• summer evening wise tale..with a few drops of truth. Many a years this tale has been passed, and you, with open ears and open eyes shall listen..
    A summer evening when the moon and sun share the sky. the skys peek aorund the light purple corner, waking up to their own dawn. The young woman took to the sunflower fields running to no where- she was barefooted ,hair untouched. Tears made streaks on her face washing away the dirt that smeared her cheeks for so many days before. Nothing else at all was on her mind, other then her exodus away from where she'd come. That is.. untill her foot hit a bottle and she fell an her hands and knees. She would have kept on running but something in that bottle caught her eye, a certain glow...she picked the bottle up and the glass was smooth and warm, warmer then what the day lights sun could heat it. she bit off the cork, and before she had time to look inside, a giant array of light came beaming through the small bottle opening. She had released the star that was trapped inside. the star rays searched through her body, seeking her hearts deepest desires...it pulled out her soul into the light, leaving her shell lying on the ground in the field of sunflowers whose heads were turned to the brilliant golden white. She felt a certain calm come upon her spirit, and had no desire to look back to that empty broken body, laying lifeless on the ground. she could feel her feet dangling in the air...the energy pulled her to the sky, past the clouds, past the earth...
    no one knows where she'd gone, nothing but her spiritless physical form left behind.. but in the field of sunflowers, during the daylights end...you can skill feel the peaceful energy swirling in the air, you can feel the young woman, watching and whispering in the wind. And that my friend is the story if the sunflower queen