• I often wounder why do people do the things they do?
    Why do people act like their friend but yet go behind your back and talk about you?
    Why do people say they love you but yet cheat on you?
    Why do people say sorry for hurting you and abusing you but yet hurt you and abuse you even more?
    Life is full of questions like these but they all have no answers.
    Maybe people do the things they do because they weren't loved as a child or because they were abused them self or because they just had a bad life or maybe because they just need a friend.
    Life is full of excess but that doesn't make it right for people do to those things to other people.
    If things like that didn't happen then life wouldn't be life it would defeat the purpose of life.
    When things like this happen to you most of the time you think why is god doing this to me what did i do to deserve this its not that you did anything it just happens because its life and it helps you become a stronger person
    i say this because all of those things up there have happened to me and i have wondered why people did that to me and what i did but the good thing out of all of it is that if it wouldn't have happened then i wouldn't be the person i am today