This is a Story about a young man by the name of Ketchup, who Later becomes Dizz, the last KF. (based on a true Story)
Once In the year of 2008, a new gaian, ketchup, entered the world of GaiaOnline. lost and confused, he soon finds himself exploring the world of gaia, from hollywood to the rally, making friends and taking names. Even though he was a noob, he did have a mind of one, he wanted to climb the chain of wealthiness and quiclky, so he began begging like any noob would.
Of course, no one answered his plea, Except one person. NoobKillah.
at this time he had the biggest hollywood and probally one of the gaian celebertiys. Ketchup immeditly began to converse with this celeb , noticing his wealth and his power over his friends. Ketchup soon lost intrest with gold and began following his footsteps, he began by Dressing nicer and hanging with the wealthly gaians. soon noobkillah would see that Ketchup would soon be able to become one of them. NoobKillah granted Ketchup with 200k and the right to become a KF. Ketchup was Amazed. His was the happiest noob in the whole gaia universe.
Soon after Ketchups total makeover, he Became Dizz, the newest KF.
Years went by and he became more and more powerful , getting closer and closer to his brothers and sisters, learning and becoming richer, its was the fast life and the sweet life. Dizz didn't get big headed though. He remebered where he came from. But he never could find his old friends.it didn't matter though.
As years went by, KF grew, Everyone knew Kf Was a powerful family, Noone stepped up to them, except one group. A member of KF soon quit and Began a new Family. DK..............
DK was the exact same as KF, even if they deined it. Dk soon grew as big as KF, and Problems did too. Two familys trying to take over one Place is always a bad start to things. Dizz thought this would be a Easy Little Battle, but it ended up taking the accounts of innocent Gaians. Hackers got involed and the battle began ,acoount where beginng lost, and it got to hard till the point, one day, noobkillah and the second leader jah disipeared and was never seen again even til this point of time. Dizz held on though, telling everyone they would come back, but they still haven't. KF gave up hope. So most of them gave up KF. now, only Dizz and his 3 loyal brothers stand in KF, hiding from the infamous Crysis And Bam Bam, the main hackers/scripters.
I am Dizz, most of you guy know me. i am in total risk at this moment, i hope that u guys read this story, and find me, KF isn't dead, not yet.
A Gaia Family.
What happened to the Gaia Family KillFam
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