• I woke up in a good mood that morning and got on the bus to go to school, as usual. I arrived at school and everything seemed normal until my girlfriend acted strange towards me. I figured something was up. Well after school, I arrived at the usual spot to get on the bus and my girlfriend walked up to me and told me she didnt have feelings for me, but I could tell that THAT wasnt the REAL reason. rolleyes Well, I had a pretty bad day including, my teachers giving me crap then getting about four hours of Homework burning_eyes and then find out I am no longer dating the girl I thought I wanted crying ...it was like someone spit right in my face! eek But speaking of spit, the whole point to the story which lies in the next few sentences is coming up. (of course*) xd Ok, well I get on th bus and then went to sit down in a different seat (wanting to be alone*). As I was waiting to leave, I came to find out that our bus had BROKE DOWN!!! Wow, what a day (yet still not the worse in Humanities history*). And on top of all that my nose was stuffy and I had no tissues to blow my nose, so I just hacked up a lugee and spit out the window. Well, come to find out, I happened to spit in the window to another bus and hit a kid in the head. Hahaha! rofl I was laughing then but then the bus driver called me to the front and she wrote me up, kicked me off the bus for a week and told the Principal while we were still at school. He called my parents right away and told them I AIMED FOR THAT KID!!! Well I didnt. But on top of that stuff, I was told by my mom I was grounded for a week. After that the principal talked to her again and then he called our school resource officer (SRO) to escort me home in a police car to take me home. That was probably THE ABSOLUTE WORST DAY of my life...But at least I had humor to brighten my day a little. dramallama Well I hope all have enjoyed my story and sorry for the length of it. Thanks for reading!