• Before the universe, there was absolute nothingness.

    Nothing had remained nothing as long as it had endured. There was no time to explain the length of nothing’s existence. It was. The idea of nothing wasn’t that of emptiness or absence of, but that of a void from what we understand as something. Imagine being yourself but without a body. Without blood, or flesh or nerves or a brain. But what you did have was a Thought. A Thought that couldn’t actually be created because you had no native language to develop it in. But yet it lingered, voiceless amidst the sea of nothingness. That Thought cried for attention. Begged to be a reality. And then one moment a new beginning came. A start that gave a meaning to the concept of time. Motion and change grew from the nothing into something. How this happened has been debated for centuries; but does it really matter? The moment was the same moment no matter how it was created, and that moment the Thought gained a voice. And the Thought asked the question “What really matters?” From that moment time continued and things changed and grew and died, but the question was never answered because it was never heard.

    As the universe continued, in a small spec of its existence it created a thing to wrap this Thought inside of. Again, many argue how the original “man” and his understanding came to be, but the answer is still the same – Does it really matter? From wherever he came, he came out of nothingness. And as he realized he was no longer nonexistent he began to expand just like the universe. But something was different. Man grew up with other men and they asked each other this ultimate question - What really matters? And as they searched they began to think something wasn’t enough. Unlike the universe, they forgot that they had come from nothingness and they became obsessed with a need for everything. Greed consumed their every choice and action. The very Thought upon which they where created became distorted and most forgot its true origin in time. They developed twisted ideas for the basis of their existence and turned against each other in a pursuit of their own hazy, illogical beliefs. Time continued and few men ever realized that they had come from the same nothingness as every other man. Few men ever realized the true answer to the question they all based their life off of.

    But the universe never wept a tear for man’s mistake. For although man’s mistake had been the most tragic conceivable, the universe had planted the seed for the Thought to be answered. It had created a voice to speak it and ears to hear it and other thoughts to understand it. And the universe felt no pity because it had always held the answer to the question and could not understand how man had missed it. Unlike man, it was a simplistic remembrance of its origin that gave the universe the truth. That kept the universe from going against its own nature. A remembrance that it had came from nothingness.

    It is the beauty of its own creation that matters. And in some moment man may come to understand this too. It is not everything that matters, or something, or nothing. “What really matters” is the ability to become something from nothing. The answer is existence in itself. And THAT is everything.