Gunners #4 Meaning of Friendship
Sorrows of War
Marching down on the muddy road, the Bio’s cocked their guns as they kept marching and marching as if there was a door a head of them to be opened. This Secret War…. this Sorrows of War, why do we fight in this miserable war? Why do this fight in this god awful world? Is it for the power of the land, or the power to be unstoppable? Maybe someday someone shall rise up to the end and put an end to this war.
Bombs began dropping from the sky; Bio #01 jumps up on the turret and fires the machine gun at the helicopters
He was suddenly blown up by a helicopter, Bio #015 jumps up in the sky and slams her fist into the cockpit as she fires out her shotgun at the pilot and jumps out of the helicopter
Mercenaries began hopping off the truck and fired out a bazooka at one of them as they finally taken all of them down one by one
Bio #01: all helicopters have been destroyed
Mercenary: oh my god Ricky…
Ricky: ah… gah… please… don’t let me… die…
Bio #015: pulse rapidly dropping down, all vital organs have been destroyed, internet-
2nd Mercenary: hey cool your jet man
Mercenary: damn it!
2nd Mercenary: I’m sorry Ricky, but I have to do this
He gets out his pistol
Ricky: ah.. wha.. What?
2nd Mercenary: it’s the only way to stop the pain, I’m sorry Ricky… but you can’t make it
Ricky: b-but wa-
2nd Mercenary: it’s been an honor serving with you, Lt Ricky J. Johnson
He fires his gun as Ricky died.
2nd Mercenary: let’s go everybody; get back on the trucks…
Bio #01 looked and stared at the dead body
Mercenary: what the hell are you looking at huh?
He spits on her armor and walks back onto the truck
Bio #01: …
Meanwhile at Hurisha Base
We are glad that you have been awaken Madam
Hurisha: those Bio’s…
Quite an interesting bunch
Hurisha: I cannot believe I have been beaten by them, damn them! And damn Onimaru!
We receive a report that the attack has failed on the transport of the B.W.F
Hurisha: what?
Bio #01 has been confirmed there with them
Hurisha: if Onimaru wants to play it like that, then we’ll just have to go in and destroy his facilities
I want my forces to destroy whatever facilities they have, destroy their vital weak points, and destroy their weaponry facilities. Destroy everything
Yes madam
Hurisha: it’s time that we begin to advance
Later on the road
Bio #01: this is Bio #01, we have attackers from the Hurisha company attacking us
Is that so? How many casualties?
Bio #01: Lt Ricky Johnson was killed in action, four of our supply tracks have been destroyed and we are half low on ammunition and food sir
Bio #01 listen carefully there is a B.W.F military battleship moving towards shore, I’ll send you the coordinates to get every one of your men to the ship, just keep those mercenaries alive, we believe that they have important information on the Hurisha’s
Bio #01: understood, Bio #01 out
2nd Mercenary: Bio #01 report
Bio #01:” plans has changed sir, there is a B.W.F battleship coming to the shore right near us, we need to get everybody out of here by going on that boat
2nd Mercenary: understood, everybody you heard the lady, get moving!
Bio #01 got in her truck as she drove, the few bio weapons were still in their tubes as the mercenaries were tired from their battle
Damn! I hate these ******** bio weapons, they don’t know s**t!
2nd Mercenary: shut up man, if it weren’t for them we would o been killed by Hurisha’s men!
What? You care for them? These bitches are machines! They don’t know what we feel!
2nd Mercenary: so what? You want feelings in this war Stephen? Those feelings gets a soldier killed in action, remember that!
As the trucks drove by on the roads some unknown groups were spying on the trucks
Looks like this is our lucky day boys and girls, it’s time to cease those trucks, hope we get some goods
Bio #01: …
Her helmet began ringing
Bio #01: ambush?
One of her tires blew up. She stopped the truck and checked it
Bio #01: must change the tire.
2nd Mercenary: what?! an attack?!
They were surrounding them all; most of the bio weapons cannot be awaken because they are still asleep with their wounds healing in the cryo chambers. Bio #01 is the only bio weapon in action
Bio #01: this is a direct order to all units, drive to the shore without me, I will hold out as long as I can
2nd Mercenary: are you crazy?! You’ll be killed!
Bio #01: that is not in my data
I cannot… be killed that easily
2nd Mercenary: what?
2nd Mercenary: but we gotta-
Stephen: *sigh* and you said feelings will get a soldier killed in action, what a pathetic soldier
All the trucks began to move as some of the unknown group began to block their path, Bio #01 jumps in and tries to kill the blockers
She grabs out two of her SMG’s and began firing at the unknown group
Bio #01: target acquired, firing at all units, weapons free
She jumps up and flips in the air as she fired above them
She’s fast!!!
Bio #01 came from behind and shot off his head then onto the other
Bio #01: activating bio cells to right arm
She slams her right fist onto the ground as the ground shook like an earthquake; it blew up a shockwave as the enemies were blown away
Bio #01: objective complete, all enemy units have been destroyed
Scanning area
She looks around with her helmet on as the radar was on
Bio #01 raises her left arm with her SMG and fired it in the smoke
The enemy came out of nowhere as it rolls down and kicks her SMG away
Bio #01 jumps away from the enemy and does a full turning back kick
Damn it! Keep her down!
Bio #01: Unleashing Bio Arm
She slams on the ground as the whole ground shook
Bloody hell you guys suck!
Somebody used a sound beam and pinned down Bio #01
Bio #01: body… sustaining damage… brain mal… functioning…
There now go and tie her down, it wasn’t that hard
Yeah but couldn’t you just use it earlier?
Stop asking questions s**t head
Bio #01 wasn’t giving up just yet, she raised her hand
What the… oh no everybody get b-
Then she slammed her fist on the ground
Bio #01 jumps up high in the sky and begins to escape
Damn… damn it! Where did she go?!
I’m sorry Commander, she got away!
Damn! After her! sned everyone to get her!
I need her
I need information about the B.W.F!
Bio #01 runs in the bushes and see’s the ship already moving away, it was too late now. She cannot go to the ship. Half of her equipment was damaged by the sound beam but she may be able to repair her beacon. She also still has her helmet on which can scan the area. It still works. Luckily she is alive with minor injuries
Bio #01 see’s weapons on the ground as she picks them up, her H.A.G was still loaded on her back as she walks on swamps, dirt, mud, and bushes.
Bio #01: this is Bio #01 can anyone read over?
No signal
Bio #01: scanning area
She sees a few trucks, and a few men, her equipment can hear enemy’s voices, the men said “********! Why does she have to make us chase after that bio weapon!”
Bio #01: enemies located, target locked.
She grabs out her H.A.G and climbs onto a tree
The men were coming close; she fired them down as they were splattered in blood
********! WHERE IS SHE?!
Commander: hello! What the ******** is going on down there?!
She- she’s killing everyone! Oh god! She’s… no! Stay back! STAY-
Commander: ********!
She slams her radio on the ground
Commander: damn… even a large group can’t kill her…
Plan B, we must lure her into a trap
Understood commander!
Commander: damn these bio weapons! We’ll show them that humans are capable in beating powerful creations
Meanwhile back at the base
Valentina: what the “********” do you mean she is missing in action?!
Stephen: I just don’t know okay, so get in my face again I swear you b***h! I will-
Valentina grabs his hand and tries to pull it out
Valentina: I repeat myself again, where in the ******** is she?!
2nd Mercenary: she’s still there
Valentina: what? And who are you?
2nd Mercenary: I’m Ricky Henderson, she hold them off while were driving to the ships, I believe she’s still alive
Valentina: so she bought you all time is it?
Ricky: yeah
Valentina: god… I wonder if she is okay, damn it! Who knows what the hell is out there waiting for her goddamn it! Is it the Hurisha’s again?
Ricky: no not Hurisha, but they seem to have our equipment and there’s
Onimaru: they are rebels
Valentina: rebels?
Onimaru: rebels that are not on either B.W.F or Hurisha’s. their goal is to destroy both of “us”
Ricky: sir, we must go back and rescue her
Onimaru: no, I cannot risk one of the mercenaries-
Ricky: but sir! She is one of your soldiers! We mercenaries do fight for money and s**t but we also don’t leave our buddies behind!
Valentina: the comrade has a point, we must go and rescue her, she might be still alive, we don’t know how much she can hold, I’ve seen her battle Hurisha and those “Gunners”
Onimaru: all bio weapons are just merely “weapons” not humans, weapons. The do not have feelings, nor can you teach them. We can always replace them
Valentina: that’s sick, those are a words from an evil man, I don’t care what you say, or what you may do to us, I will go and rescue her
Onimaru: hmph, do whatever you want
Ricky: hey you, I’m coming with
Valentina: you geared up?
Ricky: I got some extras with me, yeah
Valentina: then let’s go
You guys may need a ride though!
Valentina: Leon!
Leon: hey guys, sorry the other guys went to other missions, looks like it’s just us, who’s he?
Ricky: names Ricky Henderson nice to meet you
Leon: nice to meet you too man, come on chaps, we gotta get moving
Bio #01: ….
There she is!
Bio #01: target locked
She began chasing after them, they began running as fast as they could, a man trpped
Bio #01 grabs him
Man: h-hey guys wait!
I said w-
Bio #01 smashes his skull to a tree, then runs after the others
They began running and running even more as fast they could, Bio #01 almost reached out ofr them but then she suddenly fell to a deep deep wall with spikes, her whole body and legs were stabbed as the commander walked by
Commander: well well, we finally caught you, heh you think you could get away? One of you! Get her equipment
b-but she’s stuck in the spikes!
Commander: it does not matter I want you to-
Bio #01 tries to free herself from the spikes, she raises her arm through the spike and raises one of her legs and tries to climb up
Commander: oh no you don’t!
She gets her out her rifle and shoots her down
Bio #01 launches herself up and spin kicks her head
Commander: AH!
Bio #01 activates electric fist from her gauntlet and fires it straight through her body
Commander: GAH!
Bio #01 grabs out her H.A.G as she fires at the vehicles with large shells. Everybody exploded and so did the enemies around her as flames began torturing the soldiers
Bio #01 begins to walk away from the scene until the commander gets back up
Commander: you b***h! ********! Get back here! I’m not done with you yet!
Bio #01: Target name: Cmdr: Stacey Drills
Stacey: yeah I’m in your data base alright… I’m not gonna make you leave this place! Not even a step!
Bio #01: ah!
Bio #01 fell onto her knees
Stacey: you see, those spikes you fell into were covered with a bio chemical that can trigger your system, the berserker mode
I’m going to make you fight me, kill me, I want to fight you, I want to hunt you down like an animal
Like a wolf you are
Bio #01: gah… rah… ahh!!!!
She screams at the sky as loud as she can as her eyes were flashing red, she took off her helmet and smashed it to the ground as she runs up to Stacey, Stacey grabs out her knife and stabs her but Bio #01 tackles her down and smashes her face with a fist, but then Stacey pushes her off as they began to fight each other like real berserk animals
Stacey: you’re not a soldier! You are a monster! Created from other monsters!
You destroyed my family, my home, my friends!
My soldiers!
You never will be anyway
Bio #01: maximum… breakdown, emergency… emergency… emer…
She falls down and begins to break down
Stacey: “huff” “huff”
Soldier: s-sir!
Stacey: it’s over, put her in a bag, we’re moving out
Soldier: what did you do to her?
Stacey: the spikes we covered up triggers her bio cells into berserker mode, but also it can begin to break her mind and her internal organs. She won’t function the way she wants it to be
Soldier: Commander, your arm!
Stacey: don’t worry about me; I can take care of this wound myself
They all packed up Bio #01’s body and placed her in the truck, they also placed the dead in the bags and carried them over to the other truck as they moved along
Stacey: *cough*cough*
Soldier: s-sir!
Stacey: keep driving!
She took some pain killers as she kept pressure on her wound
Stacey: I ******** up big time huh?
How many are dead?
Soldier: about 15
Stacey: s**t… I didn’t command them properly
Soldier: sir please, do not blame this on yourself
Stacey: heh, I didn’t even planned this through, all 15 dead by one Bio.
Valentina: damn! Have you tracked her signal yet?!
Leon: I’m trying but there’s no response! Her last signal was here!
Valentina: then drop us there! We’ll radio contact you once we found her!
Leon: what?! You two? Alone?!
Valentina: yes, just the two of us! No soldier should leave a comrade behind! Everybody should learn from that!
Ricky: she’s right, hell I’ll risk my life to save any comrade of mine, even as a mercenary
Valentina: there now! Drop us there!
The helicopter landed as the both of them dropped down
Valentina: we’re good! Go go go!
Leon: good luck!
Valentina you two!
Ricky: look Commander!
Valentina: blood!
Ricky: and the other rebels
Valentina: rest in peace.
She closes their eyes as they moved on
Ricky: footprints, just up ahead
Valentina: bullet holes on trees, explosions….
Ricky: look up in the high way!
Valentina: this is-
Ricky: a hole?
Valentina: this was a trap for her!
Ricky: Jesus so many dead bodies
Valentina: this is what happens when you send a bunch of mere soldiers to fight a bio weapon. Pity.
Ricky: this was her last footprint
Valentina: good thing about the area is that its body and it can lead tracks easily, they must’ve put her in a truck, if we follow this track it might lead us to her whereabouts
Ricky: then we should get moving fast
Valentina: gotcha
Ricky: there always has to be guys hiding somewhere huh?
Valentina: no matter, just shoot your way through, don’t even think about missing!
Ricky: yes ma’am!
They fired their way through, firing every damn shot that did not miss; they ran with pistols, rifles, grenades, anything they can throw at them.
Stacey: jeez doctor! I said I’m fine!
Doctor: oh for ******** sake just stay still
Stacey: *sigh* fine!
Soldier: Ma’am! We have identified two B.W.F soldiers who are firing their way here!
Stacey: well then kill them!
Soldier: it’s not that simple ma’am…
Stacey: give me that!
This is the commander, what is your status?!
There… they are coming!
Stacey: the B.W.F’s?!
Stacey: s**t!
Soldier: yes ma’am!
Damn it! fuuck!
Doctor: stay stay please?
Stacey: no time
She gets her jacket and her guns out
Stacey: they think they can ******** with the rebels? Think again!
We’ll just have to use her as hostage then
Doctor: the bio weapon?
Stacey: heh…
Valentina: vehicle coming!
Ricky picks up a bazooka from a dead soldier
Ricky: firing!
Valentina: good job! Keep pushing through! Don’t even let one of these rebels alive!
Ricky: get out of our way!
Valentina grabs a machete from her vest and slashes her way through
Ricky: 9 o’clock!
Valentina jumps up as she twists her body and slices the man’s throat
Valentina: this is how we do in Russia!
Ricky: s**t tank up ahead!
Valentina: cover me while I go and take it!
Ricky: take it? Are you crazy?!
Valentina: yes I am!
She runs at the tank and jumps on top of it
Ricky: jeez…
Is she the one? Yes…
She is the one…
But she is just a mere creation! Create by man!
Does it matter? Human or not, she will be the one to stop the enemies of this world…
She is just a soldier
Enough both of you, she is the soldier that can stop this secret war. With her friends fighting beside her she will be alright. Stopping our enemies will give us the opportunity to strike the weakest point. It’s just only a matter of time.
Damn it!
Stacey: they are coming through?!
Yes ma’am! With the tank!
Stacey: how on Earth did they hijack a tank when I just ordered them to dispatch with it!
Soldier: they… they just did…
Stacey punches him in the face
Stacey: ******** worthless piece of s**t!
She keeps kicking the soldier on the ground then stops and takes a breath
Stacey: “huff” “huff” “huff” ********! That’s it! Evacuation! Just get the ******** out of h-
Stacey: huh?!
Valentina: well well well, so this is their rebel leader? My aren’t you so ******** cute?
She spits on the ground as she hops out of the tank
Valentina: now b***h, hand us back our comrade
Stacey: you think you can stop me?! You think I can just hand over her to you just like that huh?! Well?! Do ya?!
Valentina: I swear to god I’ll knock your tooth out, then I’m gonna tie you to a ******** pole naked and get humiliated covered in mud and s**t
Look what you did to your poor soldier
Valentina: I bet he has wet dreams about you doesn’t he? Well does he? I can’t wait to tie you up, beat you senseless then getting him to shove that d**k right up your a**!
Stacey: you… you ******** p-
Bio #01 grabs her head and pulls it back as she smashes it on the ground then beats her senseless
Ricky: oh my god… wait… stop enough! Bio #01 e-
Valentina grabs Ricky by the collar
Valentina: don’t even stop it… let her release her anger out. Holding it in will just make her even angrier; being angry on the enemy is what she needs.
Stacey: gah… *cough* augh… F-Finish it….
Bio #01: …
Bio #01 grabs her up and puts her on the table
Bio #01: patch her up Doctor.
Doctor: m-me?
Bio #01: Do it.
Doctor: y-yes right away… please… don’t kill me…
Bio #01: when you are done, I will escort you to B.W.F Head Quarters along with Commander. Stacey.
Doctor: w-what?
Bio #01: my mission was to save you from the rebels until we were cut off, you were missing during five months ago.
Valentina: what is this about?
Bio #01: my master wanted me to save a doctor who knows more about bio cells and she is the only one in the world who knows how to maintain our cells.
Valentina: is that so…? Well then, she better hurry it up then, or else I swear I’m going to pop a cap again.
Ricky: hey…
Valentina: what?
Ricky: were you really going to do it?
Valentina: ….
Ricky: …
Valentina: yes…
Ricky: alright then.
Valentina walks off out of the tent as she radios Leon
Valentina: rescue complete, she’s okay, but we’ll also be bringing along three people
Radio: “three people?”
Valentina: one bad wounded soldier who was abusively beaten by his own leader, a leader who I wanted to tie to a pole and humiliate her while she gets beaten up by Bio #01 and a doctor which Onimaru knows suddenly
Radio: “alright understood ma’am, be there in two minutes”
Valentina: roger that
Soldier: ahh…
Ricky: drink some water kid.
Stacey: ah.. gah…
Doctor: my god I don’t think she will be able to speak, not to mention her face is cracked up, if Bio #01 were to land another fist on her she would-
Ricky: die?
Doctor: yes.
Ricky: well that was her problem, not ours, she started this, that’s her responsibility, we all have our own responsibilities on our wounds.
Doctor: so much bloodshed
Ricky: I know
Doctor: why are you here?
Ricky: to save her of course
Doctor: are you fighting for anything?
Ricky: just a mercenary ma’am
Doctor: for money?
Ricky: for a family, well… I used to have one.
Doctor: I’m sorry
Ricky: don’t be, when I first found out they were killed by a bunch of goddamn gang of thugs while I was still a mercenary fighting on a pile of mud and blood, I didn’t know what the hell I wanted to do.
I had two options
First one I would of went back and killed the bunch of ******** thugs
Two since I have no home anymore I would just stay as a mercenary
Ricky: so I chose two. though since the B.W.F hired me due to my luck of survival skills and found out about the secret war, I wanted to stop this war as soon as possible and go home and avenge for my family.
Doctor: no offense but… all of you who are fighting this war… are odd.
Ricky: or weird? We get that a lot often. Lots of people who never fought in a war or never carried a gun always think we’re murderers or a bunch of no good assholes who just fights for control
And you know what? “******** em”
Ricky: we all don’t fight because we love it, or to ******** shoot somebody with a gun because it’s cool. It’s because we wanted to join. To protect what is ours and to protect the ones who are precious to us. We just want to keep the dearest things alive.
“sigh” life’s a b***h huh?
Doctor: …
Ricky: so are you done yet?
Doctor: yes… I am. I may need to do him too but-
Leon: YO! I’M HERE!
Valentina: good! Land! We’ll need a stretcher too!
Bio #01: I will help
Doctor: well, I guess I can just treat his wounds on the helicopter
Ricky: hmph, yeah. Come on I’ll help out Doc.
In War never Forget.
We never leave a comrade behind.
Friendship and Companionship are the most important things in war.
To be continued
Next Chapter: #5 Charge with the Lions Heart
- by Hakuru-san |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 11/16/2013 |
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- Title: Gunners Sorrows of War #4
- Artist: Hakuru-san
Chapter #4 Meaning of Friendship
Sorry for that long delay, i have been busy finishing my exams, drawing gunners and of course finishing off the rest of the series, its really hard work! the good news is that i finished a lot of the Gunners series so the next day it will up immediately! - Date: 11/16/2013
- Tags: gunners sorrows
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