• So on Feb 28,2009 It was lunch and I got my food and was walking to my table I was wearing my favorite skirt and my favorite shirt then I was walking then I looked on the side and I saw my crush and I tripped over someone foot then I fell down and my food hit my best friends face then my best friend took her food and hit on my face and called me a freaking loser. Then I stood up and said sorry then she walked up to me and looked so mad then I walked backwards and ran and she ran after me and she tripped over her shoe laces and hit a table with food and she had lots of food on her. Then someone yelled at her. Then I walked on the bak of her then she pushed me and I accidently pushed the trash and it fell over these kids and someone yelled U UGLY A*** B*** And Threw food at me then I threw food at them then I hit the wrong person then there was a food fight. Then After the food fight I got supended for doing something on accident I hated that day............ now my best friend hates me.... and my crush thinks Imma Freak