• Fallout- Tales of the Northern Wasteland
    War... War never changes...
    It just repeats itself over and over, altering humanity for the worse each time.
    On Saturday, October 23, 2077 in a combination of lack of resources and paranoia, the US and the Republic of China exchanged nuclear warheads for two hours. The result was a poisonous, nearly dead planet where life above ground was almost completely extinguished with very little survivors. Of those who survived, most found shelter in underground "Vaults", each built to house refuges and each holding its own secrets.
    It is one of these secrets that Vault 54 hid, for when the metal door meant to protect its citizens from nuclear fire closed, the very technology that was meant to serve the vault's people suddenly turned on them in violence. Robots and computer systems alike forced the vault dwellers into slavery, killing those who didn't submit. For the over 300 years, those who were locked in the Vault served their inorganic masters.
    Then one day in the year 2311, chance smiled upon the human slaves as the vault's main computer which housed commands for all the Vaults Gadgets crashed and threw its robots and AIs into chaos. The Vault 54's citizens seized this opportunity, revolting and successfully taking back the vault, where the dwellers hastily abandoned the technologies that had caused them harm for generations as they threw open the Vault's door and walked into the new world.
    This created a group in the wasteland known as the Tech Purgers, whose goal was to find and destroy advanced pre-war technology for the sake of all humanity.
    The Tech Purgers was considered a fast growing cult by most, and along with a group of violent tribes known as the Ferals, a collection of post-war soldiers from Chicago known as the Brotherhood of Steel, and the survivors of the Great War, they battled for the territories of what became known as the Northern Wasteland.
    So let's be honest... War never changes...