• “Hey beautiful,” David says as he walks toward me. It was after school and I was on my way to change for cheerleading.
    “Hey thanks, you don’t look that bad yourself.” I say smiling. Today I am wearing my favorite purple knee length skirt and a black strapless top, with light pink strap heels.
    “How’s my favorite person in the whole world today?”
    “I’m fine and you?” I said back smiling.
    “Well now that I see you I feel perfect.” By this time he had lead me to a bench and put his arm around me.
    “Hey what are you still doing here?” I asked. Unfortunately I was thinking he might be sneaking around with Sophia, but I acted like I wasn’t.
    “Oh just staying after to catch up on some of the math I missed, but do you want to go out later?
    “Sure” I said, maybe a little too quickly. “Well I got to go change for cheerleading.”
    “Ooo, can I come?” He said sarcastically. He putted his arms around my waist and kissed me.
    “No but if you get done earlier than me, stop by the gym.” I said as our lips, unfortunately, separated. I walked away smiling and went into the locker room.
    “Hey girly-girl what happened to you? You look like you just had a little too much fun with a guy. To be specific David.” Briana said as I walked into the room.
    “Well to be specific I did just talk to David, and to be more specific he did just ask me out.” I replied happily.
    “He did awww. That boy is crazy over you.” She said. I guess her and Steph had a little chat earlier because Briana is now happy for me.
    We got changed and went into the gym…and there in the middle of the gym was Ray. He had flowers in his hands and from what I could see a box of chocolates.
    “What the hell?” Briana asks when she sees him.
    “I have no idea what is going on.” Steph replies, “Briana are you ok?” Briana’s eyes looked almost black. You could tell from a mile away she was pissed off.
    “Hey baby…I just wanted to say I’m sorry.” Ray says as he walks up to her.
    “Well sorry won’t cut it, because you were caught red handed kissing Melissa and you were the stupid one not me!” she yells.
    “But…babe it’s not my fault…she…she hypnotized me…how could I ever cheat on the best cheerleader,” he says, his eyes all angel like.
    “Well here’s a little secret cheer just for you.” She says as she gets into form. “First you choose to diss me, now you choose to kiss me. Well to bad boy you just missed me. And another thing, try and come up with a better cover next time. Make sure you pass that on to your little slutty girlfriend.” In the beginning she was smiling but now her face had the expression of hate and anger. I have never seen any boy get that scared around her. “Now get out of my face!” She screams this so loud even the people outside could probably hear her, in an instant two teachers run in.
    “Is every thing ok?” they ask as they come closer to us.
    “Yes.” Briana replies as she begins to calm down. “He was just leaving. Weren’t you?” Without a reply Ray runs out and the guards leave.
    “Whoa. I never saw you like that before.” Steph says astonished at what see had just witnessed.
    “Yea, well don’t get used to it.” She says.
    I could tell she didn’t want to talk about it, so to change the subject I said, “Let’s start practicing our new cheers.”
    We were about to finish up the last cheer when I noticed that David was sitting on the bleachers. I guess he noticed I saw him because he smiled at me and put his thumbs up. I love the way his eyes seem to glow. From afar his body looks exactly like a statue. Perfectly carved like an angel’s body.
    Of course David is not my first boyfriend. He’s my 2nd. My 1st bf was Greg Howe. He moved from New Jersey to California after we broke up. By that I mean that I broke up with him. I caught him cheating on me with some girl named Hanna, who goes to some other high school. Sometimes I think I see her at some of the football games. If David ever did that to me, well, I would just die.
    But David makes me feel different. I actually think I’m in love. I love the way he holds me and how he is smart and funny. Oh and also super hot, and cute. After we finished the last cheer and told all the new cheerleaders what they are expected to do and act, Briana, Steph, and I walked into the locker room.
    “Hey I saw a really cute guy today at practice. I wonder who it could have been.” Steph joked.
    “Ha very funny. Well I guess he really is all over me.” I joked back, “Well I better get going I don’t want to keep a really cute guy waiting.”
    “Oh hey, we’ll walk with you.”
    “Sure let’s go.” We got out of the locker room and immediately we all saw what was going on. Immediately my heart stopped, my blood ran cold, and anger filled my body. There in the middle of the hallway and right near the entrance, which was with my luck glass, there was Sophia. Not just her, but also Melissa, Melinda, Carmen, Danielle, Teri, Cammie and Ray. They were all behind Sophia who was lip-locking with you guessed it. David. How could he do this to me? How could he betray me? I loved him. I thought he loved me.
    When Sophia saw me just standing there and staring she said, “I told you he was mine,” and laughed. Her laugh was like the Wicked Witch of the West’s laugh.
    “Anna look it’s not what you think.” David tried to keep everyone calm. I loved that about him. Whoa! Hold on! I am supposed to be mad at him, not love him.
    “You have a lot to learn about what I think,” I said and Steph, Briana, and I walked away and headed for Steph’s car. I was about to open the blue Lexus door when I saw David running up and was yelling, “Wait…Anna…I’m sorry it didn’t mean anything,” he said all tired, “She told me that you told her that you wanted to break up with me…I was angry…and then she just kissed me.”
    “Yeah right. I can do better than that,” Briana said under her breath. Steph started the car and I got in. I hated to see David’s face the way it did as we pulled out of the parking lot. He looked hurt, and I just felt guiltier.