• Nico's P.oV.

    I saw the dracanae heading towards the cabins and immediately understood.This would take a lot of effort.I took a deep breath and held out a trembling arm.
    "Serve me."A dozen skeleton warriors burst out from the ground and I felt immediately nauseous.I saw Xzaydea, in all her beauty, charge a monster.Her golden armor gleaming in the sun, ebony black hair tumbling down her neck, her eyes glittering like huge emeralds.
    That was the last thing I saw before I fell to the ground and blacked out.

    Xzaydea's P.O.V

    I charged the giant monster.Of course.Hundreds of monsters, and I pick one of the biggest.It's in my nature.Out of the corner of my eye, Nico ashen-facedly collapsed.'I'll get to him as fast as I can.',I thought, but it didn't make me feel any better.The huge monster slashed at me, leaving a huge wound along my back.I didn't worry too much, though.I could just stand in the water and watch it heal.I ran over to Nico, where Tyson, Annabeth, and Percy already were.

    Nico's P.O.V.

    After the battle,Xzaydea and I went on a walk through the woods.We were sitting on a rock together, talking calmly in the sunlight.I was figuring out how best to tell her about the emotions welling up inside of me, when she leaned in to whisper something.She smiled and said quietly,
    "I love you,Nico."
    So what do I do now? She just said what I've been trying to tell her since the moment I first laid eyes on her.So I did the natural thing.I leaned in to her face, wrapped my arms around her waist, and kissed her.It was a sweet kiss, but after a moment I felt sticky warm stuff on my jacket.I pulled away to take off the jacket and just sit in my T-shirt, and I noticed blood soaking the sleeves.I sighed, stripped the jacket off, and turned to Xzay-Zhah.
    "Dammit, Xzay, why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"She shook her head to clear it, and her twin Percy emerged from the trees.He tossed me a nectar canteen and a few ambrosia squares.
    "Been wondering when she was gonna tell you that.", he smirked.I paid no attention and just tended to Xzay-Zhah.

    *****TO BE CONTINUED*****