• I’m just chillin at the bar again, in my corner. No one ever disturbs me and I don’t disturb them. It’s a win-win situation. Anyway, I’m just relaxing as usual when something hits me. Not literally hit, but it was a smell that knocked me out of my world. I look up at the door and there’s a girl, looks no younger than me or older. She has a strong scent. It is kinda familiar to me, but I never smelt it before.
    She just stood there, looking around as if she is a new kid at a new school standing in the café. As if she doesn’t belong. She looks at me; I know she can’t see me because the lights are off where I’m at. But yet see looks at me starting from my boots to my face, my eyes. It’s like she really can see me. Impossible. No human can see me, yet she can stare at me with no problem. Unless... Probably not.
    I look in her eyes; she’s penetrating my soul, well if I had one. Dav, the bartender, asks her a question, she just stares at him, then turns and walks out the door. I don’t want to follow but I can’t help it. I follow her right out the door. I want to learn more about her.
    I stayed close to the shadows as I followed her. There was a scream and she ran down the street to an ally way. There were these three guys and they were trapping this girl. I stood back just to see what she would do.
    “Hey, leave her alone,” she said, trying to be all tough. I bet there is nothing tough about her. This big fellow said something but I’m not that interested in him.
    “Yeah, do you wants some too,” said the other short one. I thought she was going to cry for help too, but instead she just stood there and laughed. I guess she’s not scared, more brave than I thought.
    “Hey Boss, what do we do with this one,” said the short one.
    The first guy replied, “Maybe we can just have fun then kill her.” She had this little hint of a smile on her face. They started to circle around her but yet she wasn’t affected by it. She didn’t shake, or have an emotional face, just a little smile. She sighed and slid her right foot back and tripped the short boy, then twisted on her hands, lifted her feet spinning, and kicked the boss in his face, as if I was a movie. They fell and cried like little girls.
    After that, she spoke words. I thought she would be in shock but I guess not.
    “Ok, big guy, let her go easily and no one else gets hurts.” The guy hesitated then threw the girl at her and sprung at her to attack. But she just twisted the girl around and kicked him in this neck. CRACK. Holy s**t. He stopped suddenly, and then fell. I thought he died but he didn’t. She let the girl go and went to the three boys. She looked at their mouths and then cut them. Is she ******** crazy? Then she started walking again. I wasn’t afraid of her. Wow she’s amazing; I’ve never seen anything like that before. I wonder how she did th... She turned around and looked at me. I realized I was just 2 steps away from her. Nightwalker is what she said.