• Chapter 8:
    A betrayal of a Beast

    I got out of the car and unlocked the front door. I saw that no lights were on from outside. Dad had to have been home. I walked in the door and looked around. "Dad? I'm home!"

    I walked into the kitchen to find a note.

    Dear Karion,
    I need to see you soon at the camp
    Come quickly Bunker 26
    P.S. I love you!

    I drove there and after an hour I was there, I told the guard at the gate the password and he let me in. I went to bunker 26. I had another guard open it, and I went in. The door shut, it was dark inside. Then the lights were on, the sudden light was life a flashbag to my eyes, I turned around to find a pipe coming at my face.




    I heard people yelling for me. I was dizzy, my head hurt so badly. Then POP! I was bunched hard in the jar. And that got my senses going actually. "YOU DIRTY ******** DOG! I OUTTA ******** KILL YOU!"

    "What who is this?" I lifted my head up... to see Steven.

    "That's right Karion it's me Steven." He looked another direction. The he quickly turned running at me and put a knife to my neck. "WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT? I AM GONNA KILL YOU!"

    "Karion please help!" I heard a woman's voice

    "Shut up you ******** whore!" Steven yelled at her direction and I looked and saw my father and Maria tied up.

    Steven looked at me and said calmly."You slept with my sister?"

    "No! What?! All we did is kiss! Steven what are you doing?!"

    He didn't answer, nor did he look at me. "Steven I'd like for you to met my father. After I saw you two, I told him what to do with your father, I went home and got Maria and brought her here. You know what we will do to them? HUH?! DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT WE WILL DO TO THEM?!"

    Then I heard my father, "I swear if either of you touch him!-"

    "DID WE SAY WE WOULD TOUCH HIM?!" Steven back-handed him hard. "No... Karion won't suffer. Physically anyway. Dad let's go to the pool."

    His father dragged the chairs with my father and Maria sitting in them, and Steven got me. We were in a pool room, abandon at that. It was filled with mucky brown water. It was about two feet high in the pool that was it but it smelt like... gasoline.

    Steven sat me still. "Okay here's how this works. We will set them in the bottom of the pool. You will be given a knife, you have sixty seconds to get loose, and free them. But trust me, you will only have time for one, well that's if you get loose first. And here is how we have rigged it. Up there is a bowl of fire, after a minute that plank drops the bowl burst and and goes along the trail of gasoline, to the bottom. And for you, after a minute, C4 planted under your chair will explode. By remote. We will play fair as long as you do... Do you agree to these rules? If not we can kill all of you now."

    "Karion, don' worry about us! Maria and I know you can live, there isn't enough ti-" BOOM! My father was punched hard in the face."Son I love you! You can't even imagine how much!" BOOM! Another punch to the face.

    "I agree." That's all I had to say.

    "Okay we are gone, goodbye and goodluck." Steven and his dad ran for it leaving a knife in Karion's left hand.

    "When they were gone his father yelled, "Son! hold it like a sword but backwards and move up and down! Son there is not enough time for me and Maria to be saved. I want you to know I love you! I really do! And I'm sorry I was never a good father, I wish I had been there for you! I'm so sorry!" He began so cry, which Karion had never heard another man cry, making him cut faster.

    "Karion!" Maria yelled. "You gotta know! I love you so much! And I want you to know that it isn't you fault! But your dad is right! There wont be enough time. If you try to save up you'll die in that chair, in burning in this pool!" Her tears ran down her face, and Karion's father began to comfort her.

    Karion did it! His left hand was free. Now he worked on his right. Then bam, got it! lastly his feet. Within a few seconds he was free. He ran towards the pool, when he heard an alarm go off.

    "I love you!" Karion, Maria, and his father all said at the same time.

    The chair and exploded and the bowl burst down on the trail and it went quickly towards Maria and his father. But his father got out some words. "RUN! DON'T LOOK!" Maria and my father's eyes snapped shut, and I ran for the door. Then KABOOM!....

    I woke up in the hospital. Dazzed and confused. A nurse walks in telling me that I'm in the bases hospital and that I was rescued right in time. Other assassin's were tracking down Steven and his father, and that Maria died yesterday, she survived for three days, and my father survived to. We unplugged himself, nurses tried to control him, but we pushed them aside, and came in my room at night and whispered something. But she didn't know what he said. Then he fell to the floor not dead yet, but had only seconds left. Then he died. Tear ran down my eye. I lived here now, at the base. I was never for revenge, but I swore to Steven's death. And he would feel the pain.

    End of chapter 8