• I never really thought about being bullied. I just knew that when it happened to someone else it was funny. I liked to go on with it, laughing at them. Then, one day, I knew what it was like. It was second grade, first semester. There were groups of kids like they were in middle school: nerds, popular, fat, tall, short, "stupid", and then me. I was my own group. Nobody wanted to have anything to do with me. They'd leave me out of things and when I got paired up with them for kickball they'd throw me around like a doll. Sometimes I felt like a doll, and at times I was even called a doll. Nobody thought I was useful, and they stayed clear from me. One day, I even got a shoe thrown at my face, pushed off a swing, thrown into the wall, yelled at, sent to the principle for being bullied, and called everything in a second grader's vocabulary. Most days I even pretended to have a fever, just to stay home from school. In second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade I missed 70+ days of school...each grade. Nobody ever left down the fact that I was mute, silent, retarded, and "not human". They just wanted to fit in. Still, to this day, I get bullied. Nobody wants to be around me. Seventh grade was the only year since second grade that I missed less than 20 days. I didn't want my theory to be right, but maybe I am different. Isn't different good, though? No, not in my eyes. Or any teenagers eyes. I want to change. I want to not be "mute." I don't feel like being the laughingstock of the school. I want to fit in. But, once again, what is normal? I don't think anyone knows. I just know it's not me. And, it probably never will be me. How will I grow up? Poor, unhealthy, homeless, wife/girlfriendless, unable to go to a restraunt by myself? What will happen to me? Sometimes I think the only way out of this is suicide. I can't just go to school one day and talk. No. Something bad will happen. They'll laugh. They'll still be afraid of me. What do I have to do to be normal?