My Friend, the Vampire
“What! What do you mean ‘you’re a vampire” I typed in utter disbelieve
“As I said I’m a vampire, a blood sucker of human innocents and I mean a real one” she typed back
“No! You can’t be, it… It’s just impossible there’s no such thing”
“Really Scott, well that’s just what you’ve been told by the high authorities of your race, that vampires are lies and stories of old, well let me tell you something, we are very much alive” she typed in what seemed to be a far more serious tone than the last messages. I let my mind swim through a riddled ocean of thoughts and possibilities as to what she says is true, I mean sure I’ve always believed in vampires and really wanted to meet one but even I know that is highly illogical. Plus also with no proof there was still no way but sadly in the ended for her sake I believed her, partly because part of me was still in love with her even though I have Taylor. “Okay Sonia, I believe you” I asked her as soon as I came out of my mind’s eye “Thank you Scott I knew I chose the right human to tell this to (this part made me blush) what would you like to know about us?”
“Wait you’re going to let me ask questions even if it’s invasive?” I asked her
“Of course after all I can only imagine how curious you are”
“Okay thanks, hmm are you anything like the myths in films and stories”
“Most of them are fake, would you like to know what’s false?”
“Please if you wouldn’t mind?”
“We don’t burn up or die in sunlight, we can cross running water with ease and stakes can’t kill us no matter how many times it’s worked in the movies.”
“And the others?” I said with only two things on my mind pure amazement and curiosity “We can’t sleep, we don’t eat or drink unless it’s blood, any will do and to kill us is dismemberment followed by decapitation, burn the pieces and then scatter the ashes” she replied with no pause or hesitation to think of anything to type.
“Wow so fascinating”
“Very, but Scott you was fascinated in me anyway” she said followed by an emote winking
“No I didn’t” I hesitated; I hate it when she’s right.
“And now you’re going to lie to me, what happened to you?”
“Okay, your right I did find you fascinating and still do”
“I know, was just testing you (my face fell into a look of stupidity) by the way here’s more things your probably itching to know about us (What did she mean us) we are ten times more then anything a Mortal is you know things like strength, speed and intelligence.” She swiftly said
“I guess when you say ‘us’ you mean...
“Yes me and my family or coven as we’re more known as plus of course there are those aren’t of my family”
“Oh! So then that means...
“... Indeed, Alex is one of us also”
‘Great’ I thought, Alex is Sonia’s brother, somebody I begun to hate upon our first meet and I could feel he felt the same we never had a good friendship and he was always a total arsehole with me almost like he wanted me away from her but I suppose now I can see why. “Can I ask? What’s it like?” I asked
“Being a Vampire?” she pondered
“No eating chocolate, of course being a Vampire” I answered with my humorous side. “It’s okay, well awesome (I giggled at this part) at the start, what with being Immortal and all but gradually over time you start to miss being human, it’s painful to watch those you love die all because they’re not like you, plus you have to relocate all the time in order to avoid any suspicion.” I could feel the pain and demise in her words “Can we talk later Scott? We’re all going out hunting”
“Yea sure see you later” I replied
“Thanks, bye” and then she followed up her final reply with –kisses your cheek.-
I wasn’t finished with what had conspired in that IM, I had more questions such as are all Vampires individual? What is daylight like to her? Who or what does she hunt? And more many things but the question that I wanted to ask the most was, would she ever make me like herself?
All these questions swam through a vast and expansive sea, hoping and providing Sonia could answer them would surely set them down on a shore and forgotten until I had a dire need to answer they’re SOS call, each question piled up into a migraine so to pass the time and hopefully expel them from my mind I decided to take a walk. “Mom I’m going out for a while” I called down to her as I adjusted my eyeliner “Okay Scott just be back home for tea”
“You know I will” I said back opening the front door, I then began my walk unbeknownst to the group of boys keeping a watchful eye on me as I left. My neighbourhood wasn’t that great, there were always hoodies walking causing trouble for the other denizens of Manor Top (hoodies were groups of people that think they are the best thing since sliced bread, they form gangs, possibly carry knives and never threaten anyone if they are alone.) The area I live though does have some good points though for one being it’s at the epiphany of peaceful around midnight which is when i normally talk a super long walk, I went passed a row of houses only to go down another road full of houses, I kept going until I happen upon a field. The air here was mild yet pleasant and a great time to be out and about even though I prefer the cold isolation from people and activities by being locked away in confinements of my own room with nothing but my own thoughts for company. The clouds overhead grew a dark and gloomy grey signalling me that me that pretty soon they sky shall open its doors and let heaven rain upon all that the sun didn’t reach, no doubt. I muttered ‘Typical of Sheffield’ but like I cared I loved the rain hell of a lot more than I love the sun, the rain was like the sweet melodic sound of someone plucking the sixth string of a guitar ready to mesmerize all who could hear the chord. As I walked through the field I got hassled by about two youths (roughly between sixteen and eighteen) more than likely about the way I look and what I am, I ignored them and carried on walking until I entered City Road Cemetery.
Besides my room this place was my number one sanctuary, a place where the damned call home, a place where the Virtuous hide in fear, a place where the sun is silent, the cemetery was the only place where people truly understood my qualms. My main reason for going to this place of earthed corpses is because it’s where my Dad was put to rest just two painful years ago. I walked in further along the rows of the deceased looking the decayed wooden box that imprisoned the soul which was guarded by a cracked and over turned stone that bore my father’s name. His words were scribbled in the placid stone, they read “Even in the midst of all battles you lose yourself in, you would never be able to vanquish the one you truly love and care about.” To be honest I have the faintest idea of what he means by these words and seeing as I’m no warrior as I’m fully against violence, even though I can lose it t times” I never will, I stared at his new found home one last time and said “Dad, why’d you have to go?” After looking at the screen of my phone to check the time I could see that I was running late so I hastily begun my trek back home, the sky was growing and the moon brighter as it lit my path and grew full. I walked back the same way I came but being very cautious as the bushed that surrounded the marsh pits began to rustle which was an odd thing as there was no breeze, only the heavy downpour of rain and what felt like hail. “Where do you think you’re going freak?” came a voice of normality from behind, of course I should have known this to happen, I slowly turned wondering which of the kids from the park said his words. It wasn’t. “It doesn’t concern you Harry, so back off and leave me be” I replied and started to turn back and walk away, Harry used to be a friend of mine but because of the different people we hung around with and the fact that I strayed onto the path of one of the stereotypes he had no love for and ever since he was one the biggest Dickheads of my life.
“Don’t walk away from me” he complained
“Yea don’t walk away from him” repeated the other four boys all of them I knew, from left to right there was Bradley, Connor his brother Grant and Adam all of which I’ve had an encounter of abuse from. “Wow Harry I didn’t know you could train parrots, human parrots at that” I retorted
“Why are you thinking you’re so bloody hard Scott” came Adam’s voice
“I’m not and at least unlike the whole lot of you I’ll tackle someone whether it be verbally or physically without the help of others around.”
“Well looks like someone’s finally grown some balls” grunted Bradley
“At least I don’t need to look for mine unlike all you Chav’s do” I said with a little chuckle. Then in unison the four other lads chimed with “Oh come on Harry let’s waste the ******** already”
“Your right why are we wasting our time talking when we can just calling now”
“Well maybe cause your all too dumb to even realise your own plans”
he pulled out a knife it was small and barely visible from a distance but thankfully (I guess) I was close enough to see what was being held
“Ooo! Wow” I exclaimed “I’m suicidal remember is that the best mindless zombies such as you can do, although I will admit it’s a step above a cudgel which Zombies normally use.” During my little outburst they had formed a pentagon around me cutting off any means of escape, so there were brains inside their heads after all, they closed in like as if hunters and I was their game, each one holding a weapon be it sharp or blunt their intentions were clear, to bludgeon me to death. As soon as they gathered close enough to leave me what could have been no circulation for the air around me they thrust their weapons forward, lucky enough for me I had a quick sense of agility even though I was asthmatic. After a short while of ducking and diving I misjudged a movement and paid the mistaken with a little cut to my right cheek, soon after this we was all jolted by a spine-tingling howl that could possibly send shivers through the wind and those departed from this world. Then snarls erupted alone the earth encrusted surface, getting closer, hungrier even, Harry then called out to his troupe “Everyone scatter” they all ran into different directions but before Harry took off he looked back at me and said “You lucked out we’ll get you next time.” As he turned away he was taken from his feet by what appeared to be a blur of darkness shattering the light as it leaped, I could see I was half right for what I saw stood before me with Harry’s shoulder was in its mouth, it was a dark haired dog like creature.
It stared at me for a good while then let the struggling boy down then bit into his waist, it’s jagged pearly white teeth pierced into his flesh and then it dispersed into the night with Harry screaming in agony. I may have hated Harry but he didn’t deserve what just happened to him but the worst part of this ordeal was that when I stared into its eyes I could see the hunger it craved but also a familiarity like as if I’d known the beast for years. I looked in shock from where it stood and studied the blood drenched leading the way to the direction it was to have its meal, I ran home leaving the blanket of night to hide whatever lurked in the field although I had a pretty good idea of what it was. “Mom I’m home” I called out trying not to sound too shaky as I didn’t want to have to worry her with what had just happened, I then locked the door “Just in time I’ve finished making tea” she replied from within the warm welcoming of the kitchen
“What are we having?” I asked
“Shepard’s Pie” even though I had just witnessed a terrible animal attack my mind wandered and said to myself “Ah Yeah-eh!” Shepard’s Pie was one of my favourite meals but it didn’t beat lasagne. As we were eating my mom said “I guess you went to see your father?” I replied with a distinctive nod “I know you miss him, I do too, a lot”
“Yes Scott”
“Why don’t you date again?” She hesitated for a while before she could respond as if she was searching for the correct words to explain her reason “It’s okay you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to” I quickly said hoping that I hadn’t said something I shouldn’t. “But Scott I want too, it’s because I feel that if I do then I would have disrespected your father’s spirit and then he won’t love me no more” tears began to well up in my eyes
“Awww Mom that’s so sweet” I said with a wide smile and then after we had eaten I did the dishes and went to the bathroom to do my daily cut (I’ve been cutting since my father died.) I sprawled off to my sanctum and logged onto the internet “Finally I’ve been waiting for you” came a quick message from Sonia
“Sorry Sonia but I don’t have forever unlike you” I replied and then straight after I got another message saying “Hi love.”
“Yay Taylor is here” I typed to her “So how is my Tay-Tay?”
“She is awesome because your here” I clicked onto Sonia’s IM box just in case she got bored waiting “Sonia we need to talk about things” I said
“What kind of things?”

- Title: Blood Dripped Journals chpt 2
- Artist: Demqual
- Description: In this 2nd Chapter, Scott upon now knowing what Sonia is gets curious and asks her about Vampires but what answer will be given for the obvious question. Would she make Scott like her.
- Date: 08/07/2013
- Tags: blood dripped journals chpt
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