• I am Shaman

    The sun rises. “It's time to set off,” he muttered, though stubbornly sitting down. I stared at the gradient sky – orange and purple seemed to go together well. Silently I let out a sigh of relief, it felt awkward with the silence, it made me tense. I whipped my tail in delight sub-consciously, the morning sun reminded me of the peaceful days I had alone.

    He stood up, and a gentle breeze blew. His baby blue hair was unnatural, yet so was his uniform. From the past events that occurred, it seemed like his team was as he claimed – mysterious and ancient, daring and dangerous. He adjusted the black headband on his head as a harsher wind lashed out. It shined in a way, reflecting the sun's rays. His cold stare that looked at the sun hid something darker in mind, a blue lightning tattoo imprinted below his left eye made me reminisce the story he told.

    A stone cold temple, filled with icy cold liquid. One which disabled his powers. His kin took great care of it, shaping their magic in ways she'd never thought of. Yet, she knew. It was only limited.

    She looked down at his outfit was black rough fabric, that seemed like leather with an imprint of circles that glowed blue in darkness. His glove clung tightly to his wrists, and he stuck his hand out towards me. I slowly reached out for it, and he pulled me up.

    “Why should I be the one stuck looking after you again..” He sighed and snapped his fingers, which a bright blue flame appeared in the center of his right palm. “Then again, you are the one.” I blinked and looked away shyly. He strolled towards the edge of the forest. “Come on, if we don't hurry up, they'll catch up to us.”

    I glanced back at him and walked over. “Right. By the wish of the origin that is good and mother to us all.” He looked back to the forest. “The Sun's will shall stand, and as your guardian I will protect you. That was the order issued, or I shall face godly punishment.”

    Because I am Shaman.