• I love one of my best friends and well idk if he is gay or bi anymore i have no clue. he is taken by an a*****e of an guy who has cheated on him so many times. and im tired of seeing his heart broke the way it is all the time. this guy was gonna cheat on him again and someone tried to tell my guy friend he got mad and didn't believe them. then things got worse during the Christmas concert him and and another one of our friends we're playing around and stuff and this whole week he had been trying to guess who i liked that had Dark brown hair styled medium long and a slant hazel eyes and was taller than me and he couldn't get it he guessed every fricken person except himself and i was like c'mon! so that night before we arrived he asked if it was him and i go no cause i was scared. then after we sang in the chorus it was just the girls turn and i saw him looking at us and i got all shaky and nervous i had never felt like this before with anyone! so afterwards he goes u know u looked kinda shaky and i go no heh heh so as he kept guessing we stood in front of our class picture w/ out older gal friend and i come up behind him rest my chin on his shoulder and hold him and go think logy think he is right next to me in that pic he has a brown hoodie and looks just like you and he still didn't get it and then our friend goes c'mon who is the one person in this world that looks just like you it took him forever and when he finally got it he goes ur lying to me it is me and i say n...n..n..ooo and he goes just tell me is it then as we take off down the hall he goes to run after kaylie and i grab him and bend trying to pull him to me and i look at him and he goes tell me so i did and he smiled and i let go of him and he took off and i didn't see him the rest of the night so i got worried scared that he hated me. and the next day he goes nothing is gonna change i promise. and then a few months down the road start to fall in love with him i mean head over heels in love. his smile makes me melt his laugh makes me laugh. his eyes i fall into. and i don't want to i hate it that im in love with him knowing he could never love me back. it sucks! then when i tell him that he goes I've known for awhile only tell your true friends ur secrets some idiot told him! and he goes nothing has changed has it i go no. and he goes there's ur answer.. then a few more months and he gets cheated figures the guy h's dating is weird idk what he see's in him besides him humor...he's ugly as fricken sin!!! (and logan if ur looking at this im sorry! but it's fricken true!) then everything goes down hill we fight and stuff so bad the one day i broke down in class bawling.then after i figured out what he needed everything was better. but still even before that it's like he doesn't trust me anymore. i mean unlike at the beginning him and i used to be the best of friends we could tell each other everything so do you guys think it was a mistake telling him how i felt. i miss what we used to have. i miss the old him before his bf before our fight before i told him i loved him and always will. this sucks help me plz?!?!?!