• Sayomi

    "Dammit, Yoichi! That hurts!" I nearly yelled. Before you jump to cunclusions about what we were doing, I'll tell you. After dinner, Yoshino challenged Yoichi to a basketball game. While they were playing, they ball came at me while I wasn't paying attention. It pushed me over and, as I was falling, my ankle twisted. Right now, me and Yoichi were in the bathroom and he was bandaging up my ankle. "Sorry!" Yoichi said. He started tying the badage "Remember the last time?" he asked. I didn't have to ask what he meant "Yes. But last time, you were the one hurt, and I was helping you out." I said. He looked up at me, a sort of passion in his eyes "That was the night I asked you to become my girlfriend." he said. "Yes. I remember." I said. He started getting up off his knees, standing up to my height as I sat on the sink while saying "It was also the time you found out what I was." I nodded "Yes. I remember." I breathed a bit. My heart beat hard, and since my ears were sharper, I could hear Yoichi's too. They beated together in the same exact rythm. Before either of knew what we were doing, we were kissing. Yoichi's arms wrapped tightly around my waist, my arms around his neck, my hands running through his hair, his hands running up and down my back, and our lips, kissing again and again, never stopping, my heart beating so hard, it could burst, but I didn't care. Not until we heard a knock on the door. Yoichi was already back on his knees, finishing tying the bandage when my brother, sister, mom, and dad came in. Considering it wasn't that big of a bathroom, it was kind of a tight fit. "What's going on in here?!" Yoshino demanded. "Nothing." Yoichi muttered. Yoshino was about to say something to Yoichi, but Yoichi was already standing up and had lifted me up off the sink. One hand around my legs, and the other around my shoulders. "I'll bring her upstairs." he said. My parents nodded. Yoshino looked like he was going to say something, but Cossete covered his mouth.


    Yoshino was really starting to piss me off. He was glaring at me during dinner and literally tried to kill me during the basketball game! I took the first chance I got and kissed Sayomi in the bathroom, but than they all came in and Yoshino started glaring at me again. I decided to just pick up Sayomi and take her up to her room. Besides, it would help her ankle too. I also didn't tell her about the red mark on her cheek. I knew it would just piss her off. I laid her on her bed and put a pillow under foot. "You okay?" I asked her. "I'm fine." she muttered as she put her hands to her face. "Pain?" I said. "Yes." she groaned. "I know how to get you mind off the pain." I said smirking. She pointed one hand at me, keeping her eyes closed "No." she said. "Why not?" I asked. "Because I know what your thinking!" she said, placing her hand back over her eyes. "Aww! Don't be boring!" I said, lying down next to her, and nibbling her earlob. "S-stop!" she said, I could tell she was blushing. "But your earlob is so soft!" I said. "You're such an idiot!" she said. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Stop teasing me already!" she hissed. I sat up on my elbow, took her hands away, than grinned a bit. I placed my hand -that was not connected to the elbow I was sitting up on- on her cheek and whispered "Just shut up and let me feast." I whispered and kissed her. When I seperated our lips she almost glared at me "Did you just tell me to shut up?" she asked. "Um.....no?" I said nervouse. "I-DI-OT!" she said. I smiled "It's been a while scince you've called me an idiot so much!" I said. "You're right!" she said. "It's also been a while scince I've seen you're-" Sayomi cut me off. "You even try to look, you die." she said. I sighed and sat back up, all the way. "Well, I better go back downstairs before your siblings suspect something." I joked. She stuck her tongue out at me, but I knew she was smiling.

    Next, Cat's paw 34