Siannel is a very wise and kind girl. She is not popular like her classmates and schoolmates girls. She was called as "ugly-lady in university" by her classmates because of her long bangs that tapping on her face with brimmed eye glasses and the way she get dressed. Behind those physical appearance of hers, she is the most sweetest, kindest, wisest, and prettiest girl in that university if only she has the confidence to show it in front of other people. But it doesn't stop her from falling in love to one guy. The richest among those male students in that university. Kires is arrogant, yet a very handsome creature for the girls. He is one of the varsity player of basketball and a captain of the game in the university. He is known as, "player of women hearts", he change girls as if he is just changing his underwear.
    One day, Siannel was chosen to be a candidate of Student Council President by her teachers, and the principal agree with it. She was ashamed because she didn't know what to do or how she will going to run the campaign. She doesn't have friends to ask for help. She sat down in the bench under the narra tree. She was thinking of backing out from being candidate of that position. Her mind was flying when someone sat beside her. When she look to her side she fainted and was shocked because the man she always dream of and love was sitting beside her with smiling face. The guy said "don't open your mouth so wide...the fly might enter to your mouth..." and look at her again and close her mouth with his hand. She was embarrass, it's already been her attitude of opening her mouth whenever she and the man beside her will meet or in a not obvious circumstances that both of the are involve.
    She tried to calm herself and looked to the man, not minding her fast heartbeat as if she will going to have a heart attack, "what are doing here? aren't you afraid our schoolmate might talk about you being with me?" she said.
    The guy just smiled and said, "why would i be? i don't care if they talk about me...and they've about talking about me since I enter to this University...how about you? aren't you afraid being talk of our schoolmates?"
    She just bowed her head and formed a slight smile on her lips before she look at him and answered his question, "i don't really care if they talked about me too, 'cause they've been talking about me already since i enter to this school too...having this kind of appearance...i will not be confused anymore if they'll talk about me since it's already obvious" and bowed again. She is now starting to be relax having him in her side.
    The guy chuckled, "well, if that's the case we're just the same we are both popular in different ways...the truth is I've already heard about you so much...some of them we're saying you're nice but scary, smart but ugly creature, and the most well known named about you is "the ugly-lady in the university"! that's issues about you but i think they're all wrong to their petitions about you...i can only say that!" he said while looking at her intently.
    She look at him with a knotted forehead yet smiling "and how can you say I'm not that kind of a person? all students her believe to that petitions they all give me...and you are the first person who disagree with it! and thanks for that but I still don't believe you that you're not agree with their petitions because it's true..." she pointed herself and... "see?, it's obvious" talking about her appearance.

    to be continued : by vista [ love of fire ]