• my mom insisted i stay in bed for a few more days and that day beatrice came to visit me and see how i was doing. she sat next to on my bed i asked if she would lay down with me and she did.

    we had ended up falling asleep.

    later that night a storm came. being half wolf i was affraid of the lightning. my brother walked into my room because he was scared too. i asked him why beatrice was still at the house and in my bed.

    "her parents decided that since u missed spending time with her for 2 months she could stay with u for a while." he told me

    "u want darel to sleep with u tonight" asked him. he nodded yes and i told my dog darrel to sleep in my brothers room.

    my sister came in just as a bolt of lightning came down. she jumped and yipped. i laughed at her for this. she always said the storms never scared her.

    the next morning i awoke before beatrice did and made my way down stairs for breakfast. mom told me exactly wat my brother had told me last night. but no one knew how i held onto beatrice all night from my fear. a few minutes later she walked down stairs and realized she wasnt in her house.

    i smiled at how reed her face turned. i always thought she was cute when she blushed. her parents came by later that day to leave some clothes for her. i showed her where the shower was (my dad and i had just finished putting up the walls luckily). i stayed and waited for her to finish so i could take my shower.

    the next day my mom asked if she could hav a word with beatrice and my dad and i were kind of scared. as it turns out she just wanted to tlk.