he doing here at night?

    “You know you shouldn’t be violating your curfew,” he said.

    It was Tim Shackles. I knew for a fact that many years ago, he used to whale on me again and again. To make matters worse, he usually tells a bunch of random lies to my mom, making her give me further painful beatings. Actually, my mom DOES know about him beating me all those years ago; she doesn’t even care at all… so why waste my time dealing with tyrants, anyway? I may be planning to overthrow Mr. Knight, the next soon-to-be dictator of the town, but I guess that can wait. Sounds like this would be the perfect opportunity for revenge.

    “Go to Hell!” I said to the tyrant.

    Without warning, Timothy was up to his feet in next to no time. I threw a couple jabs at him, but he was merely affected; he even grabbed me and tried to twist my arm while punching and kicking the buckets out of me. It didn’t take long before I threw a good punch straight into his stomach, causing him to topple over and therefore freeing myself from his grip. I have to admit that he’s a little stronger, but I was wonder if he can really break my bones like that. Really, I’m not putting down so easily since he wanted more.

    As I found an old rusty club, Tim was again up to his feet with blood coming out of his mouth. He tried to lunge at me, but I swung at his face as hard as I could. The club struck something and make a metallic ringing noise as I saw Tim getting knocked down once again. Then, I noticed a grave that was dug up---it was right behind Tim. It gave me a good idea.

    I held on to my M9 Beretta handgun while recuperating from my recent injuries caused by Tim himself. All I had to do was wait for him to try and get at me once again; when that happens, I will shoot him down quickly where he will fall straight into the dug grave. Luckily, my gun was armed earlier on.

    “What are you waiting for, old man?” I hissed at Tim. “Get up and fight like a real person, unless you’re a chicken!”

    Without warning, he stood up and briefly charged at me. However, he wasn’t quick enough as I was able to pull out my M9 Beretta handgun. Within a split second, I pressed the trigger multiple times as gunshot after gunshot began to ring out in the cemetery. Bullet after bullet had went through him as he was being badly backed by the barrage of gunfire. When the last of the shots subsided, he immediately fell into the grave as I was reloading my weapon. I shone at him with my flashlight and saw his body all the way down there.

    There was Tim’s corpse---he was dead. I happened to notice twelve shots in his torso followed by two more in the left side of his face and a fifteenth one in his forehead. It was over---all over. My nightmare with him is finally over.

    “Good riddance,” I muttered. “Time for me to get back to work.”

    I happened to look at his corpse all the way in the dug area for a few moments. I thought my fights were over since I wanted to get back with planning to assassinate Mr. Knight, the new dictator of the town. I was wrong, however. I did hear something from behind me and it sounded like someone was holding long rusty chains in their hands.

    The second I turned around, I shone light at the figure. I was surprised. It was none other than Quincy Coleman, who is now a zombie. Honestly, he died in gang violence a couple of years earlier---I just have no idea who revived him as a zombie. Matter of fact, I have no idea how someone did it---and the reason for reviving the deceased Quincy Coleman into a zombie. Believe it or not, he WAS kind of disfigured by the face. His whole body was gray as well as his clothes that were in dirty rags---it looked as if it decomposed a couple of years earlier.

    “It can’t be,” I muttered.

    Without warning, the zombified Quincy Coleman was whirling his chains around his wrists, acting as if he wanted to fight me. In fact, he WAS willing to fight me. I may have killed Tim Shackles, one of my abusers in childhood, just recently, but I know I can try to fight someone who was a bully to me several years earlier. Matter of fact, I was happy that he was shot to death a couple years later after I departed.

    “Bring it on, freak!” I taunted.

    Quincy came after me, trying to throw in a few punches at me. He may have a mind of a zombie, but that doesn’t stop him from trying to unleash martial arts on me. In pop culture, zombies are usually slow, dumb, and weak---apparently, most kinds of zombies are, if not all of them. If you were the deceased Quincy Coleman, you’d still retain knowledge of street fighting as well as some martial arts. But anyway, Quincy did try to come at me and I was able to hold him down in a fury and land a few flying fists of my own. I noticed that it wasn’t enough to stop him, so what was I able to do?

    With my hand on my hand gun, I backed away as Quincy stood up. I guess I have no other choice.

    “Forgive me, Quincy,” I said to him, “it was an honor knowing you.”

    Pointing the Beretta at him, he then rushed at me only to receive a point-blank-ranged gunshot to the right side of his head, killing him in an instant. The body slumped down and I was aiming carefully. A few moments later, I had to conclude that he was finally dead.

    “You’d better stay dead while you still can,” I muttered at the corpse. And with that, I was finally on my way out of the cemetery and straight into town, hopefully where I can look for Mr. Knight so I can send him to a hellish grave of his own.

    It took me a good fifteen minutes to head straight into town, where a lot of people gathered. I was hiding in the alleys since I saw Mr. Knight and the senate walking down the road. However, I also saw Alexandria with him and the other group of men. Well, I’m not surprised to see her, but I have a feeling that maybe she’s also planning to assassinate Mr. Knight when the time comes. After all, I knew she was a tough girl when it comes to fighting against men.

    It all comes down to investigation.

    When Mr. Knight, Alexandria, and the senate walked past since they didn’t notice I was hiding in the shadows within the alley, I was able to come out of hiding and head straight into the town square. I wanted to come up with new plans to try and “get around the senate” so that Mr. Knight would fall into my violent hands. However, I had to do it quickly lest they would come back. And I have a feeling that I have to free Alexandria before the situation goes out of control.

    While I was trying to think of something, my attention was caught by someone familiar when I heard a voice that said, “You, again?” I turned to my direction. It was Eyuen Moriera once again, only this time he brought some people with him: Michael Horton, Charles Cooper, and Esteban Palacios.

    We met eye to eye. “What do you want?” I began. We were exchanging glares at one another since I had the feeling that Eyuen is trying to get Esteban, Michael, and Charles to turn against me as part of his “revenge”. However, Eyuen replied, “I’m only here to kill that dictator. We’re all planning to kill him.”

    I paused for a second. “Wait, you guys also?” I questioned.

    “What do you mean?”

    I began, “Honestly, you think you’re the leader of the entire class ever since we were young. All those years ago, I’ve been trying to do a bunch of nice things for you and the others… and all I ever received was nothing but a bunch of bad responses. Just because the tyrants had ruined your life so many years before doesn’t mean you can try to take your anger out on me. Really, you’re not the leader at all, so why waste your time trying to kill me when you can actually kill someone in common that the two of us really hate? Even I’m trying to plan this one out alone.”

    He said nothing. Even Charles, Michael, and Esteban looked at him, then at me. I said again, “Really, do you want to kill him? I can be useful in this plot as well.”

    Eyuen looked on. “Yeah, I guess,” he said. He paused for a couple seconds, then added, “I’ll need your help, then.”

    That was a smart move for me. All I wanted to do is to try and convince Eyuen that I’m not the enemy; Mr. Knight is. If there are attempts of making peace with people who hate me, this one seems to be working. And it sounds like Eyuen is reforming himself.

    “So what’s your plan?” I asked him.

    “Follow me,” he said. And with that, he began his way. Me, Michael, Esteban, and Charles began to follow him. Apparently, I’m expecting Eyuen to permanently change his ways, or I would have no other choice but to kill him myself if he’s planning to kill me first. It turns out that he has no intentions of murdering me when we were entering a building.

    There was Alexandria.

    “Hey, Alex!” I called out.

    Alexandria turned around and saw me. “Hey!” she began. “What are you doing here?”

    “No time to talk,” I said. “I just wanted to know if you have time for yourself.”

    “Why? I’m planning to stab that dictator to death.”

    Those last words that came out of Alexandria left the five of us standing there. We were the ones that planned this conspiracy for a while and we had no idea that Alex also wanted to kill Mr. Knight. So I guess that was why she wanted to be alongside with Mr. Knight in the first place---to get a good view before she even tries to stab him to death, the tyrant Mr. Knight is.

    Alexandria spoke again, “You guys have room for another person like me?”

    That’s exactly what I was thinking---I wanted to gather as many conspirators as I could so I can simply overthrow someone like Knight himself. Since Alex suggested it, I knew I was ready to accept her offer.

    “Welcome aboard,” was my response.

    Alex smiled. “I’m glad I get to join you guys. Where do we start?”

    Eyuen spoke up. “Follow me. I already have a plan for myself.”


    And it wasn’t long when our plan was finally set thanks to Eyuen. We were already trying to set ourselves within the right position while waiting for the moment to strike. We were well armed with daggers in our pockets as well as handguns---well, let’s face it; we wanted to kill this tyrant the hard way and save our bullets for other “amusing situations”. So anyway, we were standing in our sports with the senate members staring at us, thinking that we were also paying our respects to Mr. Knight. We couldn’t say much, but we knew the moment was approaching.

    Mr. Knight then appeared. He walked up the steps to take his seat, and we all bowed briefly. He even stared at us, thinking that we were also paying our respects to serve him, but he’s unaware of our conspiracy. After a few seconds, Eyuen approached him and I was following him by a couple steps. Mr. Knight stared at him, thinking that he had a question to ask him.

    “Save it for another time, child,” he casually said, waving Eyuen off.

    It finally happened.

    The second those words came out of Mr. Knight’s mouth, Eyuen took a swing at him, knocking him onto the ground. In an instant, all the senate rushed to try and help Mr. Knight, but we sprung into action. We pulled out our knives and began to attack the senate. Me and Eyuen were both trying to “hack and slash” Mr. Knight at close range, but with the senate trying to stop us, it was slightly difficult. We had to attack them quickly before Mr. Knight can escape our grasps.

    “Help!” he shouted in pain.

    I realized that this was taking too long, so I thought I wanted to make it quick. While Alex, Eyuen, Mike, Charles, and Esteban were all stabbing away at the senate as well as Mr. Knight himself, I pulled out my handgun. The second I pulled out my weapon, I began to fire shots at the senate at close range---seven of them fell, but I decided to let Mr. Knight fall into the hands of death by stab wounds. Many more of the senate members fell to that day. And it wasn’t long when the last of the senate members were dead along with Mr. Knight himself---he was fatally stabbed multiple times, though we scarcely had no time to count how many stab wounds he received. We knew we were all in for it.

    The six of us stared at the bodies---Mr. Knight and twenty-four senate members fell to this day. We realized that we’ve drawn some attention. The authorities have spotted us and thought they can bring us to justice. In response, we ran for our lives, firing at them as well as taking down anyone else who tried to stop us. We were now wanted murderers.

    “Is there a way out of here?” Michael asked.

    Alexandria looked at him. “Don’t worry, there has to be a way out,” she said. And with that, we all followed her. We chose not to rest till there was a way out of the town, for as long as we avoid being captured by authorities. We may be rebels and now-fugitives wanted for mass murder, but we all swore to watch each other’s backs as time went on.

    And the six of us continued running for our lives as we were together on the run from authorities. We have succeeded in our conspiracy.