• A boy was walking to his school in the dark. Suddenly, he saw a girl running out from the school saying, "AHHHHHHHHHH!!! YOU! GET AWAY FROM THIS SCHOOL! THE SCHOOL IS HAUNTED!! AHHHHH!!!!!' The boy took no notice and just walked into the school. When he looked behind, the girl was gone. He walked deeper into the school. Then, he noticed that his school was completely empty. He walked into his classroom and closed all the windows and locked all the doors. He sat in the middle of the classroom and said loudly, " HA! That girl was dumb lah! Said this school was haunted. -.-"

    Then the boy saw a chalk floating. It wrote on the blackboard the word 'DIE' . The word was red in colour. The boy walked to the blackboard and saw the chalk was actually covered with blood. The blood dripped on his hand and started crawling as though it was alive. It crawled up his arm right up to his face and then.......... BOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! The boy dropped dead sad

    The end.