• My eyes opened, and I saw a black gray sky. I got worried, the sky wasn't supposed to look like that with the mages power protecting this place from catasrtophic weather, unless....I jumped off my bed, snatched my staff, generated uniform, and ran to Greed's dorm room. I swung open the door and sammed it shut, Greed quickly sat up in his bed, surprised and dazed. "Izuna, What-?" he said rubbing his eye. I walked in and tripped over one of Greed's suitcases that he was too lazy to put away. "Nice underwear" he said. I sat up, pulling my skirt down "Pervert!" I said. "Well, your the one who fell and let your skirt flip up." he said, shrugging. "Anyway, what are you doing here?" he asked. "Look out your window!" I said, pointing. He saw "So what? They sky's gray, shouldn't the mage magics get rid of it at some point?" he asked. "That's my point!" I said. He looked lost, I sighed "The storm shouldn't have even gotten this close to us, something is wrong." I told him. "So there is a little glitch, what's the problem?" he asked, shrugging. "The magics have been unwavering for centuries, something is definetly wrong. You don't think..." I let my voice die away. "Maybe" Greed said, a little worried himself. "I knew it" I mumbled to myself. Greed saw me and smiled a bit. Suddenly, I felt all my barriers brake down, felt the warms tears run down my cheeks, the lump getting caught up in my throught, my vision getting blurry. It was time. I felt like that small girl I once was, back before my parents died. Vulnerable, young, naive. I jumped into Greed's arms, and cried there. I shook my head on his chest "I'm not ready. I can't do it. I'm not ready!" I said through my tears. "I don't think you're supposed to be ready. I think you're supposed to just go along with prophecy." Greed said, holding me. "But, I don't think I can!" I said. He cupped my chin in his hands and our eyes met "You have to." he said, and kissed me. In my mind, I was truly afraid, not only of prophecy, but that this might be the last kiss Greed ever gives me.

    Next, Demon King 28