• Lindsey heard the news. She didn't care about the big scary mass murdurer. it's a big town, like she would be the next victim. She silently laughed just thinking about a silly idea.She already locked the doors and windows every night, thats what you get for living in proverty during her childhood.She realized security was a state of mind that can only be fulfilled whe you're dead because you don't giv a crap WHAT will happen to you when you're dead.Her mind was slowly drifting into another location: socks.She simply wondered if the socks went into another dimenson where socks are money.She folded somelaudry while thinking about this complication. She then jumped on the sofa and entertainedf herself with television.Yes she was nineteen but everyone should have fun. The t.v blared of the same infomation: Mass Murdurer, Child robbing bank, and the Charlie Sheen verison of a dinosaur was digged up.
    All not so great news.