• Hi Im Mia. I Am 11 Years Old And I Go To School At Broad Way Inter.Im A new Student There.My Mother Is A great Worker But I Have No Dad.Anyways On An Ordinary Day I Saw My Friends When I Was Walking To School."Hey Mia!"Says Samantha.Samantha Is Very Popular And Very Pretty.She Has A Size B And Me...Im a A...Embarrissing Is It But She Doesnt Care She Loves Me For Who I Am And Im Very Happy."Hey Samantha!Did You Did Your Hw?"Then When I turned Around I Saw A Boy Running Towards Me!"AHHHH!!!"I screamed In A Shock.I Opened My Eyes And Saw Me on The Ground."Nice Underwear."Laughed The Boy Who Ran Towards Me."PERVERT!"I Quickley Stand And I Saw Samantha Giggling."Hey Your Cute"She Said In A Flirty Tone."This Is Not The Time To Flirt!"As I Gragged Her The Boy Ran Towards Me."Hey What Grade Are You In Sexy?"He Winked And I Blushed And Made A Mad Face."Leace Me Alone...Im..Taken...and..and...uhm...Hes v..v..ery Strong."I said."oh really"then he kissed me and walked away.Samantha looked at me."wh..what..j...j..ust happened?!"i said.Samanthawinked and said someone love you!""yea yea i guess but i dont know him."I said."but he knows your underwear.."she said and was whistle me and started to laugh.I ran and chased after her to school.*in school by our locker*"hey samantha i'll meet you in biology class ok?'"ok"she said and walked away with her other popular friends.then the bell rang.As i was sitting down something really weird happened...
    "Class We Have A New Student."said the teacher i was really excited...but...then i started to get shocked."This Is jordan j.So jordan do you know anyone in this class.?"then i hide under my desk."i know her."He pointed to me where there was an empty spot on the left hand side.I said"i dont know you...p..p..p.lease...?"everyone looked.It looks like there are mad because its a bad image to say not to sit by me to a new student."jordan you may sit next to mia."I screamed in my head.As he was coming to sit in his seat he stared at me.then...looked down.he saw my underwear.i covered it and that was the worst day every and also embarissing.*after school*when school was over my best friend jake called me on my cell.I answered."hey Mia.So hows school?was it an ordinary day?"he asked."it was till i met a new kid named jordan...*whispered*...he saw my underwear...""THAT PERVERT IM GONNA....."he stopped and said "uh....um...sorry...i got pissed..hee..hee..heee".we laughed.Then jordan came from behind and grabbed me."LET GO!!!YOU JERK!!!"i yelled still on the phone with jake."hello?hello?mia?..."then jordan hanged up and threw my phone on the ground.I got so scared...tears was falling down on my cheeks.
    Jordan was coming closer.then....someone in the car pulled over and ran so fast i could even see him.when i blinked he was grabbing jordan and tied him up."I TOLD YOU NOT TO STAY BY HER!!!"he yelled.its like i knew him before in my past but as i watched i sat down and tried to get out of jordans hand.His hand was so strong i couldnt get out.the boy grabbed me and jordans hand and pulled it apart.I blinked again and no one was there.i looked down at my hands to see if it was true..then..i saw a mark of jordans hand that was wrapped around my arm.i ran home and keep hearing voices. this was a real scary day.
    *the next day*i was dropped off to school from my mom."Hi Mia.I've been calling why wont you pick up?"samantha said in a worry."omg....I FORGOT MY PHONE!!!"then i remembered what happened yesturday so i ran and went to yesturdays place."MIA!WHERE ARE YOU GOING!"when i arrived i looked all over the ground and couldnt find it.i sat down and thought im in big trouble.in the back i heard a car sound.i turned around and i saw a boy from yesturday that saved my life.i jumped and said thank you to him.He looked at me and gave me my phone back.i grabbed it then was looking at my phone and i found weird things.i looked up and he wasnt there.

    sorry i had to go just txt back to continue...