• The Guaraguau has landed

    Paola G. Zaragoza Cardenales

    (rated PG-13)

    All the world’s a stage

    William Shakespeare

    God doesn’t play dice with
    the universe

    Albert Einstein

    Yo seria boricua aunque
    naciera en la luna

    Juan Antonio Corretjer

    Were we live we look for love;
    we don’t find it, it finds you,
    even on the other side of the world

    Paola Zaragoza


    My daughter began talking about the possibility of writing a short story about a teenager just after she finished writing “Un haikus en mi servilleta”; a book full of poems written by her and some friends from school. If you don’t know what a haikus is, go ahead and ask her, but do it on your own risk, because you will probably end up listening to a 20 minutes explanation about these poems that have a Japanese origin.

    After a while, she finally came with the idea of writing about a girl who becomes the first Puerto Rican astronaut to go to the moon. She began writing it in the form of a short story and to my surprise ended up doing a play. I made some grammatical corrections to her work and also gave her some advice about the plot. Finally we had a long session regarding the title of the play.

    However, I have to admit that when I first read it I was surprised by the fact that it was written in both Spanish and English. The principal character, who is also the storyteller, speaks in English but “thinks” and “loves” in Spanish. I thought of telling her to change it so it would be written in just one language but after a while I concluded that it was not the right thing for me to do.

    First, because this is her story not mine and second, because the way this play is written reflects precisely how a significant portion of our teenagers are. They listen to Justin Timberlake, but also enjoy reggaeton and Tommy Torres; they watch MTV, CNN but they also watch Telenoticias del Canal 11; they eat burgers but they also like mofongo; that’s just the way they are. Using two languages, at least if they do it correctly and not at the same time, is not about being less Puerto Rican or not, its just about being a teenager in the 21st century; its also about being able to move from one culture to another; about being able to understand jokes; to say I love you and for sure, being able to curse in those two languages too. That’s why the use of two languages in this story goes beyond the simple selection of words and becomes such an integral part of the play; in fact it becomes part of its setting.

    Finally, this is a story about dreaming, working hard and also about going were no man, woman or teenager has gone before; and no matter how far that is, never forgetting where you come from. I hope you enjoy this play as much as I did.

    Juan Zaragoza Gómez
    Septiembre 2005

    Nota Previa

    Esta obra no se trata de mi vida personal ni tampoco de mis poemas; contrario a las otras que he escrito. Esta es una aventura más creativa y graciosa en la que utilizo dos lenguajes principales, el español y el ingles. Obviamente va a tener algunas cosas las cuales hará que mis amigos digan "a mira tal personaje se parece a Paola", pero eso solo lo hago para que se me haga un poco más fácil escribirla.

    Este libro, el cual es mi tercero, empezó como un cuento y termino como una obra. Se trata de la vida de una joven astronauta puertorriqueña en su primera misión a la luna, en la que no sόlo tiene que enfrentarse a un viaje al espacio sino también tiene que sobrevivir y tolerar el mundo americano y a la misma vez probar que una mujer puede hacer algo grande para la humanidad. También en la obra y aprovechando sugerencias de mi padre recreare momentos importantes de la misión de Apolo 11, pero va a ser mejorado con toques de mi imaginación.

    También he incluido un “movie rating” para esta obra por si acaso alguien se le ocurre usarla para hacer una película o por si a algún adulto tiene dudas de su si es apta para que sus hijos la lean.

    Así que espero que les guste.

    Finalmente quiero añadir que “My dad is so funny…”

    Paola G. Zaragoza Cardenales
    San Juan, Puerto Rico
    Septiembre 2005


    • Gabriela- Hola mi nombre es Gabriela y soy puertorriqueña. Tengo 28 años y soy diseñadora de los “shuttles” o trasbordadores de la “National Air and Space Agency”, conocida comúnmente como la NASA. Yo he ayudado a diseñar varios prototipos que no han salido muy bien, y por mala suerte o tal vez como castigo me asignan a una misión en una nave que yo diseñé. Tengo poca experiencia haya afuera porque solamente he ido en una misión anterior y ésta se aborto a las pocas horas porque nos quedamos sin oxigeno y uno de los compañeros salio herido. Si finalmente llego a ir en la misión voy a ser la primera mujer puertorriqueña que va a ir a la luna.

    • James- Hi I’m James and I’m Gaby’s best friend since college days even though I’m a couple of years ahead of her at school. I’m 30 years old and I’m from Australia. Even though I don’t know how to pilot a space shuttle I’m good in mechanics. I help Gaby in designing the shuttles, the inside computers and other technical stuff. I’m a funny person, which is good because Gaby likes happy people. I have been in three different missions but this one is the most important for me and Gaby. It will make history and Gaby and I will finally be famous.

    • Tom- Hi, my name is Tom. I’m 45 years old and I was born in Houston, USA. I have been piloting shuttles for quite a while (before NASA I was with the Air Force) but I have never been in a chaotic situation out in space. I take my cowboy boots with me in every mission.

    • Henry- Hi, my name is Henry. I’m 46 years old and I’m a doctor (medicine). I plan to retire after this mission because even though it is not my first trip I have to admit that going out to the space scares the s**t out of me. I’m planning to open o my own pediatric hospital because I just love children… as well as my new wife does.

    • Paul- Hi I’m Paul and I’m from Nevada. I’m one of the few 35 year old around NASA. I have received many awards including the Medal of Honor (and I’m not dead yet) and the medal of Valor. I love betting $$$ on things including “what stupid thing will a rookie do next?” I also hate frogs, they freak me out, when I hear or see one. I’m the captain of the new Apollo 18 designed by Gaby. Finally I have to admit that I don’t like rookies or Hispanics in space.

    • William- Hi I’m Henry I come from Alabama. I’m 60 years old and I’m one of the oldest astronauts around. I’m famous because I have been in many historic flights like Apollo 11, 13 and now 18 (Nota de la autora: this statement is not true, it is not a real event nor he is a real life person). I’m a doctor in physics and math, one of the few in the NASA. Before you ask, let me tell you that I’m not planning to retire… I’m sick of the new replacements sending me farewell cards telling me to retire.

    • Jacob- Hi I’m Jacob, I’m 34 years old and I’m originally from Puerto Rico, but I was raised in Texas. I’m a really good cook and I’m in charge of fixing or cooking all of the food for the mission. The food is really good because even though it is made with low sodium and low sugar it still tastes good. I hope the gang likes it because I have spent a whole year designing the menu. This is the first time NASA sends a chef in a space mission. I don’t like people that don’t like my food.

    Acto 1: Escena 1

    Es el año 2005 en una residencia en San Juan, Puerto Rico. La decoración es bastante moderna y se ven libros tirados por donde quiera. Una pareja joven de recién casados está sentada en la sala de la casa frente a un televisor, listos para ver un especial del viaje a la luna de Apollo 18 por el canal CNN. Están de espaldas al público. Todo esta en silencio, solo se escucha a alguien comiendo pop corn.

    Escena 2

    Es el mes de mayo de 1998 en San Juan, Puerto Rico. Se ve una joven en el cuarto de su casa vistiéndose para su graduación de escuela superior. Ella asiste a Cupeyville School.

    Gabriela – (Escribiendo) - Por fin hoy me graduó de la “high” y podré ir a la Universidad de Maryland. Mis compañeros dicen que yo voy a ser la primera astronauta puertorriqueña. Se que va a ser difícil, solo tengo 17 anos y se que me falta mucho que estudiar. Mami siempre me lo recuerda diciendo “Tienes que hacer algo más que eso para ganar dinero porque son muy pocos los que son elegidos para ir al espacio”. Y luego viene papi a decirme “Recuerda que siempre debes tener un Plan B”. Por eso decidí estudiar aeronáutica e ingeniería para trabajar diseñando las naves para las misiones de la NASA y si nunca voy al espacio por lo menos tendré trabajo.

    (Luego de acabar; se viste, se mira al espejo y dice)

    Gabriela- “Its show time”, ahora lo único que tengo que hacer es esperar que el verano se acabe.

    Acto 2: Escena 1

    Es el 27 de Agosto de 1998 en el campus de la Universidad de Maryland en Estados Unidos; este es el primer día de clases. Se ve a Gabriela dentro de un edificio de ladrillos (Nota de la autora: no yo busque por Google una foto de la universidad, así que no se como en realidad es) de seis pisos leyendo con orgullo una placa en la entrada que dice “Clark’s School of Aerospace Engineering – University of Maryland”. Gabriela esta con su programa de clases en la mano, su mochilla llena de libros, su pelo recogido en un rabo de caballo y sus pequeños espejuelos tratando de ubicarse y no lucir como una “prepa”.

    Cerca de ella se encuentra James con su cara usual de desesperado, un poco despeinado y en pantalones cortos. Todavía no se conocen.

    Gabriela- (Pensando)- Ya estoy preparada la clase y tengo todo listo, lo único que tengo que hacer es encontrar el salón..., ah mira, aquí es, estoy a tiempo.

    James (Pensando) - Dam it! I have to take an exam the first day of class. This sucks.

    Gabriela- (Toca la puerta y se da cuenta que esta abierta y entra) Hello, good morning, is any one here?

    Prof. Harrison-(Maestro de "the basics" en aeronautics) Yes, come in...

    Gabriela- Hi is this class of... uh aero... aerona.... oh my, I'm so nervous I can’t even spell it correctly... Never mind... Well is this the class of the basic stuff that has to do with astronauts?

    Prof. Harrison-(Smiling) Well yea this is the class you have mentioned..., nice to meet you; are you new or replacing a class you didn’t take?

    Gabriela- I’m new, and sorry to change the subject... Who are you?

    Prof. Harrison- Oh it’s ok, sorry for not introducing myself, I’m Mr. Harrison and you are?

    Gabriela- Hi my name is Gabriela.... (De repente mira el salon) Wow this class room is big; it looks like a cinema.... (Mira su reloj) I think I’m fashionably early... (Nota de la autora: no es una costumbre típica de un puertorriqueño, pero ella es diferente.)

    Prof. Harrison- Oh yes its quite big... (Looking at his watch) and yes you are quiet early, the class starts in 25 min. That’s unusual... I’ve never seen someone so early here. Well while we wait for the others I can review your summer homework.

    Gabriela- Oh yea the homework, the one you assigned as advance prep for this course... (Mira su bulto y empieza a buscar el papel. Here it is!

    Prof. Harrison- (After reading the document for a couple of minutes) Umm hum aha hum... its quite creative! This is weird, I mean pretty creative work. I’ve seen since something like this since the one prepared by a last year honor student in this class.

    Gabriela- Who is he?

    Prof. Harrison- His name is James; in fact he’s coming today to take an exam. He wasn’t able to attend the final exam, but he such a good student that I gave him a break to take it the first day of class of the next semester. He’s should be here anytime.

    (Alguien toca la puerta)

    James- Good morning Mr. Harrison I’m here to take your exam.

    Prof. Harrison- Well hi, please take a seat while I look for the exam...

    (Varios estudiantes empiezan a entrar al salón)

    Prof. Harrison- (talking to the group) Every one, please take a seat and an index card to fill in your personal information.

    Gabriela-(pensando) I’m missing something here, why would the best student from last year miss the final exam? Was he sick or what?

    (Tratando de escoger donde sentarse, James se da cuenta que el sitio mas silencioso en el salón es al lado de Gabriela y se sienta junto a ella. Mr. Harrison le da el examen a James y empieza la clase; Gabriela empieza a toma notas como una loca, es decir como de costumbre)

    James- (In a very low voice in order not to interrupt the class) Hi, I’m James, I’m from Australia and you are?

    Gabriela-(Lo mira y sigue anotando y casi sin mirarlo a la cara le contesta) Hi my name is Gabriela but you can call me Gaby if you get confused.

    James- Nice to meet you… I’ll talk you later ok…

    Gabriela- Sure. (Pone mirada de felicidad)

    James- That will be great. (Getting back to his test)

    (La clase sigue, y se ve a todos los estudiantes tomando notas. En los últimos minutos de clase, mientras todos están recogiendo para la próxima clase, Mr. Harrison le pide a Gabriela que lo ayude a recoger la asignación que se asigno para el verano. Gabriela lo hace mientras piensa)

    Gabriela -Here we go again, the teacher’s pet

    Escena 2

    Al día siguiente del comienzo de clases, temprano en la mañana se ve a Gabriela sentada sobre su cama en su cuarto en el dormitorio de estudiantes. Como religiosamente ha hecho desde los ocho anos, escribe en su diario lo mas excitante del día anterior mientras habla sola, como siempre.

    Gabriela – (escribiendo) Que senda suerte tengo, es el primer día en la universidad y ya conocí alguien simpático. Espero que se convierta en un amigo con quien pueda compartir ya que aquí no conozco a nadie. Lo mejor es que es australiano... a mí me tripean los australianos... son bien amigables; por lo menos eso es lo que he visto en televisión.

    James (pensando) –Yeah, finally someone that won’t run away from me for just being a nerd, I think I’ll have a friend for once. I can’t wait to get to know her better, she seems nice and even better, and she’s pretty.

    Gabriela-(se sienta en las afueras de la cafetería en una mesa con sombrilla a ver si ve a James. Mientras tanto continua trabajando en sus asignaciones y comiendo a la misma vez) Espero que el hoy almuerce aquí, el me comento que almuerza aquí todos los días. Ah mira lo ahí.... ya había perdido las esperanzas.

    James- Hello gorgeous! How are you?

    Gabriela- I’m fine and you? (Lo da un beso en el cachete)

    James- (Con cara de sorprendido le dice) I’m cool... but what was the kiss in the cheek for? (Nota de la autora: el vive en su propio mundo y no sabe mucho de las diferentes culturas.)

    Gabriela- Hum, it’s just a way to say hi to you… You know Americans shake hands to say hi, but Puerto Ricans kiss ones cheek to say hi.

    James- Oh ok, so you’re from where again …?

    Gabriela- I’m from Puerto Rico, a small island in the Caribbean where people like, lets see, Ricky Martin and Tito Trinidad come from.

    James- Yeah, I have heard of that place, but I thought you people just spoke Spanish.

    Gabriela- You are wrong, I’m fully bilingual.

    James- Bilingual? What school did you go to?

    Gabriela- Cupeyville School in San Juan.

    James- I bet you got all the medals

    Gabriela-Not really, just physics and a special principals award on poetry.

    James-Physics and poetry, you are kind of weird.

    Gabriela-Not really, my dad prefers to say that I’m gifted; let me explain you. You know that physics is the study of forces and qualities of matter while poetry is the expression of beauty in the Universe therefore they are closely related.

    James-And then...

    Gabriela- (Poniendo cara de que se va a inspirar) Have you ever seen a sunset… (Deteniendo abruptamente la oracion dice) I’m sorry I was just going directly to a “gone moment” and once I go there it takes me a while to come back

    James- Don’t worry keep on.

    Gabriela-Forget it, I’ll tell you my theories one of these days…. So, how old are you and is it true you are from Australia?

    James- That’s right, I’m from Australia and I’m 20 years old. I’m an engineering student with a minor in astronomy.

    Gabriela- So this is your third year in college? (Piensa en su cabeza) que babykiller...

    James- Yeah, I’m just beginning my third year and what about you?

    Gabriela- This is my first year and by the way why did you end up taking a final exam the first day of classes.

    James- You are very curious. Well I like to write a lot in exams so I didn’t have enough time to finish the test so I asked the professor to give me a break. Since I got 100’s in the first three tests, Mr. Harrison decided that I deserved a break, but that it was going to be the first day of class of the next semester.

    Gabriela- Well that explains everything, I thought it was something serious like an accident or something. Hey are you good at math?

    James- Sure, of course I am.

    Gabriela- Oh bless you lord! Can you help me with some of these math problems of the design class?

    James- Let me guess, you want to work at NASA designing shuttles, right?

    Gabriela- You’ve got that right!

    James- Well you’re a lucky girl, I’m pretty good at these problems as well as most other things.

    Gabriela- (alegre pero a la vez pensando) This guy has a high self esteem... Cool! Well its time for my next class, can we meet here after school so you can continue helping me? We can stay here or you can follow me to the dorm where my apartment is.

    James- Oh sure, I don’t have a problem with that…See you later!

    Cuando los dos se van ellos dan un salto de alegría mira hacia atrás y siguen caminando en direcciones contrarias. Ellos dos se quedan pensando en la próxima vez que se van a ver y ella se queda pensando en que ropa se va a pone. Obviamente los dos están emocionados.

    Escena 3

    Unas horas después, cuando se acabo el día de clases como alas 4 de la tarde James esta esperando a Gaby en la mesa donde hablaron en el almuerzo. Gabriela llega.

    James- Hi again, are we going to stay here or not?

    Gabriela- It’s too crowded here, I can’t study with so much noise, lets go to my apartment.… (Empieza a caminar pero a la vez pensando) Espero que James no malinterprete su invitación.

    James- You know what Gaby, I’m glad I met you, otherwise it would have been another year without friends.

    Gabriela- (consolandolo pasandole la mano por el pelo) You poor thing, I’ve never thought you were so lonely, you seem to be a nice guy.

    James- Well, it’s very competitive around here, so nerds like me end up with very few friends. I hope you don’t end up hating me like the other students here. I lot of people say that I think I walk on water.

    (Le trata de agarrar la mano y Gaby lo esquiva. Siguen caminando al paso rápido de Gabriela)

    Gabriela- (A los pocos minutos de caminar lo mira y le dice) I don’t think I will end up hating you. It takes a weird girl like me to like a weird guy like you.

    James- Thanks, especially for the weird part.

    Acto 3: Escena 1

    Llegan al edificio donde se ubica el apartamento de Gaby. Ella entra primero al apartamento y James le sigue.

    James- (After giving a quick look to the apartment he says) Nice place you got here... (Once inside the apartment he says) Where are we going to study?

    Gabriela- Oh here in my small dining area. (Pone los libros encima de la mesa y abre el de matemáticas.) Is it ok with you that when you finish explaining me these problems, we continue with the rest of my homework? I’ll like for you to take a look at it, I want to make sure I have a good start at school.

    James- Sure, no problem, you know I’m good at everything… I mean forget that last part

    Gabriela- Ok well, look I started doing this problem (Senalando el problema con su dedo) and it didn’t turn out ok, I got confused when I had to use this symbol (Senalando el simbolo)

    James- OK lets see... (Mira el problema, lo analiza, lee que significa el símbolo, y lo analiza otra vez) Oh OK, I’ve got it. Ok take this number and this one and add them up, then take the result and multiply by this and finally apply the rule of the symbol you told me about and tada! You got the answer.

    Gabriela- Hey it worked thanks… (Los dos sonrien)

    Ellos siguen haciendo problemas y a la hora acaban. Finalmente empiezan a repasar las otras tareas. A las 6 de la tarde Gabriela empieza a preparar la cena para compartir con James mientras el se queda viendo televisión.

    Gabriela- Well dinner is ready, and believe it or not I did it myself... Its rice and beans with chicken.

    James- I didn’t know you were cooking dinner, I thought we were gonna get something delivered. (Takes the plate in his hands and begins eating) This is good, very good, thanks.

    Gabriela- Thanks. I appreciate your kindness, but I’m sure it’s not that good.

    James- May I be honest with you…?

    Gabriela- Ok, tell me the truth about my cooking. And by the way, thanks for helping me in math, it was really nice of you.

    James- No problem, ok here’s my point; I like you very much. I have never seen such a beautiful girl before… (Le toma la mano y para sorpresa de Gaby la besa en la boca y a la vez llega al punto que trata de tirarse Gaby)

    Gabriela- (Queda en shock y se da cuenta de las intenciones de James y lo para molesta) Ok stop… I asked your opinion about my cooking. It seems this idea of studying in my apartment wasn’t a good idea alter all. I think you over exaggerated the point of being honest… Let’s just pretend the part after the kiss never happened. I think its time for you to go.

    James- But Gaby, you can’t runaway from a man that is trying to express his love to a woman.

    Nota del autor : People get the point that he has fallen in love.

    Gabriela- It’s just that I’ve had bad experiences with men; I don’t want that to happen again, so it’s better not to rush things. I don’t want end up again hating the man I used to love.

    James- Gaby, forget the past, this love doesn’t have to do anything with the past. But I get your point, you are right, lets not rush things, I’m sorry about every thing. I shouldn’t even have kissed you without telling you. Besides we have known each other for a very short time.

    Gabriela- Its ok; the important thing here is that you have accepted your mistake and that I have to change my attitude once and for all. Lets take things one step at the time.

    James- I better go. (Se siente avergonzado por lo que ha hecho)

    Gabriela- You don’t have to go, but you know the rules; besides it’s still early and even if you don’t want to admit it I can help you with your history of engineering homework. I love history.

    James- OK. Hey you’ve got a small porch there, cool. (Walks toward the porch and sits in a rocking chair.)

    Gabriela- Oh yea that, since I moved here I have used it to watch the moon every day. (Se sienta al lado de él.)

    James- Cool. So tell me your story…

    Gabriela- Ok, I like penguins, tigers, the color teal and lavender, I’m shy, and my friends call me ‘psycho’ because I’m a very disciplined person, I never stop working toward my goals, no matter how tired I am. Also I like to write a lot especially poems, I paint, I play the guitar and I like all types of food and cars, especially sport cars. And what about you?

    James- Wow, that’s a lot, you are certainly a full time job. Well from my part I like cars, writing, the color red, I’m consider myself quite friendly but shy, and also I consider myself a psycho for the same reasons you do. Finally I play the guitar too.

    Gabriela- Cool… (El viento sopla y Ella tiene frio y empieza a temblar) Man, I’m freezing.

    James- Here, take my jacket.

    Gabriela- Thanks; you know in spite of what happened back there I still like you.

    James- I like you too.

    Gabriela- (Apuntando hacia la luna) Isn’t it pretty?

    James- Yes, but I know someone that is even prettier that the moon.

    Gabriela- Who? (Con cara de que ya sabe la contestación)

    James- You

    Gabriela- Really? Thanks. (Lo besa en la boca) Um I’m sorry it wasn’t my intention. (Se levanta de la silla, baja la cabeza y se va diciéndose a si misma) Man, what am I doing, I’m gonna confuse this guy

    James- It’s ok. Don’t worry, we are even now. I think we have become more than just friends. (La va a besar otra vez)

    Gabriela-(Moviendo la cabeza para que el beso caiga en el cachete pero se le va la mano y los labios de James terminan en el pelo de Gabriela) Oh I think we better get back to work, its getting late. Also I have some dessert.

    James- Dam it! I mean sure… (Mirando al cielo como buscando que alguien aclare su confusión)

    Al terminar de comer el postre deciden continuar el trabajo y a las 10 de la noche terminan

    Gabriela- Wow I didn’t think we were ever going to finish, it’s the longest first days of school I have ever had.

    James- Yea I agree, all of this hard work has made me sleepy…

    Empieza a bostezar mientras se hecha para atrás en la mecedor y cierra los ojos. Pasan varios minutos y se duerme.

    Gabriela- Oh my, he must be really exhausted...

    Gaby toma una frisa de su closet, la pone en el piso y trata de acomodar mejor a James en el la mecedora. Cuando logra acomodarlo empieza a recoger los libros, apaga las luces y se va a dormir en su cuarto poniendo el seguro en la puerta por si acaso.

    Gabriela- Good night my friend.

    Escena 2

    Nota del autor: No se preocupen la novela no será así de romántica el resto del tiempo.

    Septiembre 8, 1998- Ayer tuve el mejor día de universidad, aunque estuvo lleno de asignaciones. Tuve la oportunidad de hablar un rato con james y definitivamente nos conocimos mejor. Yo creo que le caí bien.

    James’ diary-I couldn’t sleep thinking about last night, man I’m scared because I don’t remember anything else that we did last night. Well since I hit my head with the table I think that affected me. I don’t want any trouble with she’s a nice girl and the thing is I just wanted a nice friendship. I went way over my head. I can’t take it anymore I’ve got to ask her.

    Gabriela le prepara el desayuno a James y comen juntos. También deciden conversar.

    Gabriela- Good morning sleepy head; how are you?

    James- What happened? (Se toca la cabeza) Ouch my head… Oh hi good morning, I’m fine.

    Gabriela- Your head hurts because you were so tired your head got hit by the table and I had to move you to the sofa.

    James- Did I do that? Sorry I often do that when I’m tired. Who did I get to the couch? Did you move me? Wow you’re strong.

    Gabriela- Yep. One word exercises.

    James- So the question of the day did we you know… um do anything other that kissing…? (Apunta hacia Gaby y mueve la mano apuntando y lo hace el muchas veces)

    Gabriela- No… other that homework… nothing else.

    James- Oh thank god! (hace un gesto de alivio)

    Gabriela- Let me guess you thought that I was desperate to be like all the other girls that aren’t virgins in university… and you couldn’t sleep because you were thinking that we did it and you might have left me pregnant. Man you’re totally wrong in so many ways.

    James- Coincidence, you just read my mind. Ok that’s strange, then why aren’t you so desperate?

    Gabriela- No rush on ruining my life, my career and my virginity. Also I like being original, unique and special and no there isn’t anything in my life that says peer pressure is controlling my brain. I’m an anti- peer presurrerist, so that means that I’m not like the other girls.

    James- There you go again, reading my mind. What a relief! And I like that in a girl some uniqueness and rules on life.

    Gabriela- Thanks, finally some one understand my madness.

    James le dio las gracias por cuidarlo a Gabriela y se fueron a sus clases. Desde ese día an sido amigos y finalmente decidieron ser novios.

    Acto 4: Escena 1

    Graduation day at the University of Maryland’s Auditorium.

    Mayo 19, 2004-Hoy me graduó de universidad y me vio con mi novio a NASA para empezar el entrenamiento. Espero que me acepten en la entrevista.

    James’ diary-Yeah Gaby is going to work with me!

    Gabriela- Hi, good afternoon everyone, is the interview man here?

    Mr. Interview man- Yes come in, I have been waiting for you.

    Gabriela- Did I arrive late?

    Mr. Interview man- No, you aren’t, may I see your resume?

    Gabriela- Yes, here you go.

    Mr. Interview man- (Lee en silencio) Impressive, very interesting… this is unusual in the NASA, but you seem good you’re hired.

    Gabriela- Thanks… Were do I go to get the information?

    Mr. Interview man- My boss’ office.

    Gabriela- Ok can you show me were it is?

    Mr. Interview man- Oh sure, follow me.

    Gabriela- (Toca la puerta) Hello is the boss here?

    Boss- Yes, let me guess you are the new designer of the shuttles, welcome aboard.

    Gabriela- Thanks. They guy that interviewed me told me that you could get me assigned an office and my first design work.

    Boss- Oh yes, here are your papers. Please follow me to your desk.

    (Pasa el rato)

    Boss- Ok were here. Good luck.

    Gabriela- Thanks. Now let’s see. (Piensa y coje ideas y empiezan a dibujar)

    Pasan los días.

    Gabriela- Done! I will call it the Star Link space shuttle.