• "This is a dog that you will keep forever. Never let him go" It was Christmas 2006, I had only asked for a puppy. I woke up that Christmas morning to a big surprise. I saw a dog crate and ran right up to it. On there was a note, "Your dad will take you to get a dog one day. Take care of it, Santa." I knew it wasn't Santa who wrote it but I was still happy. I had forgotten about all my other presents. The next few days flew by, I couldn't stop thinking about a puppy I would pick out on my own. It was four days after Christmas Day, time for puppy. We went to a local pet store and looked at the dogs up for adoption. We came upon this one cage, puppies whining and huddling together like a true pack. They were all barking and together except one. We saw the runt who was part pitbull part chihuahua and I carried it. It was the quietest dog I've seen. My dad smiled at it and I carried it around the store for a while. He was part of the "PB&J Crew" since he had brown and white splotches. I decided to take him and my dad filled out some paper work. I immediately decided his name was Ollie. Of course like any puppy, Ollie was car sick. We got home and my dad told me to act like I didn't find the right one. I walked into the house with the crate facing away from everyone's face. I walked saggingly to my room and slammed the door. Then I heard my mom and sister say "awwww, how cute!" So I went back into the living room. He was the one thing that has made me the happiest. He was active, happy, healthy, funny, and mine. He was the one thing that belonged to me in my whole life. He made me get good grades. I had taught him to sit, stand, heel, dance, talk, and even run on command. Local people at my apartment residence had seen the dog--you aren't allowed to have one until you pay $4,000. They told on us. We got a warning to get the dog off the premises or they would call the dog pound and have it put down. I didn't think they were serious so I let it fly off my mind. Things were going great...until July 15th--my birthday. My dad got me the worst present ever. An empty crate. No, not another dog. Try....no dog at all. I was heartbroken and thought it was too girly to cry. But, I ran into my room, slammed the door, locked it, and sat on my bed..crying. I was hostile for a full three months. I felt like commiting suicide often. Ollie's presence still lives on today, he will never be forgotten. Especially not by me.