"Hurry up Meg I want t’ get down there before the bar closes." Iris, a young busty brunette yelled into her roommates bathroom.
"Chill the ******** out girly, I’m just doing my makeupl. Who knows Iris maybe I can score tonight." Meg said winking at Iris.
Iris sighed and shook her head, "As long as I can’t hear you again"
"Done"! Meg sung out, spinning around showing off her smoky eye shadow that brings out her blue eyes "Oh you are not going out like that!" Meg demanded looking at Iris's dark blue jeans, light red shirt, and her hair carelessly tossed into a pony tail with no makeup to bring out her green eyes.
Iris sighed, "You have 20 minutes, "
Meg grabbed her hand and pulled her into her room. "You’re lucky were the same size or this would suck." she said laughing pulling out a light green backless top and some light blue jeans that had some rips in it. "Put this on and meet me in the back".
Iris sighed and put on the outfit ‘this is so not me" she thought and looked in the mirror "but damn I look good" she walked into the bathroom
"Damn girl, you look good!" Meg said in southern accent "come sit, sit" she said pushing Iris down on the toilet seat.
By the time Meg was done with Iris, she had put some light brown and green eye shadow on her and pulled her hair up in a messy bun "Damn I look good" Iris said putting on her silver Claddagh ring and a sliver cross.
"No, Iris you look dressed to kill" Meg said happily putting on her gray knit jacket, while Iris put her black jacket back on and zipped it up and walked out the door, her arm hooked with Meg’s "What bar are we going to?"
"You know, Meg. I saw this cute little Irish pub down the road, want to try it out?"
Meg looked at her best friend "You just want to try it because it’s Irish" she said sticking out her tongue.
"Aye, that maybe true but who knows how many cute women are going to be there" Iris said wiggling her eyebrows.
"Fine, you got me there" Meg said laughing "let’s go!"
Ten minutes later the two girls walk into the pub, it looked like everyone was having a good time "Aye bartender, can I get an Irish Whisky as strong as ye’ got?" Iris yelled over the crowd of people. But the bartender didn’t hear her "Oi what’s a lass got t’ do around here t’ get a ********’ drink" she yelled her accent coming out.
"Hey ******** face the lass wants a drink" a man with light brown hair yelled at the bartender.
"w-w-what do ye’ want m-m-m-miss" the bartender stuttered
"An Irish Whisky as strong as ye’ got an a beer for ‘er" Iris said pointing to Meg who stood behind her.
"Coming r-right up ma’am" the bartender said.
"Thank you sir" she said starting to turn.
"Ay why don’t ye’ two lass’s sit down with us for the night" the man who got the bartenders attention asked looking the girls up and down.
"Why thank you sir, how kind of you but there seems to be no open seats" Meg said laying on her charm.
"Oi Rocco, John get up n let these lovely ladies sit down" a tall dark haired man leaned back and looked at the two women, but got up while a bigger man next to him did the same.
"Thank you boys" Meg said running her fingers lightly across the dark haired man’s chest "this means so much" she purred.
Iris shivered inside at the sight, her friend was so evil some times, she knew Meg was going to twist this poor man around her finger get what she wanted then dump him. Iris looked back at the light brown haired man who got them their seats, "thank ye’ sir"
"No need for that sir s**t lassie" he said laughing "I’m Conner this is my brother Murphy" Conner said wrapping his arm around his brothers neck.
"Nice to meet ya’ boys, my name be Iris" she said smiling and shaking their hands.
"So, what brings ye’ to this small pub?" Murphy asked.
Iris looked into his bright blue eyes "Look’n for a good pub to come to tired of bar bouncing"
"Hey I thought you loved that!" Meg almost yelled in her ear.
"No you love that, just like you love to twisting people around your pretty little fingers" Iris hissed so low Meg almost didn’t catch it but the boys did.
Meg looked really offended and stood up "I’m going bar hopping with or without you, you damn Irish b***h" she hissed.
Iris rolled her eyes "Don’t get lost this time!"
"Hey I’ll go with you Meg," Rocco, the man she had been flirting with all night said.
"Thank you rock, at least someone will come with me" Meg yelled as she stormed out the door.
"Is she your sister or something?" Conner asked as murphy took Megs seat.
"Meg’s my roommate so she’s kind of like my sister, I guess" Iris said downing her drink.
Hours later after most the people cleared out and it was just the boys, Iris, and some of the guys friends, Rocco had made his way back after Meg ditching him for some girl. Three big guys walked into the door "You stay the rest of you leave now" the big bald one who Iris took for the leader demanded pointing at Doc the bartender to stay.
Iris turned around in her seat as everyone else got up for their seats "What would you do if I told you that your pinky Como mother sucked so much c**k her head looked like an egg" Rocco said. The big bold man punched him in the face so hard; Rocco spun around and hit his head on the bar.
"Hey now we was just having some fun," Murphy said getting up in the man’s face.
"Leave now" the man said.
Iris saw the boys becoming agitated and decided to step in, she had only known these men for a few hours but it felt like she had known them her whole life "Hey why don’t ya’ chill out and have a few beers, it saint Patrick day every ones Irish tonight, you drink beer right, or would you prefer Vodka?"
One of the lackeys grabbed her arm and pulled her to him "you’re going to pay for that one, you little Irish b***h"
Iris kneed him between the legs and slammed her hands over his ears "so because I’m at an Irish bar you automatically think I’m Irish" she yelled, ducking as a cup flew past her head. Little did she know she started a bar brawl.
In no time they had two knocked out and the big bald one tied up pouring alcohol on his butt. "Miss. Iris would you like to do the honors?" Conner asked holding a match out to her.
Iris took the match and dropped it on the bold guys butt laughing with Conner and Murphy. After the man passed out she looked up at the boys "well this has been a ball lad’s but I best be going"
Murphy and Conner looked sad "ye’ can’t go out alone" Conner stated.
"Like that, you scream rape me!" Murphy slurred.
Iris laughed and lean in to Murphy "what are you thinking about doing to me" she whispered nipping at his ear.
Murphy let out a low growl and looked into her dark green eyes and ran his hand angrily across his lips "let get you home, you’re drunk"
Iris looked over at Conner then back at Murphy, she sigh nodded and stumbled over to get her jacket form doc the bartender "thanks for the drinks doc," she sang as she left the Pub with the boys.
"So where do you live love?" Murphy asked wrapping an arm around her waist.
Iris looked around "um," she looked up and down the street "that way!" she proclaimed stumbling down the street.
After a lot of back tracking and wrong turns they finally made it to her apartment "You sure this one is it?" Conner asked looking unsure.
Iris beamed up at him "only way to find out is to try the doorknob" she said laughing leaning on Murphy.
Murphy shook his head "well lets go then if this not it, want to come crash with us for the night?"
Iris nodded "and if this is it, ya’ll stay with mi for the night, you guys scream rape" she said laughing using the words Murphy used on her.
The boys nodded chuckling, and they all walked up to the fourth floor. Iris put her key into the lock and turned it "this is the right one or we braking into some one’s home" she said softly. Iris opened the door to see her roommate and some girl having sex "OH MY GOD!!" she screamed. Iris slammed the door shut and turned around leaning against the door "so can I stay with ya’ll?" she asked her green eyes huge.
"Sure love" Conner shook his head regaining his thoughts and said as they walked back down the hall and out the front door.
The next day Iris rolled over and slowly opened her eyes and was looking up into the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen "good morning love" Murphy’s smooth voice said softly.
"Morning" she said sitting up and stretching "how did I end up in just your shirt and both of you half naked?" She asked smiling.
Before anyone could say anything else, the door was busted down and the three guys from last night walked in. The bald one told them to get up and they did. The two lackeys took her and Murphy while the boss handcuffed Conner to the toilet.
"I was just going to kill you, but now I kill your brother, and I’ll let my boys have their way with your lady" he said laughing darkly.
"No Murphy, Iris!" Conner yelled yanking at the cuffs.
"Conner"! Iris yelled fighting against the man; she had a bad feeling that they weren’t going to just kill her like they were going to do to Murphy and Conner.
"It was just a ******** bar fight, you ******** pussies" Murphy said yanking at the grip the man had on him. The three men took Murphy and Iris out back into the ally "let her go, she had nothing to do with this" Murphy growled.
"Ah but you love her and that means she has everything to do with this" the boss said nuzzling his face into her neck "she smells good enough to ******** boys"
Iris started to fight harder as did Murphy "No"! She yelled
"Any last words you Irish ********?" the boss said pointing a gun at Murphy’s head.
After he said that, Murphy ducked to the side covering his head as a toilet crashed against the man’s head. Iris saw Conner flying through air landing on the man with the gun. She brought her elbow back into the man’s side and her head back into his face. Murphy picked up the lid that sits on the back of the toilet and smashed it over the man’s head. Iris ran and smashed the man that Conner jumped on heads in before he could get up. Murphy picked his brother up "grab the money and anything of value Iris". She grabbed a small bag and started going through the three guys things taking everything and running after Murphy.
Iris stood around near the back talking to three nuns while the boys where playing with a little boy. Doc walked in, his eyes looked around the room landing on the stoup, and he dipped his fingers in the water making the catholic cross sign, he walked over to the boys "I got your call"
Iris walked over to Doc and hugged him "here can you keep this safe for us" Conner asked handing Doc the light green bag Iris filled up.
"********, a**" Doc screamed, the nuns looked over at him. One of the nuns who was injured crossed herself saying a silent pray "what are you boys going to do, a man came to the bar and left me his c-c-c he ******** gave me this" Doc whispered handing the boys a card.
"Turn ourselves in, we didn’t do anything wrong" Murphy said placing his arm over Iris shoulders and she leaned into his body.
Doc nodded and took the bag walking out screaming "******** a**" on his way out, Conner turned back to the kid "don’t worry, none of that was directed at you".
Iris and the boys walked slowly into the police station when a man was saying "you would have better luck dragging a potato through south Boston, thanks for coming out".
Iris laughed fixing Connors weight on her shoulders so "you would have better luck with a beer" Murphy said. Everyone in the station looked back at them, a man with blonde pushed back hair looked down at the man who made the Potato.
They put the boys and Iris in contain cell. The man who made the joke walked in and sat down "this conversation will be recorded I’m Detective Greenly, and you are?"
"Iris McCarthy" she said leaning back in her chair "Can I call a friend please?" she asked sweetly tapping a soft beat into the table.
"Sure," Greenly said "if you tell me what happened last night" slapping the table hard trying to scare her.
Iris jumped a little "Damn dude ya’ don’t need t’ be such an a**" she glared at him and told him everything that happened "Now do I get my call" she demanded.
Greenly nodded pushed his chair back so it squeaked and stood up "yeah come on princess" he said opening the door for her.
She stood up fixing Murphy’s shirt and walked past him to the phone and put some money in calling Meg, the phone rang and rang "Come on b***h, I know your there pick up the damn phone ye’ hooker" she growled into the phone and put some more money in the phone calling her again.
"What," Meg said in a groggy voice.
Iris could hear her rub her eyes "Look Meg I need you to bring me some cloths" She said softly.
"Aw did the two Irish ******** leave you on the side of the street?"
"******** you, just come get me please? I’m down at the police station" Iris said rubbing her the bridge of her nose.
"What did you do Iris"! Meg exclaimed, she heard blankets fly and Meg stumble out of her bed, there was a muffled voice in the back "I’m on my way honey, do you need bail?"
Iris chuckled and leaned against the wall "No, I’m not in trouble I just," a man told her to hurry up and she nodded "I have to go just bring me my stuff" she said hanging up and turning to the guy, "all yours big boy" she said patting his chest.
The man smirked and grabbed her butt "Nice a**, beautiful" he said
Iris spun around and slapped the man hard "and it’s so not yours" she stormed out into the waiting your room.
The man with the blonde pushed back hair walked up to her and sat down next to her "Sweetie the boys are back in a holding cell, you want to go back with them?" Iris shook her head no thinking back to the three men and what would have happened if Connor didn’t save them, "Murphy, he’s asking about you".
Sighing Iris stood up "thank you," she didn’t know his name.
"Smecker" he said standing up and leading her back to the holding cells.
A lot of the men wolf whistled as she walked by ignoring them and walked into the holding cell with the boys. Murphy stands up pulls her into a hug, Iris laid her head on his chest and sighed "IRIS"! Meg hollered through the station.
She sighed pushing her hair back and smiled up at him, "When will I see you again?" she asked softly.
Conner stood up and put his arm around her and his brother "Don’t worry lassie I’ll be sure to make him come find you"
Murphy laughed, Irish pushed him gently "I’ll be right back" she walked down the hallway and grabbed Meg‘s arm taking her cloths from her "Go get me a pen and a paper"
Meg rolled her eyes "Hello Meg, oh yeah thanks for bringing me my cloths, no I don’t care that I woke you up I just want a pen and some paper" the sarcasm dripping from her voice.
"Just ********’ do it Meg" she said walking into the bathroom and pulled her cloths out of the bag. Iris sighed as she saw how short the skirt was "damn lass trying to turn me into a hooker" she put on the short jean skirt and her white shirt that had green print on it that said "Kiss me I’m Irish" on it with a pair of sparkly red lip on it. Iris pulled her hair up into a messy bun and walked out right as Meg was walking up with what she wanted "thank ye’ Meg" she said leaning against the wall writing her name and number on the piece of paper. She turned and started walking back to the boy’s holding cell.
"Where are you going?" Meg asked following her.
"Boys are back here" stated Iris like it was the most normal thing.
"What did you guys do after I left?" she asked dumbfounded.
When the girls got back there they found the boys playing a card game with one of the cop’s, Connor looked up and whistled "ye’ sure know how to clean up good Iris" he said winking at Meg.
Iris caught the eye roll from Meg and laughed she tossed Murphy’s shirt in his face, Murphy stood up and tossed it on the bed "hey now, that wasn’t very nice Miss. McCarthy" he said growling playfully as he pushed her gently against the wall.
Iris peaked him on the lips and slipped the paper in his pocket "now pinning me against the wall isn’t very nice Mr. McManus"
A boot flew through the air and hit Murphy on the back of the head "Hey now no pinning her, they may thing you trying to rape her Murph’ so cut it out" Connor said laughing so hard he was doubled over.
Meg rolled her eyes "I’m sorry Iris but if you want a ride we have to go now" she said looking at her watch.
"Aw but mom we just started playing," Murphy pleaded making a puppy dog face witch put his brother into another fit of laughter.
Meg and Iris both hit Murphy’s arm playfully "stop it or you’re going to kill the good looking one from laughter" Meg grumbled.
"But Murphy’s not laughing" Iris said looking up into his blue eyes.
Connor stood up "Hey now we all know I’m the better looking one"
Everyone started laughing "we really have to go boys, see you around" Meg said pulling Iris out.
Murphy grabbed Iris and pulled him back to her kissing her softly, his lips molding into hers, Iris kissed him back, then took a step back placing her hands on his chest "what was that for?" she asked grinning.
Murphy pointed to her shirt "It told me to kiss you" he said with a slight grin, his thumb ran across his lip.
Conner was sent into another fit of laughter "It told me to" he mocked "that’s so cheesy"
Meg and Iris walked out of the station together, waving bye to the officers. Walking slowly down the step, meg looked over at her best friend "You really like him don’t you?"
Iris shrugged "yeah, don’t know what to call it but I do feel strongly for him"
Meg laughed softly "you meant the guy last night"
Iris sighed knowing Meg wouldn’t understand how she felt "it just," she paused thinking about it "I feel like I have known them longer than that though" Iris and Meg got in the car and drove home in silent. Iris was dreaming of the next time she was with Murphy, She loved him, no way was she going to say it aloud to anyone, but the thought of them together warmed her in a way she thought was dead to her.
After four week of nothing from the boys, Iris started thinking that everything was a lie, all that had happened between them. "I make it sound like we had sex" she said softly to her pet cat trying not to cry, and then the four weeks turned into four months.
Iris was sitting in a court room on jerry duty listing to the case of the mob boss "Papa Joe" he was cracking some kind of joke when the door was busted in and three people rushed in, the younger ones back was turned to her so she couldn’t see their faces as they demanded the guards to toss their guns. The two men jumped on top of some tables their guns pointing at the crowds, Iris breathed hitched as she saw Murphy standing on the table, she was so lost in her thoughts that she only started listing to what they were saying when they jumped down and pointed the guns to the back of Papa Joe’s head. They started to say the family prayer then the guns went off and Papa Joe was dead, he was laying on the cold tile floor. It almost seem as if he was staring at her if isn't for the fact his eyes were no longer there from gun shots to the head. The loud thunder of people screaming and running for their lives as if the boys would kill them next filled her ears. She sat numbly in her chair to shocked to move.
A gloved hand lifted her chin and she looked up into kind old eyes "Why are you still here lass?" he asked in a kind fatherly voice.
Iris noticed how much Murphy and the man looked alike, she whispered "sorry" and stood up walking past the old man and Connor, she tapped Murphy on the shoulder,
He turned around his face lighting up "Iris!" he opened his arms to hug her.
Her hand smacked him across the face hard "Ye’ don’ Call Ye’ ********’ baster!" she yelled "You just dropped off the face of the earth" Murphy looked at her like she was stupid "Do not give me that look Murphy McManus"
Murphy placed his hands on her shoulder "I couldn’t do it Iris" he said vary calmly "I couldn’t put you in that kind of danger, not again" he kissed her gently "I love you"
She wrapped her arms around his neck "I love you to, you ******** baster"
A gloved hand pulled them apart "I’m sorry Lass we must be going now"
She nodded getting a quick hug from Connor. "I’ll make him write you" Connor promised then let go of her and all three left her standing there. The police came rushing in a few minutes later and took her down town for questioning, she told them that she didn’t know the people and that she blacked out, the police bought it and let her go home, when she walked through the door Meg jumped her with questions about what happened and Iris told her everything, before she laid down for bed Meg walked into her room holding a small box.
"this was left outside our door, its addressed to you" she tossed Iris the box and sat down next to her on the bed.
Iris slowly opened the box and lifted out Murphy’s rosary, a smile brock out across her lips, a little note fell out onto her lap.
My Dearest Iris, let this be a promise to you that
I will come back to you one day
Yours forever Murphy
Meg and Iris both smiled and fell asleep on her bed. Iris didn’t know how long it would take but she knew her love was going to come back to her one day. She never went looking for it, but love found her.
- by H3lls_Kitty |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 09/09/2012 |
- Skip

- Title: Love Of The Irish
- Artist: H3lls_Kitty
She never went looking for it, But love found her
This is MY story, Fan-Fic, i do not own The Boondock Saints (tho i wished i owned Nroman Reedus ;) ), My Storys or on Mibba H3lls_Kitty please read them - Date: 09/09/2012
- Tags: love irish normanreedus boondocksiants murphy
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