• ~The tale of the fourth king~

    Chapter 1: saved from the fire

    The night was cold and the land barren he walks with little emotion, like a zombie or a moth drawn to a flame. But what flame was there? Everything he held dear was gone. He had once been a king in a thriving land. But this land was now gone an empty place, though bits of the past still remain. Houses lay scattered in a land once bustling with life. This place he walks is called the “No man’s land” a place where few people can live. A place where the poor of a once thriving kingdom called home, a place where theft and death where prominent. He walks this place like he has for many years, unsure of where to go or who he can trust. “So many years have passed and still I can see the pain I’ve caused.”
    He says these words constantly to himself as he walks silently through the dark cold night. “It was my fault it came to this.” Long long ago when the kingdom was still bustling with people it was ruled by eight kings. Four of whom where human and four of whom were not, these in human beings were vampires. The humans in this kingdom lived side by side with vampires in a great harmony. But there where those who threatened to change that. They were called “Rouges” vampires that did not live by the rules of the kingdom. Who fed on and killed humans for nothing but pure pleasure, when captured by hunters they were tired in front of the four kings. If found guilty of their crimes they would be killed.
    There were many rules in this kingdom regarding the humans and vampires, one of which and the greatest taboo. Was that a vampire and a human could never fall in love; it was to stop the births of half human half vampires. For this breed could not control their lust for blood, they would become killers just like the rouges. One day this taboo would be broken by none other than the fourth and youngest king in the vampire court. He fell for a young human woman who lived in the village just outside the kingdom. The relationship was a secret that was until word somehow got out. The Seven kings above this young king became furious. The woman and the young king where sentenced to hang, and that caused an uproar with the citizens of the kingdom.
    This was soon followed by a rebellion and the kingdom soon collapsed. The young king managed to escape during the chaos and fled into the No man’s land and disappeared into the dark night. Not much is known about what happened to the other seven kings. It was said that after the kingdom collapsed they dispersed and where never heard from again. Now the last of the eight kings walks alone into what seems like unending darkness. For ever remembering the pain he caused so many years ago.

    As he walks it is silent, but that silence is soon broken as he enters a small village. People race by him frantically grabbing buckets of water. “What are they doing” He asks himself. It’s not that he cares, but how these people are acting is strange none the less. After watching a hefty older woman grab a bucket of water from a nearby well, he follows her. As he turns a corner his sensitive ears pick of the noises of people frantically yelling as they desperately try to put out a house fire. “Well that’s too bad.” He says as he watches the people around him panic “That would have been a nice house.” He turns to walk away to continue his lonely journey. When someone says something that catches his attention, “There’s a little girl trapped inside!” He hears a frantic woman say. He stops and turns around “What have I to lose.” He says to himself “I cannot die.” One minuet he is standing in the road and the next he is perched on the very tip of an iron gate that sounds the house.
    “Now where is she?” he says as he scans the house from the outside, his gaze is brought to the second floor. “Ah I see you now.” He says. His keen senses can pick her up through the wall; he can see her hear her breathing. From there he disappears again, only to appear with in the burning house. He walks toward a closet and slowly opens the door to find a young girl cowering in the corner; she looks to be no more than three years of age. “It’s ok now.” He says reaching out his hand “You’re safe now.” He gently picks her up and exits the house from an open window. The people that where frantic before now rejoice knowing that the little girl is safe. But sadly her parents do not survive, “Who are you?” they asked the little girls savor.
    He looks up at them with little emotion “They call me Rain.” He says “Rain Van Leor” The people don’t know his name for the rebellion was more the one thousand years ago. “What a fine name.” says a woman as she takes the frightened girl from rain’s arms, “Are you of noble stature?” she asked him. He shakes his head “No I’m not.” He says. After that without a word he turns to leave the little village. His work here is done. “Wait don’t go just yet!” the woman says following after him “There must be some way we can repay you for saving this girls life.” He turns to the woman and walks back toward her “It’s fine.” He tells her “There is no reason to repay me.”

    “At least stay the night at the inn.” The woman said “A free night is the least we can do, it’s dangerous to travel at night when the rouge’s are around.” Rain sighed as he followed the woman into the village; she walked down a small dirt road to a row of buildings. She leads Rain to the third building and stops at the door. “This is the inn.” She says opening the door “It’s not much but at least it’s safe.” The lobby of the inn is small and only a table and chairs sit in the waiting area. On the far side of the room is the check in counter, the woman takes her place behind the counter as Rain approaches. “Here’s your room key” she says as she slides a small metal key across the counter. “I hope you have a nice stay here.”
    Rain nods as he takes the key, then without a word he heads to his room, which is toward the back of the building. He opens the door to the tiny room and sits down on the bed, “I guess this place isn't so bad.” He says “But tomorrow I am leaving; I don’t wish to stay here to long.”