• One day a girl named Lucy thought she had thee most perfect life. So she called up her boyfriend, Kyle. They began to talk deeply about school and their relationship. Kyle began to act queer.
    "what's wrong", asked Lucy
    Kyle replied," I don't think we aren't great together or anything, but..." there was a long pause. "I think we need a break."
    Lucy sobbed asking repeatedly what was wrong with her. After a few minutes she begins to scream. Suddenly the phone was thrown against the wall.
    The girl ran to her closest and grabbed her knife. Kyle was yelling into the phone asking her not to do it. He hung up and immediatly called back but the line was busy.
    Lucy had cut a major blood vessel.
    At school te next morning, the principal made an announcment.
    "dear student, Lucy Jarmillo was pronounced dead last night. Will her friends and her boyfriend please come to the gym." Theere was a moment of silence.
    everyone at the school went to the gym to mourn although most did not know her.
    She had reportedly been abused and recently broken up with her boyfriend. The detectives belive this was the reason for this suicide.

    When her EX-boyfrind, Kyle, forgot about Lucy, and started dating again Lucy decided to return to visit Kyle on the very night she had died...