• Mccree sighed, irritated. He couldn't find that damned demon anywhere. So many people had died due to that heartless beast. Their bodies looked like husks when that monster had finished them and he couldn't get the image of those poor souls out of his mind. It truly haunted him.
    Mccree wandered through Hanamura, the scenery was magnificent, but it was what lurked there that kept people away. The building was a castle and it made sense to why it labeled as such to some. It was the former home of the Shimada clan many years ago. The ongoing rumour was that the demon had killed the two brothers meant to take over the clan and Mccree believed it. It was dark and eery although the beauty could still be seen.
    The man looked around, noticing the arrow stuck in the floor and the mounted, dented sword. He could hear footsteps behind him, quickly pulling out his Peacekeeper from its holster. He swiftly turned.
    The demon froze, making eye contact with the gunslinger. It's eyes shining a bright white as the moon reflected off of them. The beast attempted to make a run for it, Mccree quickly catching up on him. The demon stopped as Jesse quickly pinned him to the wall. "What exactly would could you gain from killing me, gunslinger? There isn't a bounty on my head,"he inquired, his voice practically a siren's song.
    "What makes you think I want something besides endin' your life?"he responded, pressing his gun to the demon's head. It simply chuckled.
    "You are a fool to think a bullet can kill me..."
    "Ain't no normal bullet.". The beast's calm expression faded after a few seconds, starting to think of how it could escape. There wasn't really a way to escape this time. It looked defeated. "You gonna at least give me your name before I blow your head to bits? Most monsters do,"Mccree said with a smirk.
    "...Hanzo Shimada..."it replied before sighing," At least it was, many years ago...". Jesse pulled the gun back a bit. The Shimada clan had fallen ages ago, how could this beast be its heir?
    "Yeah right, all the Shimadas are dead. Killed by you."
    "Is that what they're saying now?"Hanzo questioned. "The goddess truly has cursed me to an eternal life of suffering..."
    "Goddess?"the gunslinger asked, raising his eyebrow in confusion.
    "I sold my soul after I...did something awful. I just wanted my brother to live and take over the clan but that imbecile got himself killed and I had to pay,"he answered, anger rising in his voice.
    "You killed him, didn't you?"Jesse asked, his tone softening slightly. The demon was beginning to tear up. God, he couldn't kill i- him. He couldn't kill him. Jesse backed up. "Go. Go before I decide to kill you off like the rest.". Hanzo tilted his head, confused.
    "Why?"he asked. The gunslinger sighed.
    "You aren't a monster,"Mccree responded quietly,"You got ******** over by a higher power and you're basically trapped in hell for trying to save your brother.".