• I remember getting ready for high school. I wanted to be able to meet new people and talk back to anyone who got in my way.
    I wanted to get a boyfriend and go to the prom, a dance, or even a football game.
    But then highschool arrived and I was stuck at home. I wasn't expelled from he school or anything though. No, I was stuck at home because of a change of plans. I was going to be homeschooled.
    Depression crept up on me, physical pain interupted my social life, and a lack of money cut off fun events.
    Now highschool has nothing but school work. Even though learning from school work is the main point of school, I still miss the friendships.
    There's also no labs, music, and drama. It wouldn't be so bad if those weren't my favorite parts!
    But hey, life isn't fair.

    I can't wait until college. >_<