• “It isn’t easy being a single parent.”Faith whispered to herself as she rushed to pick up her 7 year old daughter from her grandmother. She pulled up to the curb and honked, she knew if she went in she would have to face questions about Sam and how she was doing without him. She looked up to the site of her daughter running toward her with her blond ponytails flowing behind her. She had her mother’s bright blue eyes and her long blond hair but the rest was all her father.
    “Hi, Mommy.” She pulled her door open and hopped inside.
    “Did you have a good time at grandmas, sweetie?” Faith asked as she leaned across to help Rachel with her buckle. As she straitened she saw a man in a red Toyota truck watching her from a few cars back. He looked down when she caught him staring.Hmm that’s weird probably like the car or something. It’s not fancy but it does its job she thought fondly of her dark blue civic. As she drove she listened to her daughters account of everything that happened that day. She kept glancing back to see that the man in the truck was still following her. Ok now it’s getting creepy, he probably just lives near here even though I’ve never seen him before. She gave herself a rough shake and whispered to herself. “Get a grip, damnmit.”
    “What’s damnmit mean, mommy?”
    Faith nearly floored it. “Uh…it’s...what the-”She looked back as the man in the truck rear ended them.
    “Mommy what was that?”
    “Nothing, baby.”
    She looked down at her speedometer but saw she hadn’t slowed down so, why.She sped up but he just speed up as well. There were no houses to go to so she would just have to speed up and try to make it to the little store 3 miles down the road. She cast sporadic glances behind her as she sped up. She rounded a sharp turn and started to tip. As she fought for control of the car the man in the truck came up and pushed her off the ledge. As they tumbled down the hill her only thought was for Rachel’s safety. When they finally stopped they were upside down.

    Gut wrenching pain jarred her awake as she turned her head.
    “Whoa, stay still.”
    “Wha… where am I, where’s Rachel?”
    “Well you’re at the hospital, you were in an accident. You suffered a concussion, honestly it’s shocking your awake already, and it’s only been a half-”
    “Where’s my baby, where’s Rachel.”
    “I’m sorry, but we only contacted your mother, she’s on her-”
    “She was in the car with me, my poor baby, is she d-dead”
    “I don’t know you were the only one in the car. Do you have a picture; I can give it to the police if you’re sure she was with you.”
    “Yes dammit, I picked her up and then…I can’t remember.”
    “That’s alright its normal, now about that picture.”
    “It’s in my purse wherever that is.”
    “It’s in the cabinet.” He walked over and rummaged through the closet and then handed her her purse. She reached for her wallet and froze when she saw the picture, fighting tears she handed him the picture.
    An hour or so she was awakened from a fitful sleep by the sound of someone tapping on the door.
    “Sorry didn’t mean to wake you, but I have some questions but the accident and your daughter’s disappearances.”
    “Ok if it helps you find my daughter.”
    “Well let’s get started then. We’ve ruled out DUI, for a cause, were you u speeding?”
    “I think…I can’t really remember.”
    “Ok well what do you remember?”
    “I remember that I had picked her up from her grandmothers and I remember the impact but that’s it.”
    “You don’t remember anyone acting strange?”
    “No I don’t remember anything.”
    “Are you sure Rachel was with you?”
    “Yes dammit I’m sure.”
    “Ok ok I’ll get my team on it but first do you remember what she was wearing?”
    “Um…a light blue sun dress and her hair was in pony tails.”
    “Ok thank you.is there anything else you need.”
    “No you might want to talk to my mom; it might calm her down. She’s out talking with the doctor.”
    “Alright then, well bye then….we’ll find her.”
    “Thanks.” God I hope so.
    A week later at her mom’s house faith is looking through her old photo albums from when Rachel was a newborn.as she looked at a picture of her holding Rachel in front of Sam’s grave. She saw a wet spot on the photo; she reaches up and feels that she had started to cry. “Why, god why isn’t it enough I lost the first man I ever loved now you’re putting my daughter though god only knows.”
    “I’ll get it” please be that they found her healthy and safe, she thought as she reached for the phone. “Hello, who is this?”
    “It’s officer Williams.”
    “Oh hello officer, please tell me your calling with good news.”
    “Um… I wish, do you remember when we said we’d check the woods by the crash site?”
    “We’ll we found a body that was wrapped in a tra-”
    “Nooooo.”Her cry of agony and despair brought her mother running up the stairs.
    “What is it what’s wrong…who’s that on the phone?”
    “Hello… miss? Are you still there?”
    “Um…yeah, I-I’m here.”
    “Where not actually sure whether it’s your daughter or not we need you to come to the station to identify her.”