Name: Shy
Appearence: Black hair, pale skin, green eyes
Appearence of TrueSelf: Only the one's that were killed know and Skeik
Height: 5'7"
Age: 8,500 Years Old
Appearence of Age: 16 - 25 Years Old, Sometime's older depending the circumstances
Mother - Ary ~ Fallen Slayer
Father- Nolan/Skeik ~ 1/3 Demon, 2/3 Vampire
Sister- Alice ~ Unknown
GrandMother- Alex ~ Unknown
Breed: Pure-Blood Demon ShapeShifter
Skills: Healer, Bow An Arrow, Sword, Shuriken, Double Bladed Scythe,
Battle Axe, Dark Flame, Shadows, Telpathy, Elemental control- Air, Fire, Water,
Earth, Mystery Elements - Crystal, Sand, Weather, Gravity, Blood and Spirit , Voice of a
Friends: Alice and Treen
Shift Forms:
Shy - Human
Height: 5'7"
Appearence: Black hair, pale skin, green eyes
Treen - Sane Self
Height: 5'10"
Appearence: Long black hair, white skin, grey eyes, wings and tail made of bones and horns
Shay - Male Form
Height: 6'5"
Appearence: Black or red hair, pale skin, some type of dark or punk clothing and spikes
Menth - Elf Warrior
Height: 5'7"
Appearence: Black hair in ponytail, tan skin covered in tribal tattos, shuriken on back, baclk eyes, mostly
in shorts an half a shirt
Kreeth - Pure Demon form "Main Form"
Height: 6'3"
Appearence: Short grey hair, eye cat eyes, gas mask to hide bottom half os face, grey skin with tattoos
on stomach, arms and back. Back,arm and leg spikes, hooves, four black sleek horns and a long spiked
tail with a spike on the end
After my birth, I would always enjoy going outside and making crystal flowers,
and swirling the clouds into different shapes. I was a little trouble maker back then
since I wasn't used to my powers yet. I would set the boys of fire if they picked on
my sister or freeze them in a block of ice. Mom always had to get them out since
dad was off somewhere doing something as himself or Sheik.
On a day of my mishappenings, I found out I was a shape-shifter. But I didn't
which kind I was.... Until later. I was helping Alice pick flowers for a crown she
wanted to give mom until a hunter came out of no where and shot at us. All I
remembered was, there were weird markings appearing on my arms and then I was a
Ice-Demon. I froze the hunter then broke him into tiny peices. I picked up Alice
and flew home. When we got there dad was home ealier then usually and said
"Looks like Shy is finally growing up" mom just smiled and hugged me then took Alice
inside. After I walked mother retreat back the the house with Alice, I told father
about the hunter and his eyes turned a deep red to match his fury. He said I did
the right thing and it should be a warning to them, then he told me to go inside.
A couple of years later, I was approching my 16th birth year of my life. It was
gonna have on April 9 known as The Hollowed Moon day. And to this day, I still
don't know why it's called that. A day before the event a rouge witch came out
of nowhere and set out house a flame while we were out in a village caring to
our friend. When we came back mid-afternoon. The only thing left was a pile
of ash's and my fathers axe. "Who would do such a thing?" Mother said, and
out of the corner of my eye I was the rogue walk out from behind a tree. I
was behind her in less then a second holding her head with my hands waiting
to snap it anytime soon. "Why have you done this you village whore?!" Father
snapped. The which just laughed and said "I shall put a curse on your youngest
and make her into something strong then you part demon!!" she turned around
and slashed her claw like nails over my stomach leaving a bloodied gashed then
she said " You shall be a pure blood demon with the powers of a shapeshifter.
But you can only shapeshift into other demons. When you are hurt you will crave
blood no matter what." I watched as she tilted her head back letting her long dirty
grey hair fall over her shoudlers and she laughed then she lower her gaze to me
staring that the gash on my stomach and she said "Just don't get to mad my dear..
Or you will regert it" Then she dissappeared in a foul smelling smoke that reminded
me of burn cyder mixed with ivy and soiled lake water.
It had been it has been nearly 8,484 years after that day. And in those years, I trained
trying to keep sane, trying to get a hold of my powers and my new ones. As I trained I found
out I have a sane side. Her name is Treen, she has long black hair, whites skin, wings and a tail
made out of bones and horns on her head. She's always there when I need help. Then
there is Shay, my guy form. He comes in handy when I need to trick some wenches on a voyage.
Then there's my normal self, Shy but that part is mostly considered a human now because how
weak that form is. Then there is Kreeth, my pure demon form. Yellow cat eyes, razor sharp teeth
with a tongue like a snakes, claws, grey skin with tattoos on the back stomach and legs, a long tail
with a spike at the end and many spikes. She can be a handful and she's not easy to control. So be
warned. I also know of another form but I havn't had time to tap into it to find out all I know is that
her name I Menth and she is a elf warrior. She is very wise is all I know... I guess I will have to look
into that later..
Oh and how Sheik found out what Kreeth looked like, Is another story on it's own then both Skeik and
Kreeth do not tell.

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