• I felt as if I was falling. I opened my eyes to find myself shrouded in darkness and falling in a spiraling motion towards nothing. Where was I? Who was I? My droopy eyes continued to stare into the nothingness I was falling in. Was I dreaming? A strange voice in my head whispered to me, “Don’t be afraid.”

    As I continued to fall, the voice echoed in my head, “don’t be afraid… Don’t be afraid.” It felt like forever before something had changed in the darkness around me. A light had appeared below me. I reached for it, not wanting to let it go from my sight. As I got closer, the light got bigger, and eventually I had floated to my feet and landed softly on its surface. The light was a tower, and I stood on the flat top of it. Below where I stood was a picture of someone in a beautiful mosaic. It was a woman with beautiful blonde hair in a pink dress. It looked as though she was sleeping.

    My captivated eyes turned their attention from the mosaic to around me. I felt a strange presence emitting from an unknown source. The voice once again spoke a whisper in my head, “walk around. It’s okay.” I did as the voice told me. I walked toward the middle of the top of the tower. When I did, three pedestals sprouted out of the ground. They surrounded me. They were not very tall. I could easily jump on top of one. On each of the pedestals, an item appeared. On one was a sword, another was a shield, and the final one held a staff.

    I held my breath. What was I supposed to do? The voice once again whispered to me, “you must choose one, and give up one. Jump on one of the pedestals to make your choice.” I looked at each one carefully. Each pedestal had a description on it describing the items on the stand. The sword was of power and destruction, the power to fight and hurt others. I stepped away from the stand and looked at the shield. The shield had the power to protect yourself, and push away your friends. I finally drew my attention to the staff. It held the power of wisdom and arrogance. Each one had something that would help, but also something that could harm. I went back to the sword and jumped on top of the pedestal. “Do you really want this power?” The voice whispered in my head. I nodded hesitantly and sword disappeared. I felt stronger, as if I could take on anything. I turned back toward the other two pedestals. “Now you must give up something...”The voice whispered again. I jumped down from the pedestal that once held the sword. Wisdom: Arrogance or Protection: Loneliness? I looked from one to the other not knowing my faith if I picked one over the other.

    I walked to the shield and looked over it. I drew in a breath and walked away from it and toward the staff. I acted as if I was confident. It was all but just that though. I was scared. What if I made the wrong choice? I jumped on the pedestal that held the staff and picked the staff up. “Do you want to get rid of this power?” The voice whispered and I nodded. The staff disappeared from my hand. I felt no difference.

    “You have chosen the power of the warrior, and left the power of the mage behind. Are you okay with this choice?”I once again nodded and jumped from the pedestal. However, when my feet hit the ground, the pedestals collapsed along with the tower beneath my feet. I was once again falling into the darkness. Only this time it didn’t take long for another light to appear. It was another tower of light.

    I landed shortly on its mosaic. This time it was of a woman of pure white skin and black hair. The mosaic held seven circles circling it in the same pattern until it reached completely around. The woman was holding an apple. I stared at it, wondering who she was. Suddenly, black shadows appeared around me. I stared at them curiously and scared. The shadows emerged from the ground in shapes of creatures with big yellow eyes and crooked hands and feet. They were small and seemed harmless.

    The sword appeared in my hand out of this quick flash of light. It felt light and warm. The shadow creatures launched themselves at me. I quickly blocked with the sword and pushed them back. My breaths came out quickly as I tried to process what just happened. The shadows tried to launch to launch themselves at me again. This time I focused of one of them and fought back. I was able to block the other shadows attacks and just attack one of them at a time. I was able to strike the one shadow several times before it shriveled back into the floor. As it shriveled, a heart floated into the air and green balls and yellow and blue balls dropped from its body along with a treasure chest. The other shadows shrunk back into the forms of shadows and disappeared into the ground.

    The voice returned into my head and whispered, “Good job. Along your journey you will encounter many forms of these creatures. Many of them will hold objects like those you see now. The green will restore you health, and the yellow and blue will allow you to buy objects and other things to help you along the way. The little treasure chest will hold an item to help you too. Go on and pick them up.”I did as the voice told me, and I collected the objects. When I picked up the green orbs, the disappeared and I felt replenished. The yellow and blue orbs I collected were small and could easily be put into the small burlap pouch I carried with me. It was tied at the top with a string with a yellow Paopu Fruit at the end of it. Finally, I went over to the miniature chest. I picked it up and opened it. Inside was a small beaker with a green liquid inside it. It reminded me much of the green orbs. I placed it in my pouch too, and the sword disappeared.

    The ground shook beneath me, and the mosaic shattered. I was again falling into the darkness. It seemed almost natural now, but I still wished for another light to appear, so I could feel its warmth, and, soon enough, another light appeared. I felt a rush of excitement grow from within me and I reached for the light. It was another tower with a mosaic on it. It had a woman on it again. She had gorgeous blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a blue dress and it looked as if she was stepping into a glass slipper.

    I looked around. What was the trail this time? I stepped toward the middle of the tower. The black shadows appeared again from the ground circling me. Every shadow grew into the forms I saw at the previous tower. The sword once again materialized from a light into my hand. I grasped it tightly and got ready to block any attacks the came from the shadows. The first attack came from one of the shadows in front of me. It pounced at me with its claws reaching for me. I swung the sword and hit the shadow as hard as I could. The impact threw the shadow to the edge of the tower. I ran toward it with the other shadows following me wanting to attack. Before I reached the wounded shadow, the others had sunk back into the ground and quickly surrounded me. They went back to their creature forms and tried to attack me again. Blocked as many attacks as I could, but it wasn’t enough. One shadow pounced from behind. I tried to dodge but was too late. The shadow cut my side with its jagged hands. I fell to the ground, but I quickly got back up. I needed to change my battle strategy.

    I took a deep breath and went straight to changing my defense to offense. I swung my sword trying to hit the shadows. I locked my sights on one and hit it, knocking it back. I chased after it and hit it again, and knocked it back further. I hit it once more and it melted back into the ground, dropping the green orbs and yellow and blue orbs. I quickly grabbed the green orbs and went after the other shadows. I used the same tactics to defeat the others as fast as I could.

    I didn’t take me long to defeat the others, but when I was fighting the last shadow, something changed. I hit it one last time and watched the heart-like ball of light fly into the darkness; I felt suddenly stronger, and replenished. I could take on something stronger. I took a deep breath and waited for something to happen. I expected the floor to once again collapse along with the tower, and just as the thought entered my mind, it happened. I was falling in the darkness.

    The next tower wasn’t far away. Something was different about it though. The light that emitted from it was brighter. Was it the end? Or was it just the beginning? I gently floated toward it and landed softly on its beautiful mosaic at the edge of the tower. The mosaic had three black figures on it shaped as a people. It looked as though they were missing and forgotten. I looked up to a light shining in the middle of the tower.

    The voice took over. “Step toward the light… It’s okay… Don’t be afraid.” The words
    don’t be afraid buzzed in my mind, almost becoming fuzzy as I stepped toward the light. “The closer to the light you get, the larger your shadow becomes…” The voice told me. I turned to see my shadow that has grown quite large. To my horror, my shadow climbed out of the ground with terrifying yellow eyes. I turned back and ran to the edge of the tower, hoping to be able to jump off the tower and find another tower. However, when I sprinted toward the edge something was keeping me back, like an invisible shield.

    I turned back toward the terrifying creature that now stood up tall in the air. The large, hooded black shadow of me hunched over. Spikes rose out of its back, and a heart-shaped hole hollowed its chest. Its legs and arms back jagged along with its hands and feet. It let out a terrifying screech. The darkness that radiated off of this thing was everywhere. I fell to my knees, too scared to move.

    The monster stared at me before moving. It lifted its giant hand and swung it at me. “Don’t be afraid… Just remember…” The words of the voice woke me up. I darted out of the way of the monster’s hand. The sword appeared in my hand in the light just like before. I grabbed it and charged toward the monster. The only thing I could cause any damage to was its feet, but it was at least something. I locked my sights onto it and hit it as hard as I could. I swung the sword as many time as I could at its feet before its large, crooked, black hand reached down for me. I quickly got out of the way, and hit its hand several times before it pulled it.

    The shadow then put its hands up to the hollowed, heart-shaped hole in its chest. Darkness emerged from the hole and it smashed to the floor, creating a portal of darkness. I felt as if I was being dragged toward it, but I forced myself forward and continued to attack the feet of the monster. With one final hit, the monster fell to its knees and fell backwards off the tower. I stood there breathing heavily. The one moment I get to breath, the most terrifying feeling came over me.

    The portal of darkness grew, and expanded to my heels at the edge of the tower. I found myself stumbling into the blackness, with the darkness enclosing me in its horrifying coldness. The voice returned to my head as I struggled not to be swallowed. “Don’t be afraid… Just remember...” The voice wasn’t very clear, but I was able to make out what it was saying through my struggle. When the darkness swallowed me completely the voice was clear, “You’ll be the one to light his darkness...”

    My dreamy eyes opened. The ceiling of my room calmed the rapid beating of my heart. “It was only a dream,” I said to myself as I removed the covers from my body and stepped out of bed. My legs shook fiercely when I stood up. I wobbled to my bathroom and turned on the light, wincing at the sudden light my eyes would soon adjust to. I turned on the water to my shower and stripped off my pajamas.

    After the relaxing, stress-relieving shower, I dressed myself. The put on my bra and underwear and took out a plain, white tee-shirt. Next, I pulled out a pair of black shorts, black capris and black pants. I looked at each one trying to decide the one that would be best to wear. I picked up the capris and put them one and put the others back in the drawers of my dresser. I then grabbed a belt a friend made for me a while ago. It was white, and the buckle had a paopu fruit on it. I turned the buckle to my side and grabbed my converse shoes. I looked in my mirror at my short pink hair and green eyes. I sighed, missing my long hair and being able to put it in a ponytail. I walked out the door to my house, saying by to my parents. It was time to face the day.

    It was a Saturday morning at Destiny Islands. I strolled along the main island’s shore, waiting. I looked around. Not very many people were there, which wasn’t unusual for our small islands. I took in the smell of the salt water air. It was the perfect time for some sea slat ice cream. As I day dreamed about the salty-sweet treat, an arm wrapped itself around my shoulders. I looked over to see my best friend, Sora, with one arm wrapped around my shoulder and the other wrapped around, my other friend, Riku’s shoulder. I giggled at Sora’s smile and Riku’s annoyed smiled. “Where’s Kairi?” I asked. “She had to work today,” Sora pouted. Kairi was Sora’s girlfriend. I thought about how hard he worked for her, and all he’s been through for her. I smiled and ruffled Sora’s brown hair. Riku was being distant, like usual. Ever since he came back to the Islands with Sora, he’s been different. He isn’t as competitive or talkative. I looked at the endless ocean.

    When Sora and Riku came back, they told me about their adventures. I was amazed at all they had seen and all they had done. I had a story of my own though. Right after the world was destroyed from darkness, I found myself somewhere new. Somewhere I’ve never been before. It was much larger than Destiny Islands, and much scarier things lurking around. It was a small city, built around a rundown castle. It looked as though it was once quite amazing and beautiful. I found myself in a marketplace in the small town. There weren’t very many people there. I was about to go into another part of the city when a strange man with blonde, spiky hair and blue eyes stopped me.

    “I wouldn’t go in there alone…” He said darkly. He was a brooding looking guy with this black armor-looking clothing and a huge sword on his back. He stared at me with his gloomy, blue eyes. “Where am I?” I asked him. He struck me a strange look. “Are… Are you a friend of Sora’s?” He asked. My spirits lifted hearing the name. I nodded. His expression turned to a surprised look. “Follow me; I’ll keep you safe...” Everything after that was turned into a journey I’ll never forget. I never told anyone about it. Sora and Riku were never told about it, and I want to keep it that way.

    Sora, Riku, and I walked along the beached together. Talking about how school was and things we are going to do over summer break. I inhaled deeply and sighed. Things have been peaceful on our home islands, and it seemed like it would stay like this forever. That thought changed quickly when a bottle washed up on the beach next to us.

    Riku picked up the bottle. It had a message inside! He opened it and read it silently to himself. Sora tried to look over Riku’s shoulder, but Riku was too tall. Sora pouted and stood next to me, waiting for Riku to tell us what it said. After a minute, Riku looked up and looked at me with a surprised look on his face. “What is it?” I asked. Sora snatched the paper from Riku and read it himself. I looked over Sora’s shoulder and the letter:

    Sora, Riku and Hikari, There is another danger waiting for you. Your last journey was only a trail; this time is the real test. Master Xehanort has returned, and it is up to you three to find out what he has planned and to stop him. Meet me at Master Yin Sid’s castle. Everything will be explained there…

    You’re Friend,


    They look on their faces scared me. They were confused and shocked. “Hikari, how come Mickey wants you to come too?” Sora asked. I bit my lip. I wasn’t sure if I should tell them or keep it to myself. I kept quiet. Both of the men standing in front of me stared me down. Their stares killed me on the inside, making me feel guilty about not telling them. “Hikari, you’re not telling us something. What is it?” Riku’s word pierced my heart with pain. I looked down and sighed as I began to tell my story.

    “After the world was destroyed by darkness, I found myself in a place called ‘Radiant Gardens.’ I was wondering around this marketplace looking for someone or anything to give me a clue to where I was. I was about to stray into another part of the town when I guy named Cloud stopped me. He asked if I knew you, and he said he would help me. He took me to this wizard’s house where I met Areith, Cid, Merlin, Yuffie, and Leon. They taught me a little of what they all knew, and then I set off on my own, looking for you guys. I’ve been to so many worlds and helped so many people, but whenever I went somewhere, someone would tell me that Sora had already been there. Then one day I found myself looking at a door of light. I just walked into it and found myself back at the islands. I waited here for you to return, and when you did…”

    They both stayed quiet. Sora’s face was stunned, and Riku’s stayed with an unemotional look on his own face. “I’m sorry, I should have told you.” I turned my gaze away from them. “We should get going soon.” Riku said and turned toward his place. Sora followed Riku, leaving me alone on the shore. I stayed for another minute before I made my way home to get my things.

    Once I got home, I grabbed two small, white pouches and hooked them to my white belt and black capris. I changed my tee-shirt to a white tank top and put on a white hoodie that came down to my bellybutton. I ran my hand over the black hems on the bottom and the black hem on the sleeves that stopped at my elbows. The black hood hung down on my back. I grabbed a pair of black gloves and a necklace with a small purple stone on it. I put them both on and went to my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My short, light pink hair was a bit of a mess, but it wasn’t that bad. My green eyes looked tired and stressed. I sighed and went to my kitchen.

    In the kitchen I went to cupboard where I kept my medical supplies. I grabbed only the necessary things, such as potions, elixirs and bandages. I put them in my pouch. I only needed one more thing. I went to my room and opened a small wooden box on my dresser. Inside laid two knives. I picked them up and ran my finger gently on the edge, testing it. It easily cut my finger. I quickly cleaned the wound and wrapped it a bandage. I put the knives in my pouch as well. I was ready for my next big adventure.

    It was a good thing my parents weren’t home from work yet. I wrote a note and left it on the counter. They’ll be heartbroken, but something told me I might not be coming back this time. I ran out the door toward the beach, where Sora and Riku were waiting for me. Once I got there, I saw Sora saying goodbye to Kairi. Riku was preparing a boat to go to the island we all used to play on when we were children. Sora got in the boat while I said my goodbyes to Kairi. She was didn’t ask why I was going, she just told me to be safe. I climbed in the boat with Sora and Riku, and we gently pushed off for the island.

    Once we got there, we tied the boat off on the small dock and got out of the boat. On the shore nearby, a Gumi ship was waiting for us. We all climbed in silently and blasted off for a new world. I watched as the island disappeared, and then the world. Riku and Sora kept silent the entire way there, and so did I. I don’t know what was wrong with them, or with me. It took us a while, but we eventually we found ourselves at Yin Sid’s small world where his castle resided. We landed softly and we all got out. Sora and Riku got out before me. When I got up, I felt dizzy. I was about to step out when I tripped and fell to the world’s ground. They didn’t even look back at me.

    I walked a few steps behind them as we made our way up to Yin Sid’s room. It was silent the entire way. I couldn’t hold back by the time we got to his door. I let my tears flow silently out from my eyes. I didn’t say a word and kept quiet. We all walked into the room. Yin Sid and Mickey were at a desk. Mickey stood while his master sat in a chair. Master Yin Sid talked to both Sora and Riku, but didn’t say anything to me. Once he was finished, he motioned for Sora and Riku to move to the side. When they did, they looked at me with a bit of shock on their face. “Hikari…” Riku’s voice murmuring my name sent a small jump to occur in my chest. I kept my hands to side, clenched.

    I stepped forward and looked up toward Yin Sid, my tears no longer flowing. I kept a straight face while I waited for him to speak. “I would like to speak to you privately. He nodded toward Mickey, Sora and Riku to leave. Once the door was closed, Yin Sid turned toward me. “Your previous adventure was unsuccessful. You tried to find your friends, but ended up back on your small islands. I understand you feel inferior to Riku, Kairi and Sora for not being able to help them. You will get your chance to prove yourself now...” I looked at Yin Sid questioningly. “They will desperately need your help this time; however, they cannot know it is you who help them. You will be shrouded in darkness, but filled with light. I will help you prepare for your journey. From there you will be on your own.” I contemplated his words. Alone. When I wasn't I alone?