• I am so sick of being "that girl." I want to be "Danie, the girl that has such a bubbly personality I don't know what to do with her!" Why does it have to be me that can't talk to anyone? Why me? Why do I constantly feel out of place, staring off in my fantasy world, where I'm the pretty one that everyone is in love with? My pen and paper are the ones I can talk to always. But I ALWAYS feel out of place, what with how I act, how people treat me, and my stupid home life. I hate going home, I never know what to expect. After school programs, sitting out in front of the school, sleepovers, and other things save me from it though. That's why at my old school, I had detention, all of the time. I don't like how I've turned out. I almost hate myself. Why can't I be pretty, graceful, popular, and what did I do to deserve to be so criticized by my own family? I didn't know what to do when I moved schools, besides try to befriend as many people as possible. I want to be normal. But, how can I, I mean, I'm me...